Daily reminder that all this can be taken away

daily reminder that all this can be taken away

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Oh man this is kind of sad to see

Onions taketh

Once you stop juicing your gains go away.

I think he's sick


People who build mass through gear lose it all, look at Ronny Coleman.

>If you are not natty

pretty hard to pin when you get paralysed from the neck down

Guess that bodyslam really took its toll.

Or he let it go

>Daily reminder addendum: Those who don’t use it, lose it. There is never a reason to stop going full throttle

Unless you want to have kids you can't afford.

He was fully paralyzed for only 2 months. He is a fraud. Steroid users, this is what you have to look forward to. I am lmao at all you fags.

ronnie coleman pumped out like 8 kids during and after olympia

i dont think steroids are to blame for nerve impingements

Daily reminder you lose everything in the end. Money, fame, loved ones, muscles, assets, etc. Literally everything. Do what makes you happy.

Also OP is a faggot.

I think steroids are to blame for alot of health problems.

ok but that wasnt your original point

>Do what makes you happy.

Or you know follow Christ and live eternally in glory with him........much better option bro

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I think the average American diet destroys Millions upon millions of lives and is way easier to abuse than steroids. Abusing steroids will fuck you over eventually. However, using conservative amounts won't affect your health too much. Especially if it's something like TRT or a few blasts of Test.

Isn't he partially paralyzed?

> Steroid users, this is what you have to look forward to


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>desert religions

No thanks, schlomo.

>Steroid users, this is what you have to look forward to.

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My point exactly.

Basedboy onions onion

Why is this bad? Dunno who this is but clearly somewhat succesful when young and now he's just living out his later years as a normal oldish dude

He still looks bigger than 99% of fit tho


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who you mean this guy?

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>roiding to look like a frozen garbage bag

Eh, it's the vaccines actually.
Vaccines have basically irrevocably damaged the entire american population and are being used to cull minorities or make them into permanent big pharma addicts who need their shit to survive.

>used to cull minorities
if fucking only

Oh it is.
It's actually working if you take a look at the health and the stone drop in terms of fertility and child birth in american minority groups.
It's actually happening to snownigger populations as well, not as quickly as the unaware minorities who'd just completely shut their doors to the majority if they came together.
But it's happening.

When they come off steroids and stop training at age 50, they look small, so what? Are you gonna look big naturally at 50? lmfao at you kid