/fast/ #181

>How do I fast?
Don't eat
>How long should I fast?
Keep going
>Won't I be hungry?
Not after a few days
>Why not just limit calories?
>Won't I go into starvation mode?
No. Only occurs at extremely low body fat
>Won't I lose muscle?
Not if you lift. Minimal even if you don't. Fasting boosts HGH
>How long will it take me to lose X lbs/kg?
*water weight not included
>Can I eat (something with calories)?
A: No
>Can I drink coffee or tea? Diet soda?
Coffee and tea are probably okay. Sweeteners are probably bad. This is debatable
>So only drink water?
For longer fasts, supplement electrolytes. When you feel bad, mix around 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp potassium chloride/citrate in water and sip it throughout the day. Adjust as needed. Headache=more salts. Watery shits=more water
>Where do I find potassium chloride/citrate?
Stores would have them where they keep the salt. Names include NoSalt, LoSalt, etc.
>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not unless you're going for a month+
>How long does it take to get into ketosis?
Everyone's different. Just stop eating

Autophagy: When your body eats useless cells (loose skin, scar tissue, etc). A benefit of fasting
Dry Fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, but it may speed up autophagy
Insulin: Hormone that regulates fat retention. Spiked by eating, especially carbs. Probably spiked by artificial sweeteners
Keto: Very low or zero carb diet that limits insulin and triggers ketosis.
Ketosis: When your body has used all of its carbs and starts using fat for fuel

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I'm already seeing two QUIDDOT-tier threads up and have questions myself. Let's do this

About 54 hours in to a 72 hour fast, might go a bit longer. Feeling pretty alright bros, we're all gonna make it.

starting /fast/ tomorrow. can i eat lettuce? even just one leaf to give my vitamins and supplements something to fall on

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Hour 42 out of 720.
I had a dream about eating.It felt so real but I woke up scared that I broke fast

>eat cotton balls and pic related

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>lost 9 lbs in 4 days

Is this normal?

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Half of that was probably water weight, which is normal.

>start a daylong waterfast to see how it goes
>hunger cramps and the opressive feeling of a completely empty stomach comes periodically
>chug down water
>hunger crams go away
>have to pee
>same color as it went in
>Rinse and repeat a dozen time
This is how it's supposed to work, right?

Yeah it’s fine, but it will get much easier after doing it just a couple more times.

Truth is fasting is only good when you're doing it once a year and only consume water during this time.
Up to 3 week, if longer consult a doctor.

Week 4/8 of Keto OMAW

25lbs lost - 220 down to 195

Biggest piece of advice I can give is to STAY IN KETO while refeeding. I wasn't hungry - ever - until I had a sandwich over the weekend, and now I'm starving like it was Day 2 again.

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>720 hours
Hello death

I wonder how cancerfag is doing.

could you combine five days of eating with two days of fasting a week with SS/ SL or is that a bad idea after all?

What in 'fasting' don't you guys get? Don't eat anything. Not a single thing. Eat that lettuce and you'll be hungry all day until you give in and buy McDonalds. Eat nothing and you'll stop being hungry.

Well done, homie.

>30hrs in water fast
>roommate bought me 2 pieces of "roti canai" for me to eat after noticing I haven't eat for a whole day..
>decline politely
>he forced me to eat cause afraid i might die

anyway, whats with the thread delay? I thought the mods forbid /fast/? and 1 pc of "roti canai" contains 300 cals, 60% carbs.. now I have to restart again.. what the hell..

Hey guys I've got some ex-lax, thinking about taking it today during my water fast to soften and evacuate the shit from my colon. It's just a powder you mix in water, 0 calories, do you think this breaks a fast? I'm gonna do it either way, just curious if there are opinions on laxatives.

I did 6lbs in 3 days, and half of it was water. So yes, that's normal.

>I thought the mods forbid /fast/?
This is the last good thread on Jow Forums, if they can it I'm out of this shithole

Should be fine, make sure you replenish your electrolytes if you start shitting a lot.

>just woke up
>regular water tastes like snake juice
>burp alot, tastes like snake juice
>on the verge of throwing up snake juice

I mean, it's not that I hate how it tastes, it just feels like I'm not supposed to be drinking it

Hey haven’t done a fast in a few weeks. Been meaning to but haven’t . I just noticed it’s been almost 24 hours since I ate or drank anything. Should I just go into a 48 dry and push wet for the rest of the week? This will be my first dry fast.

Did he prechew it and force it down your throat?

dry or wet, you're already a day into it so might as well carry on

Yea, just worried about it. I usually eat very well for a couple days before I fast, fruits, vegetables, meats. All I had yesterday was pizza and grape soda. Didn’t even enjoy it.

Can I drink nocalorie and no sugar sips?

Probably no

can I have coffee and creamer! only that!


coffee yes, creamer no

OMAD a day is the first diet which has worked for me, 78kg > 74kg and aiming at 70 before i guess I start aiming for muscle bulking

just in case you were not attending your elementary school math class, that is 30 days which lots of people done even without electrolites and they only lost fat not their life

Anyone doing PSMF/RFL (by Lyle McDonald) with IF?

I train fasted, take Yohimbine + caffeine before 30-60 mins of cardio. Then 2 hours later eat my poverty calories.

I'm fairly lean already so this is only for 10 days.

It was a joke retard

Thanks, better than telling me to eat cotton balls

>do 48 hour water fast
>don't drink/buy snake juice because it's been said repeatedly that you probably won't need it during such a short fast
>probably being the keyword
>i do great on day 1 but on day 2 i feel dizzy and on the verge of passing out at any moment
at least i learned my lesson for next time

So eat absolutely nothing? How do you get the energy to workout

creamer yes, coffee no

b-but can't cotton balls clog your intestines and kill you?

Water/salt/snake juice/electrolytes

is there a difference between potassium chloride and potassium citrate?

i don't know, is there?

if i knew i wouldn't have asked the question

wouldn't you have?

"""Force fed"""

>Grow a set of balls you fucking - look have fun cleaning the sand out if your vagina

From your fat gut

Have any of you mixed water and dry fasts? Would something like two days water, two days dry then another day of water work?

I'm no expert, but my guess is that would make your penis start farting uncontrollably.

4th day.
If I ended the fast with one meal and went straight back to fasting, would that cause problems or would it just mean i'd be hungry again and technically start from day 1 again?


older , bored anons . thoughts on this vid?
pic somewhat related

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Depends what you eat.
It will be easier if you eat keto. Easiest will probably be a clear soup cooked on bones.

I want to do 5 days water 2 days dry for a month

He looked better fat.
Also why is there a vagina on his neck in after photo?


I found Penn's weight loss journey pretty inspiring to start my own

I live with my brother and he's being a cunt, constantly talking about takeaways, burgers, pizzas, fries, he eats fried chicken near my room and around me all the time, he's a real fuckin dick, honestly.
But now I'm thinking I could prepare to break my fast and enjoy a burger on day 10 or something.

I know it's not great but its a different kind of hunger where my body wants to feel the satiety of a juicy ass burger.
Yes, I am disgusting trash.

Nah, that sounds perfectly normal. Don’t stress yourself out trying to do everything 100% perfect. There isn’t a perfect way to do most things anyway and we all live in environments and social situations that affect us.

>a different kind of hunger where my body wants to feel the satiety of a juicy ass burger.
That's what people call 'cravings'

Eh, yeah I guess so. Dunno why I didnt say cravings.

Eat if you want, just be aware it will slow down your progress and make you take at least one day longer to reach your goals. I think you'll make it either way, user.


Yea, it’s not gonna be a major setback unless you are trying to stay in autophagy or loose as much as fast as possible. I have been doing a 5 day fast with about 2-3 days eating then another 5 day fast. I would suggest you try to break bad eating habits with your refeeds if you go that route. Take the money you saved not eating and go get some filet mignon slathered in butter and veggies you like. Maybe even some nice potatoes if you’re gonna break Keto( I wouldn’t ).

No, and no reason to either. You will be fine eat some lettuce beforehand if you're worried

Never addressed in FAQs:
Do medications break the fast? Do ritalin and prozac start up the digestion system?

I'm starting with 16/8 and want to add in a 24-36 hour fast once a week. I may add in OMAD, but if meds fuck it all up, then I may have to look for a different plan.

30 days you got this. When I did my days I had similar dreams you'll be fine it gets stupid easy

> hit 100kg mark
> shit
> friends tell me i've become fat
> ok lets try some fasting
> stopped buying food
> literally no food in my house
> 48 hours in

i wonder when this "you feel good" effect will kick in ...

also i have finally time to clean my fridge properly

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Is beer allowed?

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A healthy intestinal trac can hold like 3 days worth of food

Thanks bro.
What were your results and what was your longest fast?

1 day in
The hunger is real
Does it really go away after a while? Like, completely?

>holding chyme and shit for 3 days
Does not sound healthy at all

Yes it does.
Cravings never leave tho.You sure its hunger and not just cravings?

never fasted before, but gone stagnate on my diet.

ready to drop some more weight, fuck it.

Only hard liquor is allowed.
Basically, if it looks like water you can eat it.

is this the slav diet?

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You can have a burger, my nigger. No fries. Every gram of carbs you eat pauses your progress longer. Keep at it, soon, you'll prefer the health/aesthetic benefits to the cheap thrill of a burger.

Until then, burger away!

I've *just* gotten in on the snake diet meme.

I attempted a mainstream ketogenic diet back in 2013 and I remember how shit it was taking about two weeks to get into ketosis. It took me less than 32 hours to turn the strip dark purple by simply fasting.

It's been about 36 hours now. I'm still feeling shitty and hungry. But I'm hoping I can go beyond the first 48 hours and make it to 72. Regardless, what should I break my fast with?

These guys suggest to stay in keto which is what I'm leaning towards. I'm gonna try making "cloud bread" and eating it with eggs and mayo. Cole suggests a small meal 80% vegetables. What vegetables would you recommend? Are roasted capsicum and zucchini good or will they have caramelized and will cause and insulin spike?

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Ok, so I'm doing my first water fast and I'm 25 hours in, feeling decent.

Just wondering, is 3 cups of plain black coffee a day fine?

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Keep taking the meds. No issue in my experience.

>taking about two weeks to get into ketosis
is this real

You need to hit keto first. I go in keto and feel boundless energy on day 3-4. That might be day 7 for you. It'll take awhile to hit keto, then the gold feeling comes after a few days of post keto fasting

There are mixed opinions of coffee/caffeine, here. I personally don't mind using caffeine but some people say it makes you catabolic but I'm not convinced of this. If you're going to drink coffee make sure there are no calories(milk/sugar/etc) added however, this is someone almost everyone agrees upon .

how do you guys get your iodine levels and omeg3s in check?

Brainforce and the bone broth.

Go for 96 bud. To stay keto I do refeeds on 3lb cabbage shredded, 1lb mushrooms, stir fried w 1 tbsp sesame oil, 2tbsp sriracha, 4tbsp $oy sauce. You can add 1lb 73% beef, or refrain to keep cal super low. Fast long enough to feel amazing. It takes a bit longer if you have to wait to get into ketosis.

that breaks your fast.

This is my first fast. would i hit keto faster on my second fast?

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Can you explain how you're feeling? Is it hunger, fatigue, etc? What did you eat prior to your fast? There are many reasons, but most like after 48 hours you'll be already deep into ketosis and you are most likely feeling the detox effects of autophagy which is induced by fasting. Autophagy is like the garbage disposal of the body and if it's your first fast there is likely a lot of toxins which your body is getting rid off - this could be the primary cause of your condition at the moment.

About to hit 48 hours.

Problem is my new job is pretty physical. Y'all think water fasting for a week is a good idea or just OMAD? Currently head feels a bit shit but otherwise I'm grand.

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BS. ethanol gets digested in the same pathway as carbs and gram for gram has the exact same amount of calories as sugar.

Coolio, thanks

It's mostly driven by amount of glycogen in the body, but yes, experience helps transitioning to keto go faster and be less uncomfortable. Best mode is to just stay keto once you get there -- incorporate fasting and stay keto until you hit your desired bodyfat level.

I drank over 1,5l of water during my 10 hour shift and didnt pee once. Am I going to die?

i ate only shit before the fast (fries hamburgers candy etc). my first day was pretty ok because i had lots of work to do. after the work tho i was only thinking about "maybe i can grab some x and start my fast again tomorrow". Iwent to my games backlog and played through age of mythology. Second day (this day) i was craving food then and it also felt like my "knees were weak" did some walking and some other stuff to get away from all the thinking about food. now 50th hour i kind of feel energetic but there is still a feeling of "i want food" in my stomach.

i don't know if this makes any sense or if you understand what i wrote/mean. I think this is mostly withrawal effects because i've been eating shitty for years (and also didn't do much sports).

being single ;_; and having literally no food in the house seems to help

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Truth be told, I wasn't very smart about it. I lived in a Asian neighborhood that had good cheap restaurants around and I thought I was clever by ordering their meat dishes and forgoing rice and noodles. That's when I realized that the sauces in them are full of sugar and starch.

That sounds like a good recipe. The shredded cabbage sounds like a good substitute for noodles.

I'd ideally like to do 96 hours. I know it's supposed to get easier after a certain threshold and I'm just at the worst fucking point of it. I'm not planning to fail and I want to at least get past 48 hours. But when I do crack, I don't want to eat the stuff that's lying around here that's really unhealthy or even getting some takeaway junk.

check the glycemic index for alcohol
beer is literally never an option

Just keep at it. You are 22 hours away from a 72 hr fast. You've never been this close before in your life. Make it happen. Seize opportunity.

Not sure the “I want food in my stomach” feeling ever goes away