Holy shit, my psychiatrist suggested that if meds keep on failing, I should strongly consider electroconvulsive therapy aka getting your brain zapped.
Anyone here with experience on this matter?
Holy shit, my psychiatrist suggested that if meds keep on failing, I should strongly consider electroconvulsive therapy aka getting your brain zapped.
Anyone here with experience on this matter?
ECT has long lasting effects, esp on memory. Before considering it, ask about (and do a little research on) ketamine+TMS. More promising, less harmful side effects. Insurance should cover it in the case of a person who's failed multiple first line meds.
If your psych won't investigate this with you and insists on ECT, find another psych.
I mean assuming you're talking about depression. But I don't know what else they do ECT for.
How old are you? Pills never work btw.
Have you tried exercise?Pls respond
>listening to the mind jew
hug Noose-chan
i did this a few times in med school. a few of the patients had it done multiple times- they said it worked out pretty well, at least at first. the fact that they needed repeat therapy makes me a bit wary.
The brain is still works in a rather mysterious way.
There are a few reported cases of how head accidents turned an average at best person into a
genius without any other negative side effects.
I have always dreamt of hitting my head and the next day I would wake up, my mind would be crystal clear, taking in information like a black hole.
The hospital here definitely only offers ECT and it seems they like using this method.
TMS is rather unfavorable here in this region, only used for study reasons.
It only helps temporary and I do not have the motivation and energy to keep on doing exercise.
Have done bodyweight exercises regularly at the beginning of this year, 2 months and then abruptly lost any incentive to keep doing it.
>I do not have the motivation and energy to keep on doing exercise.
You sound like a whiny bitch. Nothing will help you because you refuse to get off the couch and do something with your life.
t. someone who has actually overcome depression
I've had both ECT and TMS. Neither worked especially well but ECT did cause symptoms to subside for a bit.
Heavy exercise and no medication turned out to be the solution for me.
You never have had depression to begin with then.
Projection. You were a lazy fuck who did nothing and will always be nothing. Biology is complex, brainlet. There are 100s of reasons why OP has low energy and you jump to assumptions. Back to facebook failed normie.
Depression is a first world illness. Learn to embrace some of your animal traits and you won't be depressed (eat well, exercise, socialize properly, etc)
>body weight exercises
Lift some fucking weights, it feels good and GIVES you energy
ECT is for lifers. You will be zogged for a few days afterwards. It makes you basically unemployable. You might get a sight rebound high after you come out of it, but you will have to go back soon enough. And lose another 3 days. Someone in your family will have to take care of you.
It is a pretty shitty life.
Yes. Lift weights. This is the answer. Read the book Starting Strength and get a trainer to teach you the core lifts. The power of strength training to help fight depression will surprise you.
i have experienced it. it actually works. you have to do a few sessions though. find a good clinic. take care
I had this treatment. It worked for me OP. Like other anons in this thread said it does have long lasting effects on memory but for me my memory hasn't changed significantly.
In what ways did it work for you guys?
You suddenly felt good and had energy to do things?
My doctor suggested it and my mom keeps trying to talk me into doing it, but it really gives me the creeps...
Your mom is keeping you sick, 100% garetee this
Yes. I felt better suddenly and I realized that I'd been depressed and that it was possible to not be depressed. That was the real value of ECT.
How long ago did you do it? How many sessions? Have you been better since then?
I didn't suddenly feel good and it didn't give me anymore energy it just made my suicidal thoughts go away while I was receiving the treatments.
If your psych recommended a lobotomy, would you do it?
Sometimes you gotta realize doctors are absolutely full of shit and just want to get paid, not to actually help.
16 sessions of unitemporal ECT. 3x a week for 5 weeks. Outpatient at University of Washington, Seattle. Spring 2002.
It worked but I relapsed. I had some memory issues but they got better with time. I also did TMS after that in a clinical trial at the University. It didn't help a whole lot. I got frustrated and stopped taking meds. Within a couple weeks I felt much better. Now they put warnings on the meds to warn people that they, ironically, can make people suicidal.
I'm much better now: successful, married, kid. Nobody would guess I had issues with depression. I lift weights regularly. It's the best thing ever. I also moved to a sunny climate. It makes a difference.
There is hope, but it's hard to believe that there is. I remember how that felt.
>I'm much better now: successful, married, kid.
good for you, now get off my fucking board normalfag
In the end I just want to fall asleep without waking up again.
I'd wish they offer this treatment some day.
just do a dose of shrooms, face yourself, unfuck your shit
My great uncle had really bad depression to the point he was catatonic (I first thought he was schizophrenic but father is adamant it's depression).
Only electroshock therapy helped him, had it done on him twice and since then he has been actually normal. However, mental healthcare is not progressed in my country and it's still a stigma, so I don't know, maybe somewhere else they would have had a nicer alternative to electroshock therapy
I think you should do a lot of research on it first. If I was in your position I'd want to do it it seems effective and most of the side effects are temporary. Make your own decision though and definitely question everything us retards and your therapist say.
I've tried that one before and it just fucked my shit up even further
When I worked at a mental hospital I was shocked(lol) to hear they actually do this, but the RN said it was a "normal thing" so I dunno. It could help you