Only have unattractive hobbies (anime, Jow Forums, vidya, jerking off to porn, heroin)

>only have unattractive hobbies (anime, Jow Forums, vidya, jerking off to porn, heroin)
guess i'll stay alone forever

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When was this considered a hobby?

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
"her hobbies are reading and gardening"

But you sleep and eat too right? Girls find that pretty attractive.

"One of these things is not like the other..."


anime and vidya are not necessarily unattractive depending on the girl.
Why wouldn't you want a girl who you can share your hobbies with?
heroin is a definitive deal breaker though. Stop that shit at once!

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>anime and vidya are not necessarily unattractive depending on the girl.
Yeah maybe if you have a chad-tier face to go along with said hobbies

Nigger, you aren't supposed to do heroin. Save that for peacedul ODing.

This unironically. There are plenty of slightly below average (weird face but not fat) girls who are into anime or video games, or the dream is for her to be into them but have no friends into it.

Ween yourself off by eating opium before it's too loate