Gotta figure out major

are econ and business really low tier?

Attached: major.jpg (1069x1107, 149K)

why would you come to a board filled with dropouts and the uneducated to get advice on what major you should decide?
if you care about your career, gtfo off of my board
if you want something fulfilling, do what you want. nothing i can help you with

Unless you're getting a degree for purely monetary reasons, there's not much of a reason to stress about which degree you're pursuing. Don't let some faggots on a board dissuade you in pursuing what you like

Where's library science?

>he fell for the uni meme
$40k for some brainwashing and a worthless piece of paper

Attached: 1527313887902.jpg (1200x858, 110K)

>everything else not listed
being a librarian must be comfy as fuck though, especially on low user counts

Enjoy mopping the floor of your local mall while I climb the corporate ladder.

Enjoy climbing a superficial corporate ladder while I NEET and contemplate the values of life

>tfw molecular genetics
Is there hope for me bros?

underrated life stance desu senpaitachi