Chads and stacies, I know you are reading this. There are well adjusted, normal, socially adept people on this board who just like to laugh at the dank memes and rare pepes. Share your stories. Maybe shine some light and help the hopeless robot incels here. How is life in your world?
Im not a chad, but it is easy for me to hook up with a girl or something like that. I dont have any problems talking to new people, and i get often told that im atractive or fun. But for some reason i became a neet the past month, i quit my job, quit college, and stop talking to people, i dont know why. I had the normie life and to be honest i didn't enjoy it, it was so meaningless and boring. And now for some reason i cant get out of home
So dunno senpai, normie life isn't that great
Fine. If your desire for a gf goes away then it will just be replaced by another desire. Everything is just a carrot on a stick.
Okay ill tell you about my night tonight
>go to friends house
>friend has lots of people over
>drink lots of beer, play beer pong and then smoke weed
>go walking around the woods at 1 am
>girls think i protected them from a rustling sound in the bush
>go back to house
>smoke joint with girls
>one gives me the succ
>both pass out
And how here i am.
I usually just lurk, becauss You guys post some funny shit,
I get asked this in real life sometimes and I usually explain that playing on God mode is fun for a while, but the novelty wears off fairly quickly. I find myself purposely sabotaging relationships and situations just to see how much I can get away with because I'm so bored. I know a lot of people here are involuntarily playing on nightmare mode and I imagine that can be brutally frustrating, but if you succeed then it's probably a lot more rewarding. You wouldn't believe my stories so it's probably best I don't tell them.
I just got broken up with and I can't contact her.
I am really depressed and it doesn't look better.
I wanted to add that friendships are hard. I have large groups of friends and it ranges from some of them idolizing me to some of them not so subtly resentmenting me. I don't like hanging out with girls when I'm with them because it always goes bad and I lose a friend. On many occasions a wife, girlfriend or sister will get drunk and start throwing themselves at me in front of everyone. I do nothing wrong, but they're embarrassed and they're not going to dump their girl so they usually just avoid me from there on out. I went to my friend's graduation party and his mom tried to give me a lap dance in front of everyone. We're still friends, but he has never invited me back to his house. It's sad to lose friends that way, but I understand where they're coming from.
I kinda suspect you're lying, but okay.
Anw I have a guy friend who's super good looking it hurts. I guess he can bag any girl he wants. He's turning gay and have a cute bf rn
What were you in college for?
Yeah I bet they are really well adjusted
you'd have to be a 10/10 (body + face + social status + wealth) by all means for this to be remotely true. women are stupid but they aren't so stupid as to act like sluts in front of their friends and family.
>I kinda suspect you're lying, but okay.
I wish I was. It's a lot more lonely than people think it is. You can never really get close to anyone because they see you more as a character than a person and they can't empathize with you. I straight out asked a friend once why I get the feeling he resents me and he bought me a copy of A Seperate Peace. I think I kind of understand now. I'm getting older and I've purposely let myself go a bit to become more average. It's helped, but not completely. I find myself staying in more and more often these days.
I don't mean this as an insult at all, but if you went out more you would see this quite a bit. Look at those trash tv shows like Jersey Shore. Once women hit a certain level of drunk you would be surprised what they'll do and say. This school teacher I was banging got hammered once and said that she wanted to fuck her students. She teaches fucking middle school.
Just hang out with people who are as attractive as you are.
I'm no Chad, I'm actually below average in looks and accomplishments. But I have a loving loyal gf, a job that I love, and a good family.
I undertand the logic, but I don't really pick friends based on how attractive they are. That seems kind of weird. My friend circles have formed pretty organically. I have a cousin who is similar to myself, but we don't hang out as often as we used to. He still just wants to go to bars and pick up sluts five times a week, but I'm over all that.
eh not really. i lived in a rural town and there were no 10/10s but there were attractive guys. at a party, one guy's mom makes out with 18 year old kid.
Sorry, I guess you're just too pure and perfect for this sinful earth. Looks like you need to withdraw from society for the safety of all involved. Only, when you do it, you will be cool and mysterious and people will lament how you've squandered your natural gifts instead of just thinking of you as a loser. This will only make you seem more attractive. Looks like there's no escape from your personal hell after all.
I'd be considered a normie. I lurk because I enjoy insights into how a variety of individuals think, regardless of whether posts in forums are true or not.
I have a high partner count, and am currently in my third long term relationship with a girl who'd do anything for me. My girlfriend has recently gotten fake tits, which is nice. I'm 22 years old and after having graduated a psychology degree from a reputable uni, I'm now an acc. executive at a decent advertising company. I make some extra income from an investment property that I own in another state of my country. I'm fit, 190lbs @ 6'2 and I have a great group of encouraging, successful and stable friends. I attend parties regularly but I properly party (with recreational drug use) maybe once a month.
All in all, I feel like my life lacks purpose. On paper, I look very presentable but some of my closer friends would consider me to be at least a little bit crazy. My childhood was fairly broken, but it's something I have no issue with talking about or how it has affected my growth. Besides infidelity, aggression, stealing and lying, I don't have many bad traits.
This post demonstrates the problem. I've done nothing but try to deglamorize my experience and yet it gets taken as bragging. It's a no win situation. If I just act like people expect me to then they think I'm a cocky show off and if I try to be humble they think I'm just working an angle. The funny thing is that when I ask people for advice on fixing this they say "just be yourself". We're not so different, you and I.
Fug breh muy sympatico
It's a rat race and I don't want to be a rat
>last week
>get call from friend I haven't seen recently
>organise poker night
>last night
>turn up and drink a moderate yet not excessive amount of alcohol
>choose stories to tell based on what I know about the other guests
>smooth over awkward silences with little anecdotes that will bring others out of their shells
>eat chinese takeaway and his fiance's home-made brownies
>quietly assess another friend's new girlfriend: she suits him
>have fun
>put reminder in phone to contact him in a month, relationships need to be maintained
>mail birthday card to grandfather two days in advance
>clean shower and wash clothing
>read a bit of historical fiction
>prepare for job interview
>run down to shops for groceries
>buy plane tickets for upcoming flight
>entertain housemate's brother for half an hour
Robots, or at least real robots, don't understand the amount of stuff that needs to be done in order to enable a normie lifestyle. Someone should write a guide, to fill in the gaps in your knowledge where your parents fucked up.
Yeah, I guess it can be rough when the plebeians don't understand how hard it is to have had the world handed to you on a silver platter. I guess you could kill yourself, but the mystery of why someone who had it all would throw it away would only make you seem more alluring, so the curse would follow you even after death.
>If I try to be humble, they think I'm just trying to work some angle
This makes me cry on the inside. There's nothing more frustrating than being treated like this; like some dog. You have to be good and jump on command to everything. Can't be calm, something's wrong with your pet
>The funny thing is that when I ask people for advice on fixing this they say "just be yourself".
Get a massive beard and long hair. Never wash either of them.
Worked for me.
You're implying that Chad would ever actually give up his looks willingly. Sure, he'll pretend that it's so awful, but if you told him ways he could actually make himself less attractive, then he'll turn you down.
He's probably just a bit bored of living an objectively perfect life, so now he's pretending that it's a living hell.
Not a chad but I got a gf of 5 years. I work 70 hours a week on six figures, about to put a deposit down for a house around $700K. Her two girl friends are moving in to the house to "rent", basically pay my mortgage for me so I can save more money.
I got fuck all friends and suck at talking to people that aren't my partner or her two friends. I do amateur voice acting and shit for cash on the side and to get my name out to keep my artistic brain alive.
Fucking Christ, I beat myself to this thread. You and I have a very similar mindset and outlook on ourselves, despite our successes and normie lifestyle.
Have you considered going hard in to psyilocybin or DMT to experience the Ego Death? Few friends of mine have gone through this and they seem a lot more balanced and happy in themselves for it.
>Yeah, I guess it can be rough when the plebeians don't understand how hard it is to have had the world handed to you on a silver platter
Has it ever occurred to you that you and I want different things? You would probably love to be in my shoes, but I just want close friendships with some buddies. Too bad we can't do one of those freaky friday things and trade places. Women are boring besides their holes. They're shallow and act so much alike that it's hard to tell them apart sometimes. I'm not going to lie and say that sex isn't great, but after a while even that becomes boring.
When will chadcels learn that they're not entitled to meaningful relationships?
I'm willing to work for it. I just need someone to look past my appearance and give me a chance.
Hahaha, it's always relieving to hear of someone in a similar position.
I've done shrooms a handful of times but nothing over 1.5grams, I'd like to push myself in a comfortable environment and not a party-setting. I've done LSD a bunch, but nothing over 200ug as I can tell that's my limit.
I'd love to try DMT but have no idea where to get it from in Oz. Never heard of ego death, but I'm definitely going to look into it.
Cheers for the heads up
I wouldn't say I'm a Chad but I get along just fine. Like you said, I like the memes and to just fuck around from time to time. I don't indentify as a robot and in the same way, robots wouldn't accept me as one of them.
That said, some will probably discount me, but things have been a little rough. Operative word a little. I'm always trying to do better.
i may not be a robot but i am ugli tho
I almost lost one of my best friends when his crush tried to hook up with me during an after graduation party and he threw a tantrum of pent up jealousy infront of everyone, makling me look like the biggest asshole in the world. He blamed it all on my looks and not his crush being a shallow whore(until the tantrum was over). I feel so fucking sorry for him since he's a great guy who just happens to look below average while i am tall and handsome but i feel like i'm not supposed to be. I can't get the respect of anyone because they all assume that i'm a massive douche bag before they get to know me. I have like 4 friends because most guys avoid me like the plague. I hate other handsome people because all they do is fuck sluts or be faggots. I'd rather be average because i dont care about women they are stupid sluts who won't appreciate me for my personality and wants dick.
There is no mythical "real you" lurking under the surface just waiting to be noticed. There is no inner and outer self, there is only the self. There never was a deeper connection that you were missing out on. People aren't this magical combination of body and soul, they're just people. There is no magical world of true understanding once you shut your eyes to the physical reality- all there is is black, because the physical reality is all there ever was in the first place.
I'm a Stacy in looks, but I'm a recluse. I go the boxing gym to train muay thai, lift, and that's about all I do as a distraction from regular life. My body doesn't really fulfill me though. I always find there's something wrong with it, that my fat percentage could be lower. I don't see myself as fat, I'm not crazy, but I think I could have less fat and more tone. Right now I'm at 17%. I want to get to 10%.
I know you guys never had gfs, but life in my world right now is not that different from yours. I don't even date anymore because dating implies I'm gonna have to eat out and eat stuff that could possibly ruin my diet. Every type of social interaction involves some kind of food and I feel like people judge me when I don't eat. That people are going to notice and push me to eat, so I avoid these situations. I've been going out with friends less and less because of it. And even when there isn't any food involved, there's alcohol and alcohol is so high in calories. I just can't go out anymore.
All my life I've always had a nice body, but I don't remember ever being happy with the way I looked. From as early as 12 I already had low self esteem in regards to my body even though now looking back at pictures there was nothing wrong with it.
Am I normal? Was I ever? I don't even know.
I know what you're trying to say, but this is somewhat false.
Sincerely it is weird. I like my life. But sometimes is hard, sometimes is easy, I have to make efforts all time and I am only 23. I like to work on my phisical condition and encounter old friends and suddenly yell wow user you are super fit! Or to gather with them and have a coffe or a beer laughing...but there is also mean friends who try to drag you to their shithole being cunts, there is also bad moments in family, there is also bad moments with gf or with college.
But if I am kind and hardworker family will be happy, if I work on my relationship love is fullfilling as fuck, if I study real hard exams are easy peasy lemon hard to squeazy but I pass with good enough marks. Life is tough, it is about be tougher. To be real fucking tough and to be kind,supportive and talkative while respecting,loving and having asertivity.
Have some guilty pleasures to endure this madness (for me is sleeping and use martial arts and reading to have some space) and find what can makes you not comfy,nor happy, nor accepted but what thrills you and excites you to the point you would slash and tear up a beast barehanded and bathe on his flesh while laughing.
Live robots, it is the only thing you can do until you die. Although your enviroment will be opressive,hatefull and harmful What you do,is up to you. Fight, adapt, survive.
Be happy anons
It sounds lame and boring as fuck desu.
I'm no chad but I'm a normie. I would say I'm just above average in looks, like a 6 or 7 ?
I had a very nice girlfriend for 5 years, and since we kept contact and I was suprised discovering that I am pretty good with girls, a few girls (and a few boys) hit on me. I could have fucked them but it's still too sensible since my ex girlfriend
I'm probably above average in skills, mostly intelligence and social skills. Not very good at sport but not the last one picked in teams either. I've always been too skinny but I'm starting to hit the gym and went past 60kg for the first time recently. Family is nice and I live in France and like it.
I come here because I spend a lot of time on the computer when I'm home, Jow Forums is nice while playing some card game or watching a video. I'm not a r9k usual, I just like to refesh the home page and look at the popular threads that seem interesting, so I go pretty much on every board, mostly /sp/ /tv/ /co/ /gif/ Jow Forums and /tg/
>I had the normie life and to be honest i didn't enjoy it, it was so meaningless and boring.
NEET life will end up that way for you as well if you devote your time to something productive.
Im a normie i suppose. Im pretty good looking, 6'3,have lots of friends and a Gf. I suppose i just come here for entertainment. Its pretty intresting reading the stories of some of the robots on this board. It just gives me a perspective into their lives. I cant really relate to most of it thought. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask.
Exactly. I tried explaining it here but very few people can empathize. Women see you as meat which is fun for like five minutes and guys hate you because it triggers their insecurity when the girl they like wants you instead.
I have never in my entire life, put what I would call effort, into anything. I feel like death. I'm curious, why are you here at all? Why waste your time in this cesspool?
Yeah, pretty much. You guys aren't downtrodden genetic losers, you're lazy fucks who can't be bothered showering.
You just have body dysmorphia is all.
when do you plan on leaving?
R9k? I dont think i will, for while anyway. Like i said its intresting.
I can empathise. Everyone has their own particular challenges. People here think chads live a perfect life, but I can understand your struggle despite not being able to fathom being in your place. However I can in no way sympathise with you. It's like a man dying of thirst hearing a millionaire complain about his life. First World problems I guess. I've never even had a female validate my existence. I feel kind of bad about not caring for your problems. Envy is a poison. But despite all that I still kind of hate you. Even though we're probably quite similar. Normalfags who come here male me feel like a caged monkey in a zoo somewhere. But kind of hate isn't all that strong of a feeling. I hope you'll find good people to be with.
I'm no chad but this place is where i'm most comfortable because every so often there's an insightful post or a funny meme
Because I have always been out of place. I was a very sensible kid, since I was 3 years old I started Judo and training,pokemon,vidya since 4/5...the thing is this made me kind of the weird kid, but I didnt want to so tried again and again and again and again to fit in (this was on progression until my late teens with rock-literature-manga-metal-martial arts-more literature-values). At my 15/16 I discovered Jow Forums and browsed /b/ when the stoner comics trend appeared, after that Jow Forums and over all best of Jow Forums threads wich led me here.
Suddenly all those times I was rejected,mocked, insulted or difamed (without blamin on minorities doing it) were related to someone. And I still like reading this things, having aa laugh thinking of the weird I shit I used to do( first jerking off times, when I tried to flirt with grills and make autistic friends) so when I see threads like this I try to share what I did.
I eventually wrecked the shit out of my bullies, I had the chance of work for the development of the desfavoured and learn from it, had a great time reading and currently I am trying to end my degree to earn some money ( will try to be testimony forensic as specialty).
Hard work is shit, but life is kinda shitty.
You need decomposing bodies to grow a plant or a flower, so rot in a good way to blossom in the right direction user.
Life is dying while blossoming. Make it beautyfull.
>on 4chin
Sorry, but no non-autist would waste their time here unless they were extreeeemly bored
>It's like a man dying of thirst hearing a millionaire complain about his life
I disagree, friend. It's like you're in a desert dying of thrist and I'm caught in a tsunami drowning. Too much can be just as bad as too little.
>I've never even had a female validate my existence.
I can see how that can suck, but the opposite isn't really fun either. I used to go my friend's family bbq every summer but one time his 14 year old sister had a couple drinks and grabbed my ass out of nowhere. A family member saw and it was a big mess. His family thought maybe we had something secretly going on even though I rarely ever even acknowledged her existence. They couldn't fathom why she would randomly do that, but she did and even admitted it was random. Suffice to say, I don't get invited over there anymore.
I went with my family to Legoland a few years ago and when I was leaning over in that video game area someone grabbed my ass. At fucking Legoland, man. In hindsight I should've complained or sued or something, but I was just so mortified that I pretended it didn't happen. You're literally the first person I've ever told about that.
Ugly, fat women will hit on me constantly at work and even when I turn them down as politely as possible I still get labeled a conceited jerk or the women will spread rumors that I'm gay. I just want to work, I'm not there to meet women.
Sorry you had to got through that man. Hearing your experiences, I guess if I was in your place, the novelty would wear out pretty fast. You know the more I think about you the more I feel for you. You're right about too much being as bad as too little. My earlier response was more instinctual, knee jerk. I don't even kind of hate you. I don't even think I feel that strongly about anything anymore. I don't want to seem like you don't have problems, but (enjoy?) the fact that you can make human connections on any level, as flimsy as they may be. As I'm typing this I know that I can too, deep down. I probably won't, but whatever. I don't know if it's easier for you to find real relationships if you're ugly or the opposite, but at least the hit rate for new ones is higher for you? I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Your frustration feels as genuine or even more so than most of the screeds of text on here. I hope things work out for you.
Thanks, we're all just trying to get through this life in our own way with our own problems, I guess. I'm hoping things will be different when we're old and looks don't matter much anymore. Hopefully then we can all get along as old, wrinkled up, equals.
I just want to say, this has been the most genuine interaction I've had on this site. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Same here, thanks for being able to see things from a different perspective beyond your own. I feel like that is an important aspect for our species to learn if we're ever to be more than the savages we are now. I'm going to bed, good luck to you, friend. Maybe our paths will cross again someday.
Sounds like you were too weak and were raised getting everything you wanted so when you had to earn it you pussied out and became a neet because colorful comfort is easier than hard work. Normie life is amazing. The work is worth the effort. Being able to move around where I want, talk to who ever I want, experience new things constantly instead of imagining it through poorly animated cartoons. I can create a life for myself. I can create art, life, and beauty through hard work. I see a mountain and I know it's hard but if I get to the top, that's my experience. It's what took us to the moon. It's what built beauty and european society. Normie life is amazing and anyone who says otherwise is weak, boring, and demands constant comfort instead of happiness through work. No, being a NEET isn't happiness. You're making baseline goals and the bottom of your pyramid of hierarchy of needs.
Being a "chad" is easy. Take care of yourself. Take risks. Take rejection. Accept humilation. Accept defeat as a learning experience. The chad failed 100x before he won. You guys never did that as kids so you don't have that experience. That's why its "hard" for you. It's like trying to ride a horse if you've never learned.
you're holding yourself back with anxiety
You might call me a normie, work full time, have a few friends and a gf. I'm 20, dont have much money (drugs man, drugs) but I drive and have my own car.
My best advice is to stop caring what anyone else thinks of you. Their opinion doesn't change you.
I know a lot of people in my town think I'm a flake and burnout, but my job likes me so I don't care.
You need to find a way to, if not like yourself, accept who you are and work with it.
Honestly I still feel like one day I'll just end it, but until then I gotta live through each day, so I'm gonna fucking enjoy it m8.
Also, do drugs, they're nice user.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Fear is the mind killer
If you keep telling yourself through anxiety that you're not normal, you won't be. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're framing your mindset how you want to see it. Don't let them judge you, make it an empowerment. You're controlling your urges and not falling for the "fast food meme". I have friends like this too, I always tell them, hey, I eat what I want and flex on them. "There was nothing wrong with it", this might be the case, however, there's nothing wrong with wanting more and wanting better. Just realize that you don't have to be perfect. Just keep working on yourself to be better. To be stronger. If you're making gains, then you're progressing forwards and be confident in that sentiment. I was obese as a child too and now i'm pretty buff. I used to be one of these incel losers but one day you have to realize that you make yourself. Best of luck dude
Im not a robot since Im not a virgin and I also am semi successful making 120k per year. Didnt have sex until I was 23 and have never had a gf. The truth is that I am an ugly introverted failed norman. The public, especially women, judge you based off of your looks for the most part. In my job I deal with the public, and I find that I can end up having poor customer relationships with low intelligence women. I figure this is because they are too dumb to overcome their natural preference for Chad face, even when it has nothing to do with mating. I can be as friendly as possible with them, but they will still hate me. Men and high intelligence women dont have a problem with me.
Also making a good income and being in a management role can make roasts like you even if you are unattractive, short, balding, etc. Ive managed to have sex with some of my employees and other random women since getting this job, where as before I could not attract any women to meet for coffee.