Sledgehammer training

Does anyone have any experience with this? Does it work? I've got an old tire already. Thinking of picking up a 16lb hammer to get a little extra arm workout in when I'm not at the gym.

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Bumping for interest

You'd be better off getting a kettlebell or something less of a meme

But with a kettleball you don't have the long handle to choke or ease up on the weight. I can increase or decrease the burden on my arms or shoulders based upon adjusting the momentum balance on the handle.

>Does it work

Yeah, depending on your goals. It’s really just a novel fun way to workout. If you’re trying to get big though I suggest lifting weights

>that guy that hammers a tire by the squat rack

I dont get it, there are exercises that have been done close to 100 years that yield results.
why not do those ? why is that everyone tries to reinvent the wheel and do some meme shit that is different to well established shit ?
what is the motivation behind this ?

went to HS with this guy whoooaaaaaa


If you're going to be "that" guy at the gym just fucking kill yourself

Attached: autism.jpg (480x360, 17K)

No it's fun and I like it

>OP says "get a little extra arm workout in when I'm not at the gym."
Read the thread bitch

Its just cardio. If its fun, do it.

Good for back, shoulders, grip (using a normal one) and core but not sure if it works your biceps and trips, also if you want to save money just buy a normal sledgehammer and grab it from bottom to make it "heavier"

there's a giant tire and a sledgehammer next to the squat rack at my gym kek

it's good for explosiveness. like if you do boxing.

it's gonna make you strong for sure.

Fuck sledgy training at a gym. Ive had days of slugging out pivot pins out of log loaders at my work, and after a while of doing that with a 20 pounder, i get that much arm pump that i can barely close my hands and the fucker flies out occaisionally.

Lol i dont wanna get jaid for accidentally sending a sledgehammer through a peron haha

They think it looks cool basically.

Nigga sledgy workouts have been a thing for fucking hundreds of years too. If newer is your definition of meme than every machine in your average gym is a meme.

This! I love shovelglove. Just like the program says, there’s really no “program” in particular. Just swing a sledgehammer around like a madman for 15 minutes . I don’t do it anymore. But it was my first workout and it will probably be my last workout when I’m an old man. I liked to do it after dinner.

I've been working it into our Staff PT because it seems to help relieve some of the stress across our young Officers...for obvious reasons.

It's not an arm workout. It's mostly back and core, focusing on your obliques or your abs depending on if you're swinging overhead or laterally.

You want to use an 8-10 pound sledge, really no heavier. It's about doing it faster, continuously, to build power and endurance.