How do I get a body like this? How much does this guy weigh? He's around 6'.
How do I get a body like this? How much does this guy weigh? He's around 6'
Probably 150 lbs
Really? I was expecting him to be around 120-130.
GOMAD without lifting
don't eat concentration camp style
hit up /fast/
He's got to be like 130lbs.
I'm 6'0" and I'm 120lbs.
My body looks a little thinner than his.
gain some weight holy shit how are you alive
Post body. I'm curious what that looks like.
What does he look like with make up and a dress?
Dunno, but he looks handsome as fuck. No homo.
This is the ideal male body.
No, this is Jow Forums-related too.
If you for some reason want to look like that guy you should go to /fa/
become anorexic
How do I develop an eating disorder?
what the FUCK is he wearing
gayest picture I've ever seen
I'm an ex-anorexic in my teens.
Withdraw yourself from the world.
Barely eat anything, maybe an apple or so a day.
Don't go to the doctor, they'll hospitalize you if you're really bad (the inpatients usually look and smell like piss, you don't want to be there).
Go on thin-spo forums and threads, etc.
Buy a scale and become obsesses with checking your weight and counting your calories.
Being a bit sleep deprived helps the process.
After this mental torture you should be stuck with a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to not eat this or that for the rest of your life.
Every second your awake.
It just loops.
Ok, give me a moment.
Thanks, user.
>Withdraw yourself from the world.
How do you do this?
62 kg
Lock yourself in your room if you live with someone.
Lock yourself in your home if you live alone.
Cease contact with friends, family, the mailman, anyone.
Just don't leave, unless you have to.
Making the home dark makes the feeling of "alone" sink in faster, so I'd get some dark curtains and dim lights.
I had to take care of some things, but here are a few pictures.
Also, the soft lighting doesn't show how much of a skeleton I really am.
Don't eat that's about it
Nice collar bones.
n-no homo...
david hogg could punch baseball sized holes in this skelly lmfao
Honestly, he's kind of ugly, now that I really look at him. His eyes look a bit too wide and bruised.
I pretty much look like that and I'm 145lbs
hes def on roids and probably lifted for a good 5+ years
La creatura...
stop eating
gargle cock daily
fucking gross
I know, but I'm gaining. That's currently my heaviest and it's rising.
kys asap faggot
What's the ideal weight for someone who is 6'3 "?
>200lbs is the limit
That can't be. I'm 195lbs and I still look a bit skinny.
I was skinnier than you, also suffered dreadful anxiety and panic attacks and could barely eat.
So I injected test and now I'm well on my way towards Zyzz territory.
I'll just sit back and wait for the obvious comment there from brainwashed beta Americans....
It's a range I guess. There's the skinnier side and the bulkier side. Different graphs have different results. It's a rough estimate.
Not even close. Like 125-130 lbs.
Source: 6'0 skelly who started out at 115 and bulked am now at 175
Can being a skeleton give you a decent idea of how your frame would look if you gained muscles? If so, how would you rate my frame from those pictures alone?
Yes, but your pictures make it impossible to tell as they're all cropped and I can't see your head.
Post a full body shot, but blur your face if you wish.
I was lucky in that I've got wide shoulders, and long muscle insertions.
The only small clue is that your pecs look like they have good potential there.
Cut carbs and sugar completely out (Except complex carbs and sugars found in fruits).
Is it possible to go from skinnyfat to skeleton through 100% dieting?
did you die in the last picture?
don't worry son, EMTs are on the way
Ha, just showing my arm.
be a 16 year old boy and be sedentary
I think you have a cute body.
Of course
eat less
this shit is seriously gross
As long you're not one of those "trap/boipucci" creeps, thanks, I guess.
Looks like a boy
Have you considered transitioning
fuck off faggot
Haha, absolutely not and will never happen.
I just like cute guys.
don't lift
don't eat