This is what you can expect to look like as a natural lifter with average genetics after 6 years of lifting

This is what you can expect to look like as a natural lifter with average genetics after 6 years of lifting.

Attached: 24 APRIL 2018 - 5'7 90KG.png (1075x653, 1.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:

You probably won't see anything that good but you could come close

>b-but your stats are probably shit lol

5'7 - 90kg

>Training 1RM's
Bench - 163kg
Press - 110kg
Deadlift - 247kg
Squat - 220kg

Attached: 24 APRIL 2018 - 5'7 90KG 2.png (1068x657, 1004K)

try cutting, fattie



So lifting for 6 years will make me a fat fuck?

Post waist and neck measurments so we can find out your obesity level.

There's a lot of muscle there, if he lost all that fat he'd look great to 99% of people.

>Those stats in 6 months

Choose two

He said 6 years dumb ass.

6 years of lifting cotton balls.

you're fat as fuuuuuuuuuuuck

JHAHAHAHAHAHAH get the fuck out you baiting faggot

ALSO also
>bench 163kg
no, but looking at your chest and tries this is probably the least exaggerated lift, maybe 110kg
based on your shoulders i would say 50kg
>deadlift 247kg
more than likely not based on your minuscule forearms, about 120kg
>squat 220kg
can't see your legs but based on all your other lies definitely not

try actually lifting instead of bullshit baiting on fit

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 17.15.26.png (496x327, 290K)

post body

The muscle is there he's just fat as fuck. When he cuts and gets shredded he'll look godly

My waist is 40 inches. Dunno neck.

>if he lost all that fat he'd also lose most of his muscle
fixed lrn2natty

If you want a good idea of what you can achieve naturally after five years, look at people like Rob Lipsett, Joe Delaney and Virtuvian Physique.

Nah, you're just too accustomed to roiders.

I know guys who are 10kg lighter than me, an inch shorter than me, whose 5RM is my 1RM. What are you even talking about?

>20% bf natty powerlifting routine guy doesn't look very good

Cut and start focusing bro muscles with your exercises if you want aesthetics

great numbers on lifts, but you need to lost at least 9 KG if you want to look good. Your numbers will take a hit if u do it tho

What exercises?

I already do shrugs, lateral raises, curls, calf raises etc, at least 2 times a week. Thats all the typical bro stuff isn't it?

>Rob Lipsett, Joe Delaney and Virtuvian Physique.


All obvious roiders.
OP is probably from a country where roids aren't as accepted, expected and easy to buy as in the US.

Maybe even 25%

So fucking cut then?

mate you are fucking clueless. I'm a twink compared to this guy yet even I press over 50kg.

You have tits like Dillion Harper.

you're too fat

drop to 10-12% bodyfat and you'll look great, say goodbye to those lift #s though

hank hill ass looking mothafucka

Not if he did it very slow and lifted heavy. And took some breaks form cutting to maintain. He'd lose a bit, but not most of it.

>roiding for this

Attached: 6567890-46556789.jpg (601x403, 48K)

You are an obese manlet, what did you expect

Very nice.

OP here, I know I need to cut , mostly for health reasons.

My cholesterol came back high on a blood test and I really do not feel "healthy" eating 3400 calories a day.

I am considering dropping down to 70-75kg, cutting on 10 cals per lbs of weight. So that would be about 2000 calories I think.

I actually do not give a fuck about strength anymore, its too hard now, making tiny bits of progress takes too much effort, I just want to relax now, take it easy in the gym, no more autistically chasing X lifting goals, I just want to lean down and feel healthy and get a 100% healthy blood test again.

Wew lads, all this delusion
I'm 6'1" for comparison to bullshitting OP here's my stats
>Weight 92kg
>bench 125kg 2x5
>Overhead press 80 3x4
>squat 140kg 3x10
>diddly 190kg 3x5
>bent over row 130kg 3x8
>Lifting 3 years

Stop bullshittinf faggots, either your form is awful, your not doing enough reps or a combo of both, stfu and lift, you esspecially OP.

god you people are so sheltered. do you think everyone is a genetic failure like yourself? there are people who werent born to be dyel losers and have the ability to actually gain muscle and look good without steroids.

but yeah, you can keep being a scrawny retard and call everyone bigger than you a roider.

>inb4 "hurr i was being retarded on purpose xDDDD"

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literally all youre missing is traps and a thick neck you baby
also youre fat as hell

Fucking forgot pic in my rage

Attached: 20180423_172223.png (720x1280, 524K)

Nope, lrn2natty

>everyone wants to look like a bodybuilder
Maybe he just wants to attain the current ideal and not more.

not sure if youre serious but no that wont happen. i think im fat and this is me after 2-2.5yrs of lifting.

Attached: front.jpg (718x730, 419K)

>bent over row 130kg 3x8
calling bullshit. Post vid.

You dont actually have and never have had any of those lifts anyway so why would you care in the first place you fat curlbro ?

Why is he wearing his underpants at the beach lmao

>roiding and still such shitty numbers
lel, I literally lifted more at 18.

No. You cannot look good without steroids. There is not a single human being in the history of humanity who attained a good physique by internet standards without roiding. This is fact.

Why are you mad for? Fat manlet outlifts you? abovebur

Guess what OP would look pretty much like you if he cut down from his current 50% bodyfat state

Why is someone whose lifted 3 years longer than me stronger than me.

Are you retarded?

Do them more frequently. They won't burn you out like compounds do, get your volume in

Look at OPs shoulders, they literally don't exist, he would look nothing like that if he cut (not that he would look bad but no where near as good)

OP is stronger than you, stop coping

I have a feeling you're fat.

>but looks ten times worse at a much shorter height and almost the same current weight

Are you not starting to see how OP os bullshitting yet ?
So let me get this straight OP is
>stronger (by 6 inches too)
>the same weight
>yet will look as good or better if he cuts and isn't lying about his lifts

Sure thing

aw man, thumbnail got my excited for a blaha thread

I wasnt bragging about numbers retard the whole point in my post is showing how my numbers are much worse yet i look much better than OP (at the same weight) so he's clearly talking out his ass, fuck me its like talking to children.

You're just fat.
Your back looks awful from the side, and you have no ass at all. I'm not even going to mention how awful your front side looks because it's obvious that it looks terrible.

>those HUGE love handles

So you're about 40lbs at the very least over weight


I am a barrel chested manlet. We're literally built for the powermemelifts.

How big are you waist measurement? Mine is 40 inches. That would give you an idea of how side my shoulders are compared to yours, if your waist is like 30 inches, then yeah...We'd have to be standing to each other in RL to get the right proportions.

Its easy to say someone has small shoulders if their waist is wide as fuck.

Are you saying you look bigger in person?

Attached: rGK9nvk.png (602x562, 266K)

My friends call me the monster.

I also did snatch and grabs for Assad.

Memes aside, can someone recommend me the fastest way to drop 15-20kg?

Idc about losing size/strength, just want the fat gone.

Your delusion is actually astonishing

Attached: PhotoGrid_1524502400141.jpg (2048x2048, 813K)

Eh it's a pretty bad pose for showing off delts in both pics so I can't really make a judgement on that. One detail you can notice is that OP has much thicker triceps and that's something that makes the shoulders look smaller in comparison.

I'm a bit biased though because I myself have cannonball delts at low bodyfat but as soon as I bulk up I get fat on my tris that removes the 3D.

>why does an obese manlet look worse than me
Are you being retarded on purpose?

Strength and looks don't necesarily correlate you dumb fuck.
Most 'aesthetic' guys are weak as fuck.

Worst inflation of numbers since Venezuela

hahahahaa imagine having such bad genetics you literally have a mindset like this

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>those hips

Attached: jewst.jpg (514x514, 33K)

>90 kg

Damn user that's what I weigh and I'm 6'2. I think it's time for you to cut.

Chest dominate bencher vs shoulder dominate bencher?

I have been working out for 3 years, youre just doing everything wrong

Attached: 111111.png (323x411, 198K)

I looked better after 4 months, either you're completely incompetent and/or your genetics are trash

5'7 - 90KG

Fuck me no wonder you've got no definition you're 10kg overweight.

Low bodyfat + good frame and insertions are much more important for aesthetics than strength. His lifts aren't ludicrous. He looks pretty thicc in the second pic. Of course he's gonna be strong after six years of lifting as long as he doesn't suck at it. I see strongfat/dyel looking guys lifting good numbers every day at my gym


Literally zero delt or trap development. How the fuck can you press 110kg?

After 6 months calisthenics base no roids

Attached: IMG_20180404_074725_HDR.jpg (2592x4608, 2.96M)

>only 10kg

Try 20 mate

why do you look like such a fuckin dork?
must be the thickness of your ab insertions


Attached: lw.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

Stats are good, body looks like actual shit

Mate I can press a bit less than 60, deadlift probably around 150-160, squat around 130 and I look A LOT smaller than him.
You're too used to roiders.

whats your routine?

You wish you were this thicc bb

>50kg press
>that guy
>110 pounds
>like he can't even do 35s
>has to put on 25s + 5s + 2.5s
fucking KEK

Attached: 1507921490179.jpg (460x269, 19K)

why is everyone shitting on this guy? he has decent muscle mass and he's strong as fuck. is everyone here a competing powerlifter that they're not impressed by a 110kg press? his only problem is high bodyfat, which he can change to lean'ish levels in like half a year.

Attached: crab.jpg (600x800, 44K)

Just the fact that you list your lifting stats proves me you're clueless about lifting for aesthetics

I can gurarantee that if you cut down to 10% bf your aesthetics would be 8/10

You're around 22-23% at the moment and would have to lose around 9kg / 18lbs to get to 10% bf.

If you lost a pound per week it would take you around 4 months.

Your lifts would take a 10-15% cut if you lost weight.

You're 4 months from looking aesthetic. What are you waiting for?

If you cut properly you'd be 81kg lean @ 5ft 7 which would look fucking huge for your height.

Attached: 1478786197154.jpg (1138x1128, 362K)

I suppose I don't have average genetics then. I achieved this as an 18 y/o 6'0" man in 6 months. I did have help planning with my pediatrician, but it was just diet stuff and check-ups. Either you're doing something wrong or you need to try something else.

>220kg squat in 6 months
>163kg bench in 6 months
>247kg deadlift in 6 months

I can believe the 110kg OHP if you're both a fat fuck and top tier genetic freak to begin with but the rest are ludicrous to believe.

I do that too. I don't care about swim suits and you barely see it in Eastern Europe either.

>T. Eastern European

I am almost like OP, also strength training manlet. We look basically identical but i am 5’9 100kg.

In my irl experience only gay guys comment on me being chubby. It is just disappointing to them that a potential 9/10 is gimping himself with excess bodyfat to 6/10.

Thats the super gay vibe i get in threads like this.

My apologies, I didn't look at his stats.
I meant I achieved that physique in 6 months or so.

What program are you running?

Read the waistband, probably a sponsorship related photo op

>5 feet 7 inches

thankfully I can expect never to look like that

>I meant I achieved that physique in 6 months or so.
I imagine that with no reference to compare him to its hard to tell how big he is compared to another person.

I imagine if you were stood next to him clothed you would look a lot less thick and your arms would be smaller. His fat just hides a lot of his muscularity.

If the dude cut for 4 months like said i guarantee he'd look bigger than 90% of people in the gym.