What is the most alpha thing you have ever done?

>a girl looked in my direction and I posted about it on fit

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>Cought a girl staring at me doing my laps

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Fucked a bloke and i'm not even gay.

Got completely blacked out and my friends lost me and I ended up in a sorority house with two girls I’ve never met before in the bed I was in.

I ran out before any of them woke up

I mooned a trucker.

My ex cheated on my so I fucked her friends.

3 girls came to talk to me in high school, told them to fuck off
8/10 asked me out, I said I was bored and didn't go
Girls used to like me in high school, too bad I'm in an engineering school now and their standards seem to have gone way higher, even though I look much better nowadays and started lifting 18 months ago.

Called someone a Manlet on Jow Forums

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It's a tie between turning down sex with an attractive female while single, and cucking a low test beta male. You will feel like a king if you do either of them. Ultimate power over women is rejecting a hot one who wants to fuck, ultimate power over men is taking his girl and making her scream your name.

When i was little there were a couple of limestone bricks.
My friends leg got stuck and they started to fall.
So, i held the one on top of his leg until another friend came back with adults (which seemed like an eternity).
I also speedblitzed a doberman for a couple hundred meters in elementary.
This fucker was loitering while his owner was down the street (2 or 3 blocks) in a bar.
And me and my girlfriend had a kid when she was 18 and i was 24 (the alpha part is her age, you jelly mofo's)

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Digits confirm

I've shut down numerous girls who made advances. One of them had a miniature temper tantrum and stomped her foot. (little do they know, I only did it because I'm shy)

>ultimate power over men is taking his girl and making her scream your name

sup brad

you format like a retard

>be drunk
>ugly fat girls tires to hook with me
>too drunk to realize what is happening
>think i'm hooking with some norwegian chick i met earlier
>notice it's not norwegian qt
>puke on the fat ugly girl
>360 degree and walk out
feels fucking alpha man

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>Saved some dude and his gf from a drunk, irate Turk.
>Saved a blonde girl from an Arab boxer and his rapist friend on the subway.
>Beat up a East Euro streetfighter whose hobbies included semi-professional arm wrestling and breaking people's orbital bones
>Got knocked out as a kid (~14) because I saved a pal from a Polish huge 12th grader
>Pulled the "take me and leave him alone" card when a group of adult Turks wanted to beat up another pal oif mine. We were 12.
As you may have guessed I'm German. Got a lap dance from the guys gf in the first story, nothing more. Also got accused of being racist a lot.

Also, I am over 30.

>360 degree
so you walked into her? Idiot


I'm not retarded, i'm special!

troled, i presume?


Germany is such a mystical place

>Approach woman in bar
>I'm bigger than the guy shes talking to
>Talk her up
>Guy gets upset, says he was 'here first' or something
>"Oh, I thought you were her little brother."
>Girl nearly spits her drink back in the glass.
>Don't move, he has no response
>Continue conversation as if he isn't there, he walks back to his table of friends.



>Say fuck you to the modern world
>Buy 1/4 section of land at 21
>Build off-grid house at 23
>First child born this year
>Will be debt free in under five years
>Live that comfy life hobby farming and making gains

This is either a troll or a Newfaggity McFagfag

being mean isn’t alpha

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how new are you that you don’t know calling out the 360 meme is a meme in itself?

Jesus Europe is such a big shithole


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Taking what you want from a lesser male is alpha. It is yours.

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>be me
>on holiday
>bar crawl
>get peg that means i have to get wrecked
>get wrecked handcuffed to a blonde Dutch 9/10
>go back to hers
>her bff comes into room drunk bj's me under the sheets seconds after sex with her bff
>fuck her next while snogging dutch qt

Was 17, never had a threesome since

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are you baiting me with your post?

I have been browsing since 2016, hardly a new-fag, /u/user

Then stop acting new.

a real alpha raises his fellow men up and shows them the way. feeling the need to humiliate others is a sign of insecurity and emotional immaturity.


Edit: thanks for the gold!

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90% of the time I am helping my friends and even strangers improve, in the gym or socially. But if a guy I do not know is between me and what I want I will move him out of the way.
Now who's baiting?

that’s more understandable then. I feel as though those who enjoy humiliation for sport are some of the least respectable people you can find. As long as you’re not one of them, then that’s okay.

I’m just joking around user

>group of girls come into my work
>shooting the shit, being a bit snarky and flirty
>mention that i smoke cigs
>she says something stupid like “those are bad 4u!!”
>i say something snarky like “wait... really!!?? shit man thanks for telling me”
>her friends all laugh
>she’s butthurt
>i ring them up, she gives me her number

are you 12

>me being beta as fuck
>finally have some balls to hire a prostitute
>take off my clothes
>bitch start giving compliments
>don't believe shit, its part of her work
>cum after 2 min
>asked bitch how much its
>bitch says nothing, gave me her number and ask me to have a date
>don't called her
>few weeks before visit same bar
>another prostitute shows up
>we end up fuckin
>asked her how much it is
>says nothing
>told me that she charge 180 dlls but with me was the exception
>she saw me the other night that i left with the other whore
>she tried very hard to make eye contact with me (because autism)
>gave me her number and asked for a date too

Wtf, i wasn't prepared for that, i felt like the prostitute in both situations, i was prostituzoned or some shit like that. Im not sure it was an alpha thing, it was weird.

But what if the guy IS what you want?

Yeah, i saw this today on 'shit that never happened' too.

I have no experience in that area, you'll have to ask someone else.

Literally a newfag

Been Jow Forums 3 years, 4 chan for 7.
The only insults I ever get here are people making wild, incorrect assumptions. Keep going, lets see how many times in a row you can be wrong.

Still sounds pretty beta

Keep it up Ubermensch

>go to club for third time ever with some buddies
>chilling on the second floor, looking down at the dance floor and swaying with the music
>turn and about to head downstairs
>a couple girls sitting at a table calls out
>"hey, come have a smoke with us"
>sperg the fuck out
>mutter "sorry, I don't smoke"
>go back downstairs walking as fast as possible

I never thought I had the autism until that moment.

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Held my dump in while I make this post even though it is turtle heading out of my bunghole.

>get peg that means i have to get wrecked
We believe you user

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exactly user. theres two kinds of alpha personality types, good and bad.

Easy to differentiate a Brad from a Chad, Chads mindset isn't about trying to prove himself or get off on hurting others, he is into things you should be, when he speaks to you you immediately want to be into whatever it is Chad is into because it's the best thing ever. Chad doesn't try to get girls, girls approach him, he merely has to talk to a qt and she's under his spell. Brad on the otherhand needs validation, he has mother issues and his thought process is more like that of a women, he needs to get something over someone to prove himself, he sees Chad and wants to fuck Chad over but Chad isn't thinking like Brad, Chad just sees the girl he is with as a possession in the here and now, there's always another equally as fascinating and unique qt out there for him to talk to whenever he chooses so Brad is powerless against him.

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partied with my friends and was still able to function somewhat after a night of booze and weed while everyone else was lying in their puke

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yes. don’t tell my mom i’m on here pls

I told my Ex wife I could get her female friend to cheat on her bf and join my Ex and I for a 3some.

I delivered that very night.

Ex was still my wife at time. I kept everything after divorce. Now fucking a 21 year old qt.3.14 and I'm 37.

A chick I like bought me a doughnut when we were studying together. I like to pretend that we're gonna fuck in the library bathroom

it did but i left out that she was a low 6 at best


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Hi Satan

Nice Post Keep it Up Fellow Oldfag, Jow Forums Was SOO much better before the reddit cucks

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You got coloured pegs when you entered the club and each colour was assigned to do something threw out the night. You never been to Benidorm?

Day of the rope

.t the ex bf


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Good choice user. Smoking is bad for you

I want your life

Dude youre beyond newfag, youre ultra cancer. Im from 2008 and Im still considered a newfag.


There was 4 empty seats in front of me on the bus and a girl sat next to me. I'm not even that big I'm just 6'

made eye contact with a GILF at costco for a whole second before looking down

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>Well played!

Exactly user, it’s very amusing to see Bradposters posting Brad-tier activities and thinking they’re Chads

from that day forth, he was known in the local bar as mogman

>trigger chick on politics on social media
>she's a commie
>she'a a friend of a friend
>go to meet said friend
>she's there also
>be funny make jokes
>she changes from slyly bitchy to laughing at my jokes
>leaves as good friends
Not alpha really, but social skills

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the only non newfag here


Please adopt me

>fling with my coworker
>blows me in the car on our first date
>next day we bang at her appartment
>went 3 rounds with her
>afterwords she takes me across the street and buys me brunch at a fancy breakfast place
>take a nap together and then go to work
>get text that night saying how much fun it was and that she has bruises from that day

She litterly treated me like a king and I threw it away because she had a ton of red flags. Looking back I wonder what it would have been like If i tried to keep things going longer than just a two week fling

>his most alpha thing involves being with a woman, not rejecting one
You've completely missed the point. Maybe you'll figure it out some day.

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>Have qt3.14 get on her knees
>put both hands on side of her head
>face fuck her hard for 10 minutes
>bust nut down her throat, she swallows it all and keeps sucking for a minute afterwards
>she has spit dripping all the way down her chest from the face fucking
>she says that was the hottest blowjob she has ever given and thanks me for it

felt pretty fucking alpha after that one

This reminds me of pic related abo poem that some brit kids had to do for a test and one user said it read like a greentext story.

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>not cockslapping the commie bitch immediately on sight
>thinks he's alpha

>fucked a girl multiple times while she had a boyfriend
>she leaves her bf and starts hanging out with me more and we fuck a lot
>never ask her out because shes a thot
>she gets annoyed that Im not officially asking her out and also mad about some other stuff
>her ex is still madly in love with her and always calls her
>stops seeing me, goes back to the guy I cucked
>now Im kinda sad that I dont have that easy access to pussy anymore
cant tell who got cucked in this scenario desu

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definitely not you user. You didn't date the roastie and you got a bunch of sex. Just got to find another girl now

I know but I think I lowkey caught some feelings because Im a pussy when it comes to girls that give me attention

I was the same way. After a few girls like that who are bad people you will likely get better at it. downside is when girls who are good people like me I fall head over heels now.

A girl flirted with me and I said “no thanks”
My friend asked if I wanted a drink and I said “no”

thanks user, I hope youre right

the question is what kind of laps.
running: the virgin
swimming: the chad

absolutely made it

Took a guys girlfriend to see a music show,
he got drunk while we were out,
we got back to their place to party,
he got in my face
I knocked his faggot ass out
fucker her in their bed

Alpha af

>be /o/tist faggot
>see grill with polo stopped with flat tyre walking around nerviously
>she literally begs me to help chaning her flat tyre
>kinda faggy but ask her number and get it despite being creep
>didnt call her
who /devilish/ here

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also i did change it obviously
>inb4 le ebin manly man

Ask her out?? How old are you 15?