Snap City here I come!

Snap City here I come!

Attached: 1514752695726.webm (640x640, 2.69M)

Attached: skeltal.jpg (600x600, 27K)

thanks mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

Thank you mr skeltal . May you defend me from the auschwitz skellies trynna steal muh gainz

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thnx miss skeltal

(it looks like a femoid to me... pink from head to toes)

thank mr skeltal

Thank you me skeltal

its a ftm tranny

thank mr skeltal

Thanks Mr skeletal

Attached: 3b065ed6776a2e35935ea923499ae85a.jpg (1080x1061, 1.17M)

Thank Mr Skeltal

Attached: 2018.04.20-20.45.webm (1920x1080, 1.51M)

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

These are called Straight Leg Deadlifts, you fucking DYEL retard. You won't snap anything as long as you're going light. That soy queen apparently knows more than you.

thank mr skeltal

Attached: 582553598cad66ff9fcfad420c2ff0f04993dc88ab700646031970ce479ba710.gif (512x512, 721K)

>Weight so light that xhe has to PUSH the bar down to get it low enough


>pink cap and shoes
>feminine body
>beard and jawline of a manlet
Not sure if this reverse trap is more man or woman

thank mr skeltal

thanks mr skeltal


thank mr skeltal


thank mr skeltal


Attached: 45645645623.jpg (400x388, 19K)

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal


Attached: 1518117639860.png (600x453, 525K)

thank mr skeletal

there is literally no weight on the already weightless bar

someone post the one of him squatting so I can get the motivation to go to boxing tonight

>tfw ywn punch that stupid smug faggot face

thank mr skeltal

He's trying

thank mr skeltal

thanks mr skeltal

thank mr skeletal

How the fuck don’t the knees fucking snap here???!

thank mr skeltal

How do i unlock ostrich mode?

How's my DL form?

Attached: Fibonacci.webm (202x360, 736K)


when you arc your spine backward like that, you need to bend your knees and upper chest/neck forward at the same time to get the proper snake formation for the exercise

thank mr skeltal

who the fuck is this person and how come every image or gif of him/her makes me laugh so hard?

Attached: 127868723467.jpg (600x600, 21K)

Thank mr skeltal

Thank Mr skeltal

Thank Mr skeltal

thanks mr skeltal

Thank Mr skeltal

that girl is hot, anyone have her Instagram?

one of those backwards knee aliens from that movie

thank mr skeltal

Thank mr skeltal

... They're called good mornings you, fucking autist

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

No they're not dumbass. They most closely resemble stiff legged deadlifts, but they're not even that because they're done in a smith machine. Good mornings are done with a barbell on your back.

This is weird.

This reminds me of the time i sat crossed legged funny and my entire foot became 180 degrees reverse, but with no pain. I freaked the fuck out and moved and it returned to normal.

Attached: fit elbow snap.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

Thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

holy shit i couldnt watch it, this makes me shiver

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

Attached: fit chest cave in.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

thanks mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

Attached: 1523419320766.jpg (400x338, 151K)

fyi this one is the dude being double jointed, it's a prank video


thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

Attached: 18557148_465393510469405_2716948602145494168_n.jpg (480x480, 22K)

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

why are those two dudes even standing there if they are not doing shit?

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeletal

Attached: xra-870x580.jpg (870x580, 58K)

Attached: cantwakeup.jpg (214x236, 11K)

they are there to help you push it up if you struggle
not to catch if you jsut let go

Thanks mr skeltal

Attached: swole left.webm (640x800, 2.38M)

thank mr skeltal

Attached: 1522203468382.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal

Attached: 1496606055836.jpg (1280x800, 165K)

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeletal

Attached: 1510302882508.gif (200x200, 91K)

Thank mr skeletal

thank mr skeltal

thank mr skeltal