Why haven't you taken the snip pill yet?
The surgery is so good these days it takes 5 minutes and is completely reversible
Why haven't you taken the snip pill yet?
Seriously though Jow Forums
Considered it, simply not interested at the moment, also not 100% reversible in all cases, I'd rather wear a condom which 1. makes me last longer 2. makes clean-up easier 3. doesn't potentially make me destined to never have children
Vasectomies are reversible ???? How did I not know this??
They aren't
It also basically tanks your test levels and causes a whole host of problems .
Just go to a good surgeon and yeah it's just as reversible as a copper IUD.
This is 100% medically untrue. The vas has nothing to do with test levels, only getting sperm from the testes to the urethra
Theyre getting closer to releasing the "male pill" which stops your nut fertilizing the egg. Also I only fuck good looking women so would rather dump my nut in her and let her worry about contraception. No excuse for a woman to be off birth control
>yeah it's just as reversible as a copper IUD
It's not though...like what, have you even given this more than a second of thought? It's not. Just google vasectomy reversal.
It dumps your testosterone to prepubescent levels and you have to pop androgens in lieu of having natural test.
Shit's a Jew scam to further destroy white birth rates.
Reversal is 99% successful these days. Pick a good surgeon to get. It done and it's nbd.
He wasn't talking about a vasectomy breh. He was responding to me, mentioning the male pill
It's actually true.
The male pill was a bust. The BC for women has basically ruined multiple generations of women and men.
But we don't have to worry about vasectomies and pills and what not.
Because of GMOs and Pesticides, 90% of all children born between 10 years ago and 10 years from now will be 80% sterile.
Well you're right, not as reversible but pretty much 99% reversible.
Again no, a vasectomy has no influence on your test levels.
>woman takes birth control
>pisses it out
>it leaks into water supply and water treatment can't remove it
>her body is now also constantly being tricked into thinking it's pregnant
>men wonder why their gf and most women are absolutely fucking mental
Okay, even if it were "pretty much 99% reversible" (it's more like 95 what I've gathered) it's not worth it for the reasons I mentioned. I know you're thinking about getting it done and checking to see what Jow Forums has to say. Are you willing to risk the 1% (5%) chance to never be able to conceive children, assuming you have no children today, just to not have to wear a condom, which you would need to wear anyways to prevent STDs from the hoards of thots you are definitely having sex with since you made it? Especially given that Vasalgel is a couple of years from hitting the market?
Pretty much this. I want a vasectomy so I can get my girl off BC, that shit makes women insane.
I have multiple children via sperm donation. I've done my genetic duty. I don't trust vasagel.
>Well you're right, not as reversible but pretty much 99% reversible.
75%+ reversible if done withing first 3 years
Drops down the longer it says snipped.
So you're 100% sure that you will never want to raise your own son, teach him how to fish and watch him excel and surpass you in excellence? That's, for lack of a better word, cuckoldry. Also
>i dont trust this new science that has not even had human trials yet
>i trust the slightly less new science thank u
Well you're right, is IS cuckoldry. I got paid, by a sperm donor company, to cuckold other families. I don't give a shit about raising my own children.
Not according to my surgeon. 99% in years 1-8 after vasectomy, 97% 12-20 and 75% >20 years
Depends how they get their stats, mine are based on successful conception after it was undone.
>t. raised by single mother
Mine too. He waits till 1 year after to get his stats.
How has it ruined men?
how fuckin hard is it for you to just pull out
>what is precum
>what is not trusting women
>what is not wanting a 20 year $200k installment loan just cause you busted a nut
Come on man
You might as well start taking roids if you want to become infertile.
They aren't removing your testicles dipshit.
Do you know what BC in the water supply has done to men?
Do you know what the son of a woman on BC ends up being like?
Do you have any idea of how BC besotted women are ruining men's lives and how fucked up they are towards normal men and how unappealing they are to normal virile men?
It's basically made half of the female population unfuckable and undateable to the entire male population. The portion of the male population that isn't completely fucked by BC.
That's litterally what the male pill is.
Highly concentrated test given to shut down the balls completely.
same effect.
But roids will at least give you massive gains.
Not the same at all lmao
>the ABSOLUTE state of Jow Forums
Do humanity a favour and don't reproduce faggot.
I already have faggot. Take an anatomy course, semen and the vas have nothing to do with test production.
Well nobody in my family takes it and I only drink filtered water so I wouldn't know desu
Don't need to. I never have sex.
>People here unironically have sex outside of marriage
It'll never be as good as the way God intended, plus kids are great
The hormones in water aren't filterable with something like a Britta and water treatment plants don't filter it.
I agree. But I don't care.
There’s a form of male birth control involving two injections to the vas deferens. Lasts 10 years, completely reversible with a second injection. 100% effective. It’s in clinical trials now with some French company (I think). Originally from India.
Anyway, this thing would be amazing. No exogenous hormones through birth control and no risk of pregnancy would make everyone’s life easier. Get your sons on it early, teenage pregnancy rates become nonexistent. STI rate would go up though...
Fucking this. Been off BC for going on 6/7 years and Ive never felt better mentally and physically. Contraception is not even that hard without it.
>teenage pregnancy rates become nonexistent.
They're almost nonexistant now.
Even if they are having sex the cellphones and wifi are ensuring that theyr'e basically shooting blanks.
Fucking jew shilling strikes again. I would rather eat dog-shit than castrate myself.
I want to have kids some day. Using condoms is a bother I'm willing to take.
It's temporary, it doesn't reduce sex drive, and it doesn't reduce test. It's not castration.
The long term effects of BC are mostly permanent.
Your natural sexual function and fertility were permanently altered and well..you're at risk for a whole host of cancers and heart problems now.
Problems women I know have ended up with because of the pill include vaginal dryness, low libido, significant weight gain, migraines, depression, increase in emotional fragility/moodswings
Durex make decent feeling condoms nowadays and I'm happy to wear them with my girl
Source? Also my sexual function has signifcantly improved but that is mostly anecdotal and due to situational, not hormonal causes. I have not seen any evidence of your last claim, especially since I spent the first couple of years rebalancing out my hormones. One affect I did notice though is that because my kike psychiatrist suggested them to my parents at 14, I am doomed to have barely pubescent looking tits until I get pregnant.
he's right though,
if you're 100% sure to want some kids one day, vasectomy is a really bad idea considering the risks of not being able to reverse it, they aren't negligible even if they re somewhat low
Wrong board, champ.
Stop the obvious shilling holy shit
You sound like you got a vasectomy and are trying to justify it now because you feel bad about it.
>random nigger comes with controversial claim without anything to back it up with
>still gets a proper response
I'm starting to believe this user is actually a girl
When condoms and contraceptives are available there is absolutely no reason to surgically alter yourself against the intention of your biology.
She would have to prove that it's your kid?
>being scientifically literate is shilling
Whatever fag
Haven't gotten one no