Do you see yourself in this guy?
>be me
>never had a job
>can't get a job because every job available wants experience
>have no money so can't move out
Do you see yourself in this guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>every job available wants experience
Not true. Even those who do are not adamant on it, a lot of them really need staff and will settle for beginners.
i really fucking love Saya
>Moved out when 17
> had job more often than nt for past 12 years
>get laid regularly
>go on adventures around world with little money I do make
Only thing I guess wed have in common is even though I do all this shit I can fucking see myself in him so much for some reason. Like at anytime itll all slip away and I'll become him.
Kek confirms, just dress good and act professional.
I am above him, I have been a NEET for almost 10 years, also a a wizard.
This is true but its not common.
Alot of stores after summer time will get picky so finding a job now would be a good idea, or around the holidays.
Id like to think stocking shelves is probably the most desirable job for a robot, which i litterally got through luck as i have no prior experience.
For those of you without NEETbux you definetly dont want to risk being thrown out of ur parents house with nothing you can do, it happened to me.
why is it that this board pushes propaganda that it's impossible to get out of NEETdom!? the 'no exp' meme has gone too far
holy quints of truth
I am 24 and getting closer to that point
The fact that is major news now for some reason is incredibly telling of just how far down we've sunk as a nation. In a different era this would have gone in the "offbeat" section and been nothing but a chuckle. It's going to get worse lads, don't you worry.
Why are you on my board, then?
Fucking originally checked.
Not too sure. I like giving advice. I was kinda a bot back in school until i moved out so I know how it feels and what helped me out. I just want to help people who were in similar positions to me.
So do you think you can change my hideous physical appearance and personality?
You can't.
Personality definetly. Looks, Plastic surgery and gym memberships exist.
>Personality definetly.
No, you can't.
>Looks, Plastic surgery and gym memberships exist.
First of all, plastic surgery is expensive. Second of all, it's artificial. I don't want to be artificial. I want to be naturally good looking. And you can't go to the gym to do away with ugly.
>CNN airs their interview with this guy but not the one with me
t. hurrr durr I only care about changing the things I can't change because I'm a stubborn cunt
Personality is easy to change. You just need to cultivate and develop a new one. Takes time but achievable enough.
>youre a fucken idiot then. You wanna fly but don't wanna use a jetpack. You can't magically grow wings mate. Yeah its expensive but its achievable. Unless youre willing to exhaust every option in achieving your goals then you have no fucking right to complain about not having something. Thats all on you. Man the fuck up.
What are you talking about? When did they interview you?
I did a CNN interview a month ago about incel topics for Anderson Cooper's show. The producer is telling me it's still gonna air but idk.
K larp faggot
Suck my dick
No. He's a father who lost custody. He's not only had sex with a women but had a child with her.
>18 years old
>Apply for job at movie theatre
>Get called in for an interview a month later (just a few days ago now)
>Do interview
>Guy says I did great and that if I get it he will call at the end of the week
>Says something about other interviewees as well
>Oh, so I got called in among probably 20 other people
>Haven't been called
>Go to the same theatre today
>See some old boomer working at the ticket booth
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK.
Fucking stupid boomers, God I hate them so much. I'm a teenager trying to work at a movie theatre, why is that so hard? Cause of fucking dumbass boomers. I said I'd work as a custodian, but I bet some boomer is working that as well.
I have never had a job cause I either never get called in, or they never call after the interview. This is getting to be soul-crushing.
Aren't there wikipedia rules about non-notable people? There is already an article on the incel comunity.
If you're cited by enough reputable sites wikipedia considers you notable. I'm surprised Michael Rotondo doesn't have a page
I don't because I'm voluntarily a NEET in hopes my parents come to resent me enough to kick me out and stop caring about me, hopefully once my situation is dire enough I'll have the balls to kill myself.
>You want to fly?
>Well, start jumping up and down, that's a start :)
>Oh, you don't want to do that, sounds like you just want the final outcome without any effort. Can't help those who wont help themselves :)
LOL no one cares about experience you dumb twit. its all about how cool you are and if you'll bring in more revenue for them. no exp is literally a meme.
Working on your personality is not the same thing as flying, you fucking mong.
Whatever though, your attitude clearly demonstrates you'll always be a shitty, useless person and the world is better off without you in it. Have fun dying alone, asshole, nobody's gonna miss you.
He clearly says get a jetpack if you wanna fly not jump up and down.
Jumping up and down is just as useless as magically sprouting wings which was whole point of the post.
he's socially successful enough to have had a son, and he doesn't even seem nervous talking to all the reporters about his ridiculous antics
>can't get a job because every job available wants experience
I thought this but then signed up with a temp agency. They want all the useless slaves they can get.
It never ceases to amaze me how normies come here to "give advice" to random anons but if the user is unable to follow said advice he's immediately told to kill himself. Why don't you just go do this on reddit where they actively feed this type of hero complex?
You're here cause you like giving advice? And this is how you respond? Every body here who could benefit from your advice is like that guy. Why are you here insulting people when they don't want your help? You even think anybody here needs to be told "Work on your personality and body bro!".
This, so much. Oh, you won't do what I say? You're worthless, have fun dying alone. Like any robot here needs to be told that.
Why use it as an analogy in the first place when it doesn't even fucking work?
If you want to use a (shitty), but functional analogy. Use a house, and a handyman or carpenter or whatever.
You are asking someone to fundamentally change the foundation of their character, while using said foundation of the character to change itself.
All the shit-tier advice, like the ones you come with, using your jetpack analogy is platitudes. It's like quoting that Peterson-dude, but only quote the 12 steps as the legit advice. That the act of cleaning your room is sufficient, not the concept it supposedly represent.
Just buy a house if you're homeless.
Just get laid if you're incel.
Just buy food if you're hungry.
Just become happy if you're unhappy.
Just eat if you're anorectic.
Just don't throw up if you're bulimic.
Just get well if you're sick.
Something tells me that normies are the ones wanting to be seen as empathic, but showing empathy is too much of a hassle.
Normies who "give advice" are just projecting their own values and life experience super hard on the failures in this board.
>My problems were easily solvable with "effort" so yours are as well
>context is literally irrelevant ok? just do what you're told
>oh you don't want to achieve the same things I do? You are unable to do what I say? Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit
Extra points if they call us incels because these normies come from Reddit and use this shit term the failures from that shithole use to describe themselves.
If you want to get experience do volunteering. Like in an op-shop or something for retail experience or anywhere for general experience
>never had a job
>been applying for 1 job per year since 16
>have never heard back from any of them
feels good man. im gonna be a neet forever
Not true.
Normies who give advice aren't actually normies, they have had some minor luck in their lives, and now feel superior and like user said, want to be a hero. Of course, they can't be a hero so they go for the absolute easiest way to feed their fantasy - "helping" neets, depressed people... encouraging the handicapped.
This way, they are the good guy. :)
Sure I guess that's part of it as well, I'm sure there's a feeling of "obligation" at work here, where people believe they're supposed to cheer on for others around them even if it's just saying superficial trash. But since we're in an anonymous forum they inevitably show the true facets of their personality.
no, that guy is pure normalfag
>has a kid
>has a roastie
>has a bitcoin business
Pump up those number, those are rookie numbers. You gotta apply to 10-20 companies in a week.
>no, that guy is pure normalfag
Just go work construction. If you are in good physical shape of course. They will take anyone who's motivated. After a couple of months of being the bottom bitch you get experience and confidence. And there's literally hundreds of jobs available everywhere. And it pays better than min wage (here at least)
Construction work is fucking trash and doesn't help building confidence at all, if anything your average robot here would only end up feeling worse. The entire construction work culture revolves around teasing whoever comes across as weak, drinking, being loud and obnoxious and being literally against any displays of culture or intelligence. I deal with a bunch of construction workers through my own work (I do electrician, plumbing and heating shit), and on average they're the most irritating faggots around, sure you can get some pretty laid back dudes who just love work and being respectful individuals, but they're rare.
A better advice would be to tell anons to take up an apprenticeship in the field of electricity or heating/ventilation systems, there's always demand for this type of work which means there's always the need for some skilled labour.
That being said trades are fucking trash and I don't wish anyone to ever work in them, fuck this field and fuck muscle/knee pain at the age of 22.
Do you see yourself in this guy, Michael?
Of course trades are way better than low level unskilled labourers. But he wants a job now. And you are right about alot of things but life is never perfect. And if you put in some effort and get through the first couple of months. Then things get better. I had no experience at all at first and my first team was like you said, assholes. But now I have skills that are very in demand and I can afford to chose where I want to work. Now I pick my own crew since im a supervisor. One thing I learned is that a good "vibe" will bring the best out of people. I made friends and learned so much in this field. Leaving my min wage warehouse job was the best decision I have made in my life. It gave me financial stability. And it made me feel like I belong somewhere. Not just stacking fucking vegetables for 8 h a day.
>He has 2 kids
>He's a fucking normalnigger
If you see yourself in him, you are a normalfag.
This, he's more of a normie than what you would initially think. He doesn't even play video games.
Work at Wal-mart or McDonald's to start off.. or get some volunteering experience to add to your resume
Why can't you NEETs just sell your novels or symphonies? Hell, call some universities and have them pay you to host lectures on your calculus algorithms.
A lot of you have Mediterranean villas, right? Do you need to live with your parents if the govt has set you up so well? Or, hell, just live in your yacht for a couple weeks and cut back on the gourmet meals and European escorts until you find a nice manor.
I'm just a stupid wagecuck, so I don't know your situations. You're all so resourceful and brilliant, though, I am sure you will figure it out.
good get but bad post my dude
That guy at least got to become a meme on the internet. What do we have?
I gain wizard status at 30. Looking forward to the milestone.
What spells have your acquired?
Jesus it sounds like you're extremely bitter and upset over something and throwing it at a bunch of NEETs on the internet, every person you quoted except maybe the last post comes across as a pathetic NEET who just wants to fucking die and yet you write this reddit tier attempt at passive aggression because of your bitterness. Come on dude whatever issue might be going on in your life isn't solved by doing this, a good wagie like you knows it's best to work hard so go at it ok pal?
Retard. He had a kid with a roastie, even married the whore. He was living alone until the roastie divorced him and left him with nothing. That's when he moved back home.
Too many NEETs now. It is justified in being news.
> I like giving advice.
>I like mocking people to feel good about myself by trying to ruin their lives since I hate everyone of you with a passion
Kill yourself normalnigger. You are literally the worst thing that has ever happened to the world. Even roasties are nothing compared to your ilk.
He's basically the king of cucks
Why is my post bad? I'm not wrong.
People who whine about experience are just looking for excuses. And i'm speaking from experience, no intention to act condescending.
>just get a shit job to start with bro
Yeah okay you can't expect to start off well from the get-go but really what the fuck is the point if you never have the potential to move beyond the shitty stuff?
This is not in contradiction with what OP said.
Fuck off normalfag. You're not welcome here. Try redd!t, it's obviously more your speed.
He actually had a relationship, so no.
>do you have a resume?
>cover letter?
>can you lie about having basic skills and then not look like too retarded of a monkey for 8 hours a day
Then nothing is stopping you the world is your oyster.
Yeah except I'm a wizard with a part time job(And a semi-decent pc/reverse cycle aircon).
>INB4 why you no move out???
Yes, but I work full time as a security guard for $13 per hour, buy my own groceries, wash dishes, pay my own taxes and needs, own a used car and sometimes go halfsies on the oil bill. Almost 27 year old.
Not too bad, I guess.
Who are you quoting?
Would love to be a security guard making minimum wage. You're living the dream my friend.
Fuck off you don't know shit do fuck off
Enough of this work experience meme. Just go to a temp agency. They will literally hire anyone. Now get off your lazy ass and make something of yourself before you turn out like that fucking loser in your pic. The job you will get will most likely be shit but you CAN work your way up to a better paying jobs. All you need is experience do to so. I know this because I've fucking done it myself. Please user stop making excuses and make your family proud. They are the ones supporting you after all.
Not really. I'm a good bit older than him and still living with parents who are chill. But if they ever uttered one word about wanting me out I'd be gone in a few hours and they'd never see or hear from me again.
>CAN work your way up
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone is capable of it. And when we don't (I can pretty much tell that I won't by now) you'll just shit on us saying "you just didn't work hard enough" or some bullshit like that.
This, for every person that's promoted, a bunch of people are left in the same trash positions they started out with. I've seen some women spend over two decades stuck in the same entry level positions for life and it's not out of incompetence. Peter's Principle isn't applicable to real life, nepotism, your personality/physical traits, your schedule availability, your personal matters, anything can be used as a reason for you to remain at the bottom of society, and more often than not this shit will just be straight out of your control.
Well for me I think I'm just that incompetent but the fact remains that not everyone is above average. The only future I have is to work at shitty jobs so is it really that much better than being a NEET? I'm still going to be trash either way.
She really is the best one.
Hm, I guess ignorance.
It's an useful spell to block out any outsides opinions and influence and keep yourself protected.
Promotion is not about working hard. It's about having the right friends. You must ingratiate yourself to your superiors. There's a few paths to go down. Either you can report on all your colleagues, or you can hang out with your bosses and be their best friend, or you can give them the succ.
I stand on the same position pal. I've worked in the service industry and now I do odd jobs of manual labour here and there because my parents wouldn't even consider feeding me otherwise. I don't have many intentions of doing more than that though, I'm happy being a NEET, I wasn't happy when I was doing the whole "rat's race" thing just to get some bottom of the barrel reward, and I'm not even that incompetent of a guy, I was praised a lot when I actually worked, clients would straight up seek my boss to compliment my work and addressed me personally as a good worker (I even got a dinner at a really expensive place as a tip once, just for doing my job right). And yet people with better social intelligence (something I lack), better looks, or just straight raised around more connected people managed to move on up while I stayed in the same place. Fuck that noise, I'd rather waste away on my own than by working as someone else's wageslave.
Why am i a normalfag? What you said literally isn't in disagreement with the OP. Moron.
This. One of the most normalfaggy phrases is "If I did it, so can you" which is right behind "b urself :)". Not everyone is equal, not everyone has the same strengths, and the fact that a sociable, well-adjusted person who likely had 2 loving parents can climb to the top of some shitty managerial ladder, does not mean a robot can do it. Normalfags, worthless fucking NPCs the whole lot of them.
>He doesn't seem like a bad guy, dude apparently has a kid which makes this even more depressing.
His parents are absolute failures. Nobody cares about that though.
This guy motivated me to get a job. it was a real wake up call because i didn't want to be as pathetic as him
impressive digits and i agree there are plenty of low level retail/warehouse jobs for people with no experience
>Aren't there wikipedia rules about non-notable people? There is already an article on the incel comunity.
Yeah. Which is why it shoudl be deleted. Make a request for deletion.
I thought he was one of us until I looked further into his situation
>has moved out twice
>has a kid
>has a degree
>parents have offered to help him many times getting on his own 2 feet
He's literally just a lazy sack of shit that quit his job because they wanted him to come in on Saturday.
>Just be friends with X
where do you think you are
My problem is I don't care if I look pathetic. I have no external motivation. I feel this detached from society to the point I think: "Strangers think I look pathetic? So what? I don't care about society". Any advice?
How is that lazier than the typical NEET?
Same, but I am 24.
i meant that i found myself pathetic
you should try to appreciate the benefits of hard work. try to accomplish something that will make you proud of yourself
I'm in the same position, shit like doesn't even work for me, why care about hard work? It brings no benefit I care to attain, nothing would really make me feel proud of myself either.
This guy is a fucking idiot. Why does he have to dodge every fucking question he's asked?