Your Most Terrifying Nightmares

> I wake up in a small city, like very small.
> Only 5 or so buildings, all clustered together, not very big either, maybe about 2-4 stories each.
> Its pitch black.
> I cant see anything past a few yards in front of me.
> Spotlight effect just like in pic.
> Other people are wandering around the town.
> Everyone looks mortified.
> Get to the edge of the town
> Endless flat grassy plane, just darkness forever.
> Some people are just standing out in the field, completely motionless.
> Recognize people from school
> Catch up to one of my friends
> Try to talk to him.
I will never forget the look he gave me, it was a look of pure terror and hopelessness.
> "What are you doing here?"
"Where are we?"
> "You're asleep, but you cant wake up... we are stuck here..."
> "You cant leave. None of us can leave."
> I realize that I'm dreaming and try to take control.
> Nothing happens.
> There are hundreds of people all just like me. Trapped.
"How long have you been here?"
> He starts crying
> "I dont know..."
> After that conversation I was walking around with the worst feeling of dread. It was painful. Every second I was there I felt like I was dying more and more.
> It went by so slow. I felt every second tick by. Imagine being awake during the night, just staring at a clock, trapped.
> Then suddenly, I'm awake, in the most seamless transition between sleep and awake I've ever experienced.
> Still feel dreadful and depressed.

Im like 99% sure I visited hell for a night. I cant begin to describe how terrible it felt to be there.

The scariest part, when I talked to mt friend the next day, he looked just like I did. Stressed and depressed. When i asked him whats up, he said he just had a really horrible dream.

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most terrifying nightmare? haha im living it right now

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That's horrifying. Did anything seem different about your friend the next time you saw him? maybe you did visit hell.

It's no bloody wonder that you felt powerless - in the dream, you don't even have a room to clean! There's no way for you to climb the dominance hierarchy, and here's the thing, have you ever seen a lobster?

He was shaken up. Didnt want to talk much.

It was horrifying. Woke up shaking.

My mom getting eaten by some lovecraftian monster
Also the dream where I learned to wake up instantly if I sense even the tinniest bit of fear. Shit still haunts me.

>The dream focuses on the doll from Annabel
>Bear in mind that it's considered to be an actual doll of obscene power, if you believe in such things
>It's able to levitate
>It starts invading my thoughts
>Whenever it's close, I just hear a mess of noise
>Like relentless shouting and whispering from a thousand voices, incomprehensible but for a spiteful, hostile tone with some despair mixed in
>Whenever it's around I have to 'behave'
>This means, in its presence I just 'know' what it wants me to do, and it I disobey then the painful noise becomes louder
>Gradually, there are gaps in my memory as I cooperate
>Then, it takes control of someone else - some Downs girl
>It becomes apparent that they/ she mean to kill me
>I remember the horrendous, horrifying expression on the girl's face - a Downy preparing to gleefully crush a mouse
>The expression was reflected in the doll's, as though the two were overlaid

>I wake up, groggy
>The soulless eyes of the doll are before me
>It is nose-to-nose with me, floating beside the bed
>I scream, and it's gone

Just one of many hideous hypnogogic hallucinations. I've had sleep paralysis a few times too.

>it's another your ugly mother painfully rapes and traumatizes you with a strap-on as a child dream
>it's another cold sweat sleep paralysis with shadows dream
>it's another completely normal day dream

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I was 15 or 16 when I had this
>Late at night
>I'm outside of my body and I can see my entire bedroom
>I'm watching myself sleep
>Random guy is standing in the corner
>He slowly starts walking towards me
>I try to wake myself up
>Doesn't work
>Guy pulls out handgun
>I'm now screaming at myself trying to wake up
>Still doesn't work
>I get shot in the side of the head
>Brains are fucking everywhere
>Wake irl
>wonder what the fuck I just saw

I had a dream where I was in this cabin in the woods, or more like a crack shack, where these witchy, haggy, crackhead hills-have-eyes people were all craned over this crib with a baby in it. There was blood everywhere and the bag lady was eating the baby, I'm pretty sure. Then for some reason the bag and I started making out and getting ready to have sex.

That's fucking disturbing and I love it.