R8 my deadlift form

r8 my deadlift form

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I'll give advice if you prove it's you onions.

Back wasn't neutral

lifting with your back.

there is arching my friend. at this low weight it won't be an issue but when you deadlifting over 300 pounds it will be.

looks fine m8

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Looks fine

Jesus I hope you're joking

your lower back is not straight throughout the lift.


o my

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Jesus christ, what is he lifting, like 200lb???

I could row 200lb with better form and I'm weak af. How are people so oblivious?

One way ticket to snap city.

user. Perfect form. Continue this way. Dont listen to dyel haters

Top form, Natural to have a bit of rounded upper back when pulling heavy weights like that

it's 150 kg or 330 lbs
his form is shit

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Me on the left

No Im dead serious.

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form check?

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That was absolute shite

his upper back is hunched, is this not a problem?

You're going to need a good orthopedic surgeon, OP.

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anons saying this is fine shows the state of this board. Look at the fucking curve of your back ffs

old man hunch i guess


jesus dude your back is rounded as fuck, this is the type of deadlift that is so bad it becomes a meme

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Get your ads closer to the floor, look straight up, straighten your back, don't break yourself brosky

this shows how shit ss is

Pretty shitty. Also using an over under grip in less than 2pl8 lmfao



>did deadlifts for the first time during legday yesterday
>researched alot about it
>watched YouTube videos to get the technique correct
>practiced at home with a vacuum tube
>goes to gym
>perform the deadlifts with 40kg 3x5
>looked in the mirrors to see if I did it correct and didn’t round the back
>noticed that chad kept looking at me once I finished
>gets extremely nervous thinking I did it wrong and looked like a retard
What do guys

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Stop being an awkward faggot, listen to your music and forget about everyone else.

>>did deadlifts for the first time during legday yesterday
what program? you could be very tired after doing legs making your form go wrong. Also its not rocket science.
> ass down
> chest up
> keep back straight
> arms absolutely straight
> look to your front
> lift up the bar

Your back needs to stay straight. Start building your grip strength by using double overhand instead of mixed. And get some fucking wireless headphones.

your mom doesn't seem to mind

that's a bit over 3pl8

Hey its THE Elgintensity cat

How is he being taken so seriously
This was not perfect and he bounced it.
Fuck him and SS.

thorasic rounding is perfectly safe. its a technique used by powerlifters to generate more force from the floor. look at KK for example



>t . Mark

t. dyel

Dont disrespect the Trap Lord

>bouncing on 1 rep
great analysis, champ

are you 15?

Its a powerlifting technique, I can't tell you if its safe, but hes probably doing it intentionally

dont look in the mirror when your lifting it will fuck up your form. also stop doing brosplits and being weak

Not knowing doesn't make you a retard, not learning does.

Also don't ever look in the mirror during deadlifts, record yourself with your phone if you want to check your form.

>This was not perfect and he bounced it.
what did he mean by this??

Chad probably just wanted your twink boi holes, dont worry about it

Just keep practicing. I looked like a retard starting cleans. But, I learned and clean in the 200s now.

Not as bad as rounding of the lower back but the spinal erectors go all the way up the spinal column meaning that the thoracic spine isn't as protected as it should be. Rounding of the upper back also indicates that the lower back might be next whereas if your upper back is straight, chances are your lower back is protected. Granted there are exceptions such as rolling the shoulders forward if you can't place the bar onto the ground (Long legs) but this should still be tried to be corrected even if it's impossible.


>a man in his 50s deadlifting 500 lbs somehow shows that SS is bad


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Chad is probably wondering why some retard is slamming 40 kg

>Jesus I hope you're joking

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I rate it 1 L5/10

Why is it that the one time I fuck up my form I mess up a disc, but these mongs can pull with garbage form and not have their backs messed up.

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lets start with the basics faggot...

first off , fuck off with the headphones you lousy motherfucker. wtf is wrong you? can't you see you look like a total assfuckface?.


second , widen your legs , straighten your fucking back what are a fucking turtle? fuck.
and remove some plats your going to fast.
building real fucking man muscles takes time.

Are you tall?

Don't listen to because they obviously haven't been lifting for more than 6 months.
What you really need to do is ask one of the PT's to check your form. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. I've been training nearly 5 years and I still ask for PTs to check on my form every once in a while.
You're better to be safe than sorry. Don't worry about being judged - everyone starts from somewhere. Hell, I'm bigger than most of the PTs that I ask.

His form is indeed shit, but he can't lift with proper form since his back is all fucked up. Guy was in his late 50s there, and he pulled 500 fucking pouns.

>probably 1 rep maxing

>Jow Forums

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how did you mess up your form specifically? Lifting with a rounded spine isn't actually as world-ending as everyone makes it out to be (though you should generally avoid it). The thing you really need to worry about is spinal torsion

500 sold-ass pouns!

>His form is indeed shit
his form is literally perfect. thorasic rounding is not something novices should do, but is a good thing

Guys are there any decent alternatives to deadlifts? I am gonna quit them for a little bit cause i fucked up one rep at max weight last time and lower back is still killing me.

>I cringed
lose a few plates and learn proper form faggot
Push that ass back like you are a nigger of the female sex in a club trying to get a daddy to help you take care of your 6 bastard kids.
keep your back straighter than a gay dude after Fuhrer Pence's anti-Faggot Camp.
also wear shorts so we can see your chicken legs next time.

>this post
I cringed

perfect, can't argue with trips

>I cringed

Could someone please critique my form? I watch a lot of Alan Thrall videos but I still feel something doesnt click

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different angle

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>neutral lower back
>upper back rounding
>WTF that's not normal user!
the utter state of Jow Forums
Look up Konstantin Konstantinov

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Holy fuck you came back!!

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Wtf are you doing? Is that a sumo dead lift or a straight leg deadlift? Either way your forms shit.

I was only deadlifting 2pl8, but I felt my back round pretty heavily for the 5 or so reps I pulled. After that I felt like I pulled something in my back and I haven't been able to do heavy lifts since.

Absolute dogshit.
Not only is your upper back rounded, your whole back is rounded, and your lower back rounding is hidden by that fucking belt. You need to pin your shoulders back to force your chest down, this will get your spine into an actual straight line. Notice how you're shrugging the weight at the top, this is because your shoulders are too low at the beginning of the lift and you're correcting at the top of the lift.
I replicated your form in the mirror and goddam are you way off. Pick your shoulders up.

Stand up straight like you would normally with good posture.
Hold your shoulders where they are and bend forward at the waist.
This is where your shoulders should be. Do not relax them down to reach the bar, push your body down and grab it with your shoulders pinned back.

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your hips rise up to quickly, so you only pull with your back.

I hope youre joking. Nothing wrong with working the spinal erectors like OP

Looks like shit, stop breaking your back boy.

I can't even do 2pl8 and I know your form is absolute dogshit. You should know it to just from the fact that you're shrugging at the top.

Perfect. No lower back rounding. Upper back is rounded and stays the same for the whole lift. This guy knows how to deadlift.


basedboy tier

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Donald Trump Jr./10

>tfw my lower back never rounds, even on maxes

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Not only is this good form, but he's old asf and pulling more than 95% of young guys on this board...

> ass down
> chest up
> keep back straight
If you consider trying to stretch it so it kinda look bent upwards? Yes
> arms absolutely straight
> look to your front
Except for when I looked to the side to check my back form, yes
> lift up the bar

I didn’t look all the time in the mirror tho. Just occasionally but will never repeat it again now
>pushing it to the limit on first try
I could surely do more but what the fuck dude?

Thanks alot. It amazes me there are motivational people like this on Jow Forums. I actually usually do ask PTs or got friends to check out my form when I lift but I didn’t do it that day. I will keep lifting. We’re all gonna make it

Is it normal to feel numb in your lower back after your sets?

No. It means you're using too much lower back and not enough legs. How much are you deadlifting?

Not much, about 85kg also checked

>practiced at home with a vacuum tube
my nigga

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