Chink here, will getting fit make you grow out of a bitter bitchboy mindset...

Chink here, will getting fit make you grow out of a bitter bitchboy mindset? I'm making pretty good progress this past 4 months but it's the same, whenever I see a qt asian girl with a white dude anger still wells up inside me and i get pissed off. Wasn't getting fit and strong supposed to stop this kind of beta pussy thinking from happening too?

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You're supposed to actually talk to girls.

Do all of these:
- Lift
- Meet new people, including girls
- Talk to them

Also try not to constantly compare yourself to others, it leads to masochistic mindset.

> Wasn't getting fit and strong supposed to stop this kind of beta pussy thinking from happening too?

Nope! Also 4 months is nothing.

nice frames tho

Now you know how white guys feel when they see white girls with niggers

You’ll always be a basedgoy

You've still got a ways to go riceboy, 4 months is smalltime.

If you are over 6 feet you should start workout out and become a Chang, but if you are under 6 feet you should just become a k-pop wannabe.

Also Asian girls really arent worth it and wont date another asian unless they are a Chang.

have you seen most of the people posting on Jow Forums? of course you won't

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You will always be a tiny beta boy, asian girls like white men. Deal with it.

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too late on that last bit for me

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>Chink here
Get huge
Take up martial arts
Fight in the Kumite
Throw salt in JCVD's face

you need to bang white chicks. Asian guys who bang Asian girls are massive queers. If you want to be cool, you gotta bang white pussy.

Just dicked my 18 yo virgin azn gf last night for the first time. Stay jelly bitchboy.

white people are actually niggers now

They' are just a demoralized people since the west is in decline and they are getting demographically replaced. It is what it is. You gotta be fit when times get rough.

Hey, asian here. What reasons would I have to fuck white women? I don't wanna racemix.

You don't have to nut inside a girl to fuck her lol
Just be a degenerate and fuck some girls of all races bro

>be bitter bitchboy who hates the world
>start lifting
>become bitter bitchboy who hates himself on top of no longer eating anything without giving a fuck

From one chino to another, no. Nobody should ever fall for the "lifting will fix mental issues" meme.


Confidence comes from yourself, lifting should help but it depends on you. Look at all the disgusting lardasses that hit on fit girls thinking they ever had a shot at someone not that's not mentally broken.
Repulsive garbage but they don't think they are, alot of the try to argue that they're not even fat. But they try and try and try and try until they finally run into a girl that has really low self esteem, no concept of self worth, poor vision, and no sense of smell. Kill yourself fatties.
The point, realistic or not thinking you can and just doing it anyway is way more effective than whiny tfw no qt /i gf. You build your own confidence in yourself, you don't receive it automatically by completing a task.

You have no choice. You have to bang pawgs in the west if you want to become enlightened. If you want to be gay, stick with gook women. It's a journey to the west for some white pussy.

>whenever I see a qt asian girl with a white dude anger still wells up inside me and i get pissed off
This is good. It means that one day all races will team up and eliminate the race mixers.
>t. white guy

Look. Humans like all social mammals naturally form a hierarchy and you have a place somewhere in that hierarchy whether you know it or not.
Your brain is subconsciously monitoring your place in the hierarchy every single day and you are not aware of it.
Being high on the hierarchy causes all sorts of positive physiological changes in the body and changes to the mind to create a happy and healthy outlook. Being low on the hierarchy on the other hand can lead to mental illness. Depression is a sign of unconscious submission to others. Anxiety is created when you are being knocked down a peg and then the anxiety is alleviated when you accept your role lower down. This made sense in hunter-gatherer clans where the absence of these submissive and acceptance states would cause conflict within the social group, and a group that has a lot of conflict would be vulnerable to attack from other groups or predators and would not be able to carry out the tasks necessary for survival in such a harsh environment. Hence depression and anxiety were selected for as a way to smooth out people's acceptance into place in the pecking order.
Unfortunately the modern world is such a complex place that these traits can now become extremely detrimental. We are put in extremely difficult and impossible to understand situations and our brains can freak out at this and cause mental illness. Things such as the corporate world with it's extreme competitiveness and uncertainty, the global economy and complex interpersonal relationships including the advent of more extreme divisions of labour where now its not just the guy who's a couple of steps above you on the ladder in your small group of 50, its your douchebag boss, plus his douchebag boss, plus the abstract collection of people that rule you above that from the board of directors to the government who impose laws that restrict what you can do.



You need to focus on you, your friends and your family and build healthy relationships within these circles. Cut out things like excess consumption of the news which uses clickbait headlines to mislead you into thinking you are in danger in some way.
Lifting is one way to hijack the dominance process because people are wired to detect physical cues of dominance as they help stereotype people into categories. Because of this people will be naturally submissive to you. They will treat you better and respect you more and you will feel more confident in yourself because of it. You will also know in yourself that you can take on anyone who comes across you. Random people may try to subjugate you and knock you down but you can stand strong and confident in yourself knowing that if your clan was to be attacked then you and your alpha bros would be the ones standing at the gates.

Yes. Keep lifting.

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Just get a white or latina gf, asian women are trash and smell bad.

not if you're a manlet and wear glasses. also, calling yourself fit and strong after 4 months is pathetic.

No. It will not. You were a bitch, now you are just a bitch that lifts. Think about this- they are together usually because of status reasons usually. You must look for deeper meaning in life and learn to introspect. Those who seek status and physical goods can be below you. Seek ethereal rewards or take the blackpill and seek your own targets. In doing either of these two, you will become a badass to normalfags, but of a weird and unsettling sort. At that point, such things will not much matter to you as they do now. Seek enlightenment or some type of transcendence even if it's a dark one.

Yeah yella boi! All dem azn gurls luv dat BWC!

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Firstly, you're not fit or strong. You've only been going to the gym for 4 months. Secondly, lifting won't fix your autistic beta mindset. Asian women are attracted to white men in part due to global power standings, which facilitated the notion of white superiority, resulting in white worship. And so, thirdly, if you want to elevate the position of Asian men, you must return to your home country and lift not just pl8s but your country and countrymen as well.

>t. Chinese born in the US that returned home
Pic related: gains I got since returning to the motherland

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I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about asian girls with niggers, it's just that asian women typically have enough self respect to not fuck animals. White culture is already ruined

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Fuck them but do not get them pregnant. A white woman is only good for two things, stealing your children and money from you, and B, aging like rotten cheese

>tfw literally in hong kong right now, surrounded by the chinese

I don't know why but I haven't found a single chinese person who was weird or strange in some way.

everyone is a true bro and willing to help a lost white soul out when in need.

I fucking love Hong Kong and Chinese people in general.

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i love showing off my tall handsome white bf to emasculate my asian counterparts hehe

it's even cuter when he towers over them and make them look like 12 yr olds in comparison

> whenever I see a qt asian girl with a white dude anger still wells up inside me and i get pissed off

Becoming Jow Forums won't make you less of a racist.

So get a white girl. We don't want them. We want Asian.

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Going to the Asian part of the city today for some gook pussy. Wish me luck bros.

>whenever I see a qt asian girl with a white dude anger still wells up inside me and i get pissed off
That's normal cause you're a healthy being not being washed up by jewish racemixing propaganda, and thus want to protect your race.

>be Thai
>he replaces Chad with Chang
>Chang means elephant in Thai
nice one

I don't know man, it seems that getting pissed at race traitors is common sense.

Wtf, that’s not what Jow Forums has told me!

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>whenever I see a qt asian girl with a white dude anger still wells up inside me
Why? Are you only into asian girls?

why are asian guys so fucking beta and asian girls so slutty desu? Is it because of their height/face? Almost all the asian guys I know who’ve made it are 6’3 with 8/10 faces and jacked af. It seems like there is no inbetween lol


Pol told you about the mainland, not hong kong. One was a British colony and the other wasnt, one society was shaped by commies and the other by nationalists


This is the kind of loser mindset that forever keeps you climbing a mountain and sets you up for mental illnesses.

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That's all in theory if we look past the incel reality.

Go to mainland china that isnt Beijing or Shanghai . Village people are disgusting as fuck

Getting fit gives you confidence
Confidence is just a tool to not being a beta, it is not the cure

Getting angry at a woman of your tribe being genetically conquered is totally natural my dude.

Just get yourself a white girl

pathetic chink bringing shame to my race
Stop being a bitch and git gud
You may or may not be disadvantaged living in the west, but it shouldn't stop you from becoming CHANG

Hello elliot

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Ew chink butt

Speak for yourself you degenrate weeb