How do you get friends Jow Forums?

How do you get friends Jow Forums?
My only social interaction is with my co-workers and even this is going like shit. I'm 24 now, does being alone gets better with time?

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nofap noporn

Join some clubs or meetups or something.
Don't wait for it to come to you, get out there.

Here are the things I did to break out of the perpetual, friendless cycle of work - workout - Jow Forums - sleep:

This was a pretty big step. I went to my local volunteer center and they set me up with a bunch of different gigs. Most of them I barely even enjoy, but it gets me out of the house regularly, gives me something to do, makes me appreciate my time more and actually helps me meet people, in much the same boat, from all walks of life.
One of these jobs was working in a small village library not far from my town. It's staffed mostly by retired villagers, all kinds of different people and while the actual work is boring (literally rearranging books or putting them back on shelves) it has been really helpful to develop my social skills. I'm not socially retarded as such, I just don't get any solid practice and if you don't use those skills (because you spend all your time alone) they atrophy.
>Dancing lessons
This is the best thing you can do if you want to meet women, get comfortable interacting with women, get comfortable touching women (very important) and knowing how to dance is never a bad thing.
I started attending weekly salsa lessons, mostly dancing with older women. Made a ridiculous difference to my ease around females and my overall self-esteem. 100% do this if you have the opportunity.
It was fucking nerve wracking to begin with but stick with it and you'll be thankful you did.
Now I interact with girls on a totally different level. I'm much more physical, much less hesitant. It's basically cheat codes for pussy.

Unironically this.
I'm much more assertive and charismatic on nofap/noporn. I relapsed before so day 4 rn.
14 days here I cum. or not (get it?).

That was reddit tier but I'm still gonna post it.

>does being alone gets better with time?

kek no you faggot

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Don't dancing stuff require you to go with a partner

Depends but most places it's not strictly necessary. Easy just to call and ask how they go about it.
I took beginner lessons with a woman I met volunteering as a tour guide at a big stately home near me. I mentioned that I was looking to learn Salsa and so was she, so it worked out pretty well.
I guess if you can't find someone to go with it could be an issue. Still, start with one thing, then slowly add to your timetable. Try volunteering, maybe try yoga (something else I'm looking into although mostly for flexibility and injury prevention)... Have a look what social activities are on offer in your area and go for it.

Don't feel weird turning up to these things, either. Other people there are in the same boat. People look to connect with other people and they will welcome you in if you're open and friendly.
And look, if you go to some classes or to some social group and you don't like it? You can walk away and never see those people again. Doesn't matter. You've just got to get out there and do it though because fucking no one will come looking for you. No one will fall into your lap and fix your social life for you. Takes a bit of courage.

>I'm much more assertive and charismatic on nofap/noporn
Do you retards really believe this or are you aware that it's just a placebo? or are you baiting?

>being noticeably more assertive, outgoing, and charismatic is placebo
Nice shill logic there bud.

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If you actually put effort into hanging with your co-workers, they will eventually introduce you to their friends. If you have any redeeming qualities whatsoever you can become those peoples' friend.

You can also go to yoga classes, go to bars, say hi to people you see in your neighborhood or gym or whatever. But all of this presupposes that you arent a fucking sperg loser with nothing to offer in the way of friendship or conversation.

24 here too
My shrink told me this morning I should join some sort of group activity

People always say this but clubs and meetups sound kinda lame. Like they would only attract losers.

What specifically would you suggest? I've been thinking about starting bouldering

>dancing lessons

lmao your fucken pathethic mate. once youve had a few beers your dancing skills improve dramatically with or without lessons

It's a good advice but I have premature ejaculation and have to fap to get rid of it.

not him but how does no fap contribute to an increase in assertiveness? Does it increase testosterone?

>But all of this presupposes that you arent a fucking sperg loser with nothing to offer in the way of friendship or conversation.
It's literally me. I never have anything common with people so it's hard to find things to talk about despite work. How do I stop being a boring person?

Thanks user. Will legitimately consider this and I usually hate dancing

I've considered volunteering but think I'd only be doing it to feed my narcissism

> but clubs and meetups sound kinda lame

Then don’t go. What’s the point of having friends if they’re all a bunch of dweebs or turbo-lamers?

Everyone has that

You'll be desperate to get laid and the only way to do that is talk to people :)

The things is you are a loser so you're not losing anything going to a few

>tfw try dancing lessons
>felt like none of the girls really wanted to dance with me
>saw the Chad of the class talking to girls all the time, making them laugh
>I feel the same with women after 10 classes and $200 spent
Feels bad man

>tfw 32 year old khv with no friends

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Dominic > mexico > Vene

There's always at least one paid shill in every nofap/noporn thread.
And yes it does increase T. Supposedly. Okay, there's not much "hard science" to back it up but from what people say and the tests they've done on themselves, most are confident that it does. I'll link this album again:

It's full of anecdotal evidence that nofap is working for people. Some user compiled it all, and I've been shilling it a little (a lot). It's very inspiring.
I'm at day 4 for the millionth time. There are noticeable differences and I want to go for at least a week this time. That's when people start saying they REALLY feel it. Check the image, supposedly at day 6/7 of nofap your test skyrockets.

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Older people always ask me why I don’t just make friends with guys at the gym. I have to explain to them that if you start chatting up some guy at the gym he’s going to think you’re a fag or something

>having interests makes you a loser

I would understand an 18 year old thinking this but when your 24 you just come off as an asshole

stop being so shallow

why do you need friends?

after day 7 test goes back to normal, probably the best way is to jerk it once a week for optimal T

No, the actual 7 day fap test stops after that.
We have no idea of what happens after that.

But there is a study where college aged men stopped jacking off for two months.
The findings state that the men who abstained had greater levels of test and androgen sensitivity then the men who kept visiting the 5 ladies on palmstreet.

Nope. Stop shilling. That's a shill myth. Check the verbiage in the image I posted. "no regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak." Meaning it doesn't go up and it doesn't go down.
Now, some people do experience "flatlines", but that's because their bodies are adjusting back to regular levels of test, and the toxicity of porn and masturbating isn't corrupting their brains any more.
Again, no hard science. But the anecdotal evidence is fairly "conclusive," if you will

>not understanding what placebo is

>no hard science
Into the trash it goes

>coping because you can't abstain from jacking off for a couple days
It's either that or shilling.

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I dunno, if you're totally socially inept and hopeless I don't know what to recommend. Maybe therapy because you've legit likely got deep seated issues and insecurity that you'll need some actual help to overcome.

For the guys that are just socially awkward through neglect and low self-esteem, the best medicine is simply to force yourself repeatedly into social situations until you develop the skills that you're lacking.

I used to socialise maybe once a month with friends and a greater social circle. I would always end up coming away feeling embarrassed and paranoid that everyone thought I was a loser and that it hadn't gone particularly well.
But then I considered that it wasn't me, fundamentally, I was just being a bit awkward because fucking socialising once a month is no where near enough to develop and maintain healthy social senses and habits. You just lose the feel for it and of course, the whole experience puts you off socialising even more. So you get stuck in this cycle whereby you avoid putting yourself out there for fear of failure and then, when you finally do go out, your fears are confirmed because you haven't got much clue how to behave.

You don't go to the gym once a month and then get disheartened and self-conscious when you can't out bench everyone in the gym. You don't attribute that to some inherent flaw or weakness. You understand that you can't lift much because you don't train much.
It's much the same with people skills. Most guys here fall into this category. They just need exposure. Their own intelligence and intuition will take care of the rest.

The other thing is that a lot of guys here are not typical guys. They don't follow mainstream interests. They perhaps harbour a bit more cynicism than normal. That's fine, that's A OK. Just means you've got to meet more people until you find someone whose company you actually enjoy. They are out there.

since you seem so invested in this I suggest you try and make a discord and get a group of people at least 10 that are willing to do blood tests and see once and for all if this shit is real or not

What do you mean “not typical guys”, guy? Hmmmmmm? Are you saying this Uzbek horse taming board has an abnormal sense of humor?

Meetup. The app.
Find whatever group has your interests. Like hiking, camping, volunteering, car clubs, book clubs, religious stuff( join a cult that makes you have sex with grills) nah dont join a cult.
I found a few friends on meetup. Usually doing beach runs, hiking, fishing, and other social stuff like whiskey tasting or wine or some hot involves with woman and alcohol. You just keep sipping on one serving or two. And middle age to cougar woman will seek you if you're attractive.

I had the best time in Orange county, california.

i literally just go drink beer in a bar and talk to people, it's that simple bruh

Right there with you dude. I despise neurotypicals' emotional needs. Recently had to put my autism aside and apologize to a manager for being non-communicative.

Literally, autism or not, makes no difference to these asshole people. They will treat you like the asshole even if its known you are wired differently. kinda sucks that NT's make up ~99% of the population. We need a neurotypical genocide jk.

I dont care for people, if i didnt have to interact with anyone for the rest of my life I would accept the insanity and solitude it beholds because nothing could be worse than never fitting into a world that wont let you even get in the social circle successfully.

Enough ranting. honestly dude finding friends is hard in general and takes getting hurt as a cost, and its bullshit. a broken system

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I wouldn't make a discord and put it on Jow Forums. I've got a vendetta about putting something that would easily personally identify me on here. Also, I think discords on Jow Forums are honeypots. I'm paranoid.

But I'd be willing to do blood tests if I had the resources and situation which I could (sadly I don't right now due to living circumstances). In fact, at least one user has and I think others have too. There was also a study done that showed that testosterone did indeed spike on the 7th day

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>the anecdotal evidence is fairly "conclusive,"

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>How do I stop being a boring person?

Develop interests and hobbies. That's it. There's no other answer. Try stuff you haven't tried before. Set aside your negativity and pessimism and give new things and honest shot.
It doesn't take much to round you out for appearances sake.
I volunteer, I take dance classes, I workout, I read a lot, I like film and music... I cultivate opinions on those things.
It's not much but it's enough just to be able to converse and share experiences and opinions about a few different things that you do when socialising with average people.
I can get real spergy about a few esoteric subjects but 99.9% of people have no interest in any of that... So I cultivated some regular interests to ingratiate myself with people instead of sitting there having nothing to say.

I don't think I'm really anymore interesting than I was before. It's fairly superficial stuff that I've done but it gets you through the door. It shows people that you actually do things with your life, that you experience stuff and interact with the world and that keeps their interest. More than that it feels good to do these things. It feels good to be active. It gives me confidence, calms me down, rounds me out. I don't live with the shame of sitting in my room all night on Jow Forums because that's not what I do anymore (apart from an evening here and there). That makes a big difference to the way I approach social situations. I feel like a regular person with something to offer and not like an outcast trespassing on social situations. I feel like I belong in social situations. Before I would approach rare social situations with trepidation and a sense of being unwelcome or unfit for the task. Even just a small sense of that would permeate my every word and action and would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It would taint my behaviour, make me awkward, make people wary of me and feed back into that fear.
Now I'm excited to socialise, to meet people and talk to them.

>if you will
Meaning that everyone is reporting generally the same things. What did you think it meant?

It got to a point where I flat out couldn't be around any regular people, while drinking, because I would completely fail to conceal my contempt for normie social mores and behaviour.
I would usually say something apparently preposterous and get kicked out of parties, slapped, disowned by 'friends'... Stuff that you'd say here that no one would bat an eye at, not even 'edgy' stuff, but in polite society will make you look like an asshole.
I was spending a lot more time here back then. Really not a good way to learn to socialise.

What kind of club are we talking here? I met a lot of interesting people through joining martial arts clubs.

>how do you get friend
I don't, hopefully a tinder thot can fill the void in my heart some day

This is the most cherry-picked misleading pic ever

I have only one friend and a couple of gym-bros, I really wish (and need) more friends to hang out and fuck around. To have some conversation at least.
But to be honest I would trade everything for a gf (provided she's very compatible with me, material for long lasting relationship).
If I don't get friends soon I think I will seek a psychologist because I really need someone to talk with.

I like my dweeb turbo-lamer friends

Friends are xp waste and hold you back so you never reach SSJ4.

I haven't had any luck with meetup in the states, but when I went to Japan on vacation it was great, I found pub crawls and hiking groups filled with young international travelers and students. Here it seems to be for spergs, mothers, and senior citizens.

Get a YMCA membership or something, you fruitbowl.

>work from home
>home gym
>friends getting married and never want to go out
You think YOU got it bad?

>caring this much about whether or not people touch their ding dongs
I urge you to find a hobby.


That's why you get her to blow you first
>eat dat pussy

>hopefully a tinder thot can fill the void in my heart some day
they won't

Sexual exhaustion downregulates androgen receptors in the brain and upregulates estrogen receptors.

same here. I feel better on nofap but I have to edge to get my premature eject sorted. and I WILL cum at the end of an edge session.


try it for yourself

personally i am 5x more outgoing and social when I havent nutted in 48+ hours

i'm usually soft after eating the pussy tho then have to jerk it to get hard again

>inb4 ur gay


what do

Learn how to dance like Mexicans like bachata and whatever else is similar to that. Latinas love a man that can dance and non-Latinas will be impressed

>does being alone get better with time?
i wish user

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Go for it user, going to therapy actually really helps with social situations and making friends!

Well at the end of the day you have to pick a side, so might as well pick the most convincing and logical one.

>tfw 26
>haven't had legitimate friends since middle school (attended an after school program from 1-7th grades and always had friends there)
>only had acquaintances in high school so developed no social skills
>continued into college even though had some hope at the start of college with some good interactions
>was friends with roommates but after they moved out and school ended, never spoke to them again, same with the roommates friends i got to know
>so basically a shut-in during college as well and still no social skill development
>most formative years of life spent friendless and basically a shut-in
>life over, especially now post-college when even normal people have trouble making friends

>tfw worst part is my whole life wherever i go i can interact with people and be funny, people seem to like me being around, but i guess in the end im just too much of a weird guy and too angry and annoying to have people like being around me for too long

feels really bad guys.

25 here zero friends since high school
Completly alone, but feels good because i'm autistic and dislike social interactions irl anyway.
Learn to be more self absorbed user.

What is a friend? Really? Its someone you do stuff with. But if you're not doing stuff, you're not going to have friends, are you.

So do stuff first, then worry about friends later. Co-workers are a hard one, it takes a long time for people at work to become friends and even then most wont want to be social outside of work (except work events) because its a bit dangerous to mix pleasure and your career. The more formal your work is the harder this will be. People are also hesitant to get invested in co-workers because people leave all the time. Work events that are crossed with other industries/work places are good, but you might not have many if you're not in the right job. Doctors/Lawyers usually have a metric fuckton of events going on professionally that lets you tap other workplaces for friends and contacts.

The two big ones I would recommend are backpacking and/or studying overseas or interstate. At your age you have people from 18 to late 20s doing this stuff so its perfect age range and no guessing game of whether you'll find people your age in it. And the other thing is that by doing this you are socially isolated so people are desperate to make new friends.

Otherwise you're going to have to find an event or lessons, and join them. Sports are the most popular ones. Lessons like cooking, crafting, dancing (careful, the people here are usually morally lose as fuck) or something else like that.

If you really dont want to have any hobbies then you're going to have to tap your current friends. Arrange an event and say something like
>Hey, iv got a bunch of tickets to X, do you want to come and bring some people and we can hang out?
Go to a comedy gig, or music show, or bar event, or whatever. Its an excuse for you to meet your friends friends socially. But you cant just say 'I want to meet your friends' because thats creepy as fuck.

You and I are on the same boat. I can relate. Lets skype.

Studying overseas would be nice if could afford it. I'm so sad that I wasted my college years gayming and watching anime alone in my room. Now I have to work 9 hours a day to be able to buy food and pay for rent.

on the bright side, you can become really good friends with other weirdos like yourself through discord/internet hobby communities.

the downside is that you don't get to hang out with them irl unless they live nearby.

Because I've had no friends for so long I don't even have Facebook. Is this weird to people? Do I need it?

Youre 24 concentrate on finding a gryll to spend life with get a family, nothing matters there are no friends youll get ditched by everyone except your family

I went from orange county to salt lake utah.
I check on meetup and it's nothing but mormons and hikers

>does being alone get better with time?
Yes. Find something you love and believe in and pursue it with everything you have. For most things, it means disappearing from a lot of people's lives. Don't fight it. Isolation is the gift.

This. It’s kinda gay to approach other dudes out of the blue

It’s only old and unnatractive people there. I’ve tried Meatip in two millennial cities

You don't. You dump the dead weight and find fit friends.

Those are beauty pageants, what did you expect?

I bouggt my buddy some squat racks and a 300pb weight set. Hes been using this golds gym wallyworld pos for years so i finally upped his game for him. Now hea doing proper diddys 300lb for 5 after like a few weeks with the shit, and working on his squats big time.

I've got a new friend at my job. He's completely different from me so I guess that's good in a way. He talked into getting fit so I'm really thankful to him for that.

>He's completely different from me
not friend material then

Do all the shit posted ITT but also read/listen to audiobook
"How to win friends and influence people"

Go outside, talk to people and then either a.) Compromise your inner beliefs to appease others and be forever miserable but have tons of friends (this is what most people do) or b.) Defend your inner beliefs and do not he afraid to disagree with most people and earn those few but trustworthy friends over years and years of rinsing and repeating with potential, amd be content with 3-4 ride or die companions who really truly share your ideals

Not really, why would I want to be friends with another misanthropic autismo like me? It's a good change of perspective too.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm gemmie them braps

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just be yourself

Most peoples autism here is the result of overprotective lifestyles growing up.

It is really important for men to master something dangerous in their young adult life.

For instance, have you ever met a guy who does a lot of mma, karate, etc? Do they come off as aggressive? My experience is the opposite what you'd expect. They are usually the calmest and chillest dudes.

My theory is that most men subconsciously are insecure about how they think they'd d in a fight. Being in MMA lets you actually come to terms with the knowledge of knowing EXACTLY how you'd do in a fight, and there is calm confidence in that knowledge. Whether first or worst, it doesnt matter. The effect is better than never knowing.

>Just smile bro and remember people name xd
Normie the book, just read the power of introverts

33 year old here. You don't get new friends past the age of 25. You get new acquaintances. New colleagues. But not new friends.

Hope you did some good ground work while you had the chance.

Im not a victim but all my friends were horrible people that ended using me, but it was fun when it lasted