>Your mbti >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any >Your favorite book or series, if any >Your favorite hobby or interest >Preferred type of music >Any other relevant information
I get that this could have been one of those favorite chart threads, but fuck it.
>Your mbti ESTP >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) ISFJs are my kryptonite. >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any The original Battlefront games, Zelda, Halo, Mario Kart, and Elder Scrolls >Your favorite book or series, if any lol you expect a brainlet type to read? >Your favorite hobby or interest vidya and being pretentious about different stuff >Preferred type of music hip hop and classic acoustic >Any other relevant information I'm a virgin
Jordan Hill
>Your mbti INTP >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) ISTJ >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any sandbox, RPGs, shooters >Your favorite book or series, if any I don't read >Your favorite hobby or interest Coding and vydia >Preferred type of music post-rock, chill-wave, synthetic shit >Any other relevant information all of you are gay
Justin Smith
Nice digits OP.
>Your mbti ISTP >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) INTPs other than my own >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any Star Wars games from BF2 to Rep Com, also KOTOR1/2 >Your favorite book or series, if any Rarely read, I recently read military doctrinal publications and research articles. Star Wars novels were nice but not sure if they count as favourite. Ender's Game would be closer though. >Your favorite hobby or interest Football (soccer), am a utility player myself, going from centre back+right back to midfield and even forward. >Preferred type of music Classical music (orchestral) >Any other relevant information Don't like humans in general but this community is nice. Also I'm close to emotionless and all logic.
Elijah Butler
Oh wow. It's another "we establish memebti has no actual bearing on taste or personality in any meaningful sense becuase it's based shitty vague questions and incredibly unreliable self reporting" episode.
Ayden Bell
>Your mbti Intp >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) Entp >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any Civilization >Your favorite book or series, if any 1001 nights >Your favorite hobby or interest Vidya, getting boring though >Preferred type of music Rock >Any other relevant information I haven't slept in 2 days and am high on amphetamines.
Dylan Green
>Your mbti INTP >Your favorite mbti other than your own (assuming you like yours for some reason) dont really know but my best friend is ESTP >Your favorite video game/franchise, if any metro 2033 >Your favorite book or series, if any never read >Your favorite hobby or interest movies >Preferred type of music rap >Any other relevant information none
Isaiah Davis
>MBTI INTJ >Favorite MBTI INTP >Favorite video game Lisa, original Halo, Half-Life >Favorite book Lord of the Flies >Favorite hobby Climbing buildings >Preferred music Pop and rock >Any other relevant info. I carry a tennis ball everywhere I go to bounce whenever I feel anxious or stressed
Angel Cooper
INFP ENTP Pokemon, Animal Crossing and unironically Crash Bandicoot No favorites but I really enjoy sci-fi and adventure stories Drawing, cooking and hiking Rock For an INFP I actually never cry for other people