Lifting for 2 years

>lifting for 2 years
>still have 14 inch dyel twig arms


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that's awful man, what have you been doing?

don't tell me you fell for that "compounds are enough for arms" bullshit

do some fucking curls skelly


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do you actually aim to progress these isolation exercises? how much progress have you made on your curl and tricep extension variations in these 2 years? are you eating a calorie surplus?

I went from curling 8kg dumbbells to 17.5kg. Went from 70kg to 82kg bodyweight.

bitch weight for bitch arms

How much do I need to curl to get > 14 inch arms?

Blood restriction training my friend

at least double that

I have never seen anyone curl 35kg dumbbells

you absolutely don't need to dumbbell curl 80lbs to surpass 14 inch arms, nor will most people ever dumbbell curl that amount with anything resembling proper form

that should be enough for some decent bicep development if your form is good and you're doing high reps and a lot of volume

How does this happen? I went from 12 inch arms to 15 in my first 9 months lifting. I focused much of my training on arms.

I feel for you OP, if you’re really training and eating right.

Holy shit are you the guy I see at the gym almost every day that hasn't progressed at anything?

>Do low volume lower body lifts with some low volume chest work

Why are my arms so small?

Can concentration curl 30kg

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if you want to reach your maximum potential you have to treat it like a main lift and progress it as such, and that's easier done with a barbell/ez curl bar

Yep. I'm that guy. The same guy who hasn't progressed on his bench for a year.

how much calories are you eating, work doesn't stop at the gym

Not him but I gained 45 pounds in my first year of lifting, still have 12 inchers. 6’2 200

Are you afraid of eating or something?

Well kind of yeah. At my current weight of 82kg I'm pretty fat. Probably close to 20% bf. I gained most of my weight in the first year.

you guys wasted your time by not eating lol

extremely unimpressive arm for curling that amount of weight, literally just a fatcep

Why eat when I'm already pretty fat? Why cut when I have hardly any muscle?

ding ding ding there we have it faggot

that's your problem

you have fallen into the classic trap of being too fat to be able to eat enough, what you need to do is cut down to like 10-12% and put yourself in a position where you can comfortably eat a small surplus (a small one, like, gain no more than 0.5-1% of your bodyweight per month) for most of the year with occasional short duration aggressive cuts to get you from no more than 15-17% back down to 10-12%

I weigh 12 stone

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nevermind, just god awful lighting on that first picture then


being a 5'5" manlet short stumps must make it easy to curl higher weights
I have 18" arms and can use 45s for a good pump, probably not able to get 30 kg on concentrations. One arm of mine is longer than your whole body though, so there's a lever disadvantage

You look good, post more pics

Wtf, I do 3 seconds on the eccentric motion, high reps while only using 10kg and I got from 13 inches to 17 inchers in less than 6 months. wtf u been doing?

I weight 12 stone too!

But you would mog the shit out of my flab belly