Other urls found in this thread:
You dont. Pervert
how is no fapping a perversion?
pray the rosary
Go to r/nofap. These guys are a great community to stop masturbation. Also, think of the negative effects fapping has on your life
Don't do it.
If a stranger on the Internet is telling you not to do it, then you definitely can't do it.
Obligatory anecdotal evidence Imgur album
>be on no fap day 50
>have a dream about my life-long crush (picrelated, a "good girl" which rich parents that is actually a sloot. I made out IRL with her once)
>be in her house, looking for her
>go to her room
>see a not on her bed that says "wait for me I'm in the bathroom. Wanna use this when I get back?"
>there is a pink condom next to the note
>she eventually shows up and we start making out/undressing
>I soon wake up from my dream with a raging boner
>fap (cum literally in 20 seconds)
Fucking godamnit...
fuck reddit but im going to try this out
fucking REEEEEEEEE good streak though user
what kind (if any) benefits did you notice? i know people say there's no benefits, but for me its more about building a disciplined lifestyle and committing to something
Also, you might wanna give the app "NF companion" a try. It has an emergency button for times like these
what are some of its features?
Just downloaded the app "Brainbuddy: Quit Porn Forever"
anybody use it?
I noticed better gains at the gym, more confidence, immunity to intimidation (from either a super hot chick or a big roider at the gym), a clearer mind/better flow in conversations. I also noticed girls were looking at me more often than usual
The cons:
Balls sometimes hurt and some days I am depressed because lack of sex
don't, just do noporn like a sane person
Nofap is a meme that lowers your testosterone.
pleaseeeeeeeeee stop
or provide link
And the shills come out to play in the nofap threads yet again.
link to resource that says nofap lowers test not link to porn plz
how do i block the gif reeee
It basically tells you how long your streak has been, counting every second. It also provides you with a bunch of community options, that I don't use, because reddit. A nice feature, and the reason I recommended it, is the emergency button, that leads you to posts that might stop you from breaking your streak. Also, it's free so just try it
why are you doing this
I can't jerk off your dick if you cut it off.
Don’t worry about it. I broke my nofap streak of 12 hours last night.
Just masturbate without looking at porn, my man
Desexualize your mind and you will find these urges non existent. In the event of an urge, channel your sexual energy into productive tasks. Keep yourself occupied. Most importantly of all, stop browsing fit if you want to avoid exposure to non real life women. If you are, a virgin, underagr, or both, god help you. If you successfully maintain hardmode (if you're not doing hard mode why are you doing nofap) you will most likely enjoy the benefits of a clear mind and higher discipline, and the drive to chase after girls you like in your real life vicinity.
Not true
thank you that killed my urges
How tall is she? 4'9"?
That's still masturbation. You must go through withdrawal like any other drug addict, you have no other choice but to power through.
Nigga there's nothing wrong with masturbation
Porn is the real mind killer
>not posting preggo kurvs
>not posting prime Connelly
>not posting breast expansion
try harder
Masturbation increases your T levels and helps you lift bigger.
You learn that either you do good, or you do bad for yourself.
Would you rather be the same loser you've always been, or actually improve and get better by the day?
Every journey begins with a single step, but you have to keep walking to get where you want to be, user.
Were you made to be some selftouching loser, or someone who actually persuades and tries to get women?
Nah like 5'7
That was an older pic, she upgraded her milkers since then
Masturbation and Pornography go hand in hand. One is dependent on the other. You see those girls in your class with cute personalities and amazing bodies? That's basically enough to cause 8 consecutive wet dreams in one week. The difference is that you don't think about anything sex related when you interact with them as people. These thoughts come later.
do i reset if i bang a qt trap thats been messaging me? on day 11 btw.
Guys I shit you not, I'm phoneposting (at work) and literally just heard people fucking (loud female moaning) coming from one of those windows
You might aswell just spoonfeed the suggestions at this point, I'm sure you will enjoy it anyway.
Hardmode Day 51 and in my previous attempts I've developed a rock hard fetish for pregnant milk trucks. Given that I am proficient in photorealistic CG I might aswell use my imagination and make my own inflating milkers.
i just started nofap 2 days ago and was wondering if getting laid resets the count aswell... anyone knows?
Nofap is irrelevant if you get laid on the regular dipshit
Nofap day 15 (record, achieved earlier this year was like 30 or 31 days), no intention of relapsing no matter how I feel.
I didn't relapse because I thought it'd feel good and stuff (only), but because I'm not very active socially and just feel like it's not like I'll get with a female sometime close enough. However, not giving a shit about that this time around.
Depends on your "mode". One mode means that ejaculating is the reset, another that fapping/looking at porn even once does.
imo banging doesn't reset the nofap counter itself.
There are different modes to do this. A popular one is pmo(abstain from porn, masturbation and orgasm), but people in a relationship often just do pm
Okay boys I just fapped two strokes and got a semi and it felt good but I stopped myself. It was only two strokes. No cum not even full erection
Did I break my streak?
go ask if you can join
who said i was getting laid regularly? calm your tits down and practice some reading comprehension for fucks sake.
i'll have to investigate further i guess, but it seems like it would be counterproductive to cut yourself short when you manage to achieve only one of the end goals of the whole programme.
You're good. It only counts if you orgasm. But don't do that. Edging is a shill meme.
Day 4 here. I'm gonna make it to at least 7 days. Shooting for longer though because the benefits only increase.
It doesn't. In "hardmode" it's reset tho
How much of a sore experience is it for the underage virgin to stay on PMO? It's no question that's it's usually the bright youngsters who get addicted because they have no way of getting laid.
Reminder that the dopamine/kick you get from edging COUNTS as breaking your streak.
It's the same kind of dependancy you get from actually coming, so DO NOT DO IT!
yeah, you are just doing sabotage work if you edge or watch porn/sexy chick pics
If you can get laid in a meaningful way (no name hookers you never knew don't count) you fulfilled one of the main objectives of this nofap mode. Just don't watch porn and don't masturbate, it's pointless if you have the real thing.
post kurvs webms
>You aren't seriously stupid enough to listen to Jow Forums, are you user?
Is it paranoia to consider real life chicks as the equal to the sexy chick pics posted here? I shun myself If I even look. I sort of count it as a failure. Though that would be contradictory as I would be getting no interactions with women if I went by that logic. One could argue I am objectifying them as a result, however it is women who always love to objectify themselves.
It's difficult m8.
no, post breast/ass expansion webms it's far more juicy and underrated
Did you forget about me?
Nice album i must say
At this point this just motivates me to stay on nofap so I CAN get a woman like that, rather than continuing being a pathetic loser.
you take too long to post
Yes I know, especially since you must maintain it for years. Even if you do get blessed with the opportunity which is once in a blue moon these days there's no guarantee it will last.
Just fuck your girlfriend user...
Go outside
People keep saying that, but I literally don't know how to get friends or socialize. Please give genuine advice, I haven't met someone, friend or date, for 4 months.
I've been trying to get a date off tinder lately, but haven't really devoted myself to it well.
Socializing requires understand which type of people you can and can't deal with and practicing things to better understand how to deal with said people.
I can't emphasize how important just going outside is. Whether you're shopping or just walking around to see what's changed, you need to develop a presence in society, no matter how unneeded it may seem.
how to stop fapping out of boredom?
i don't really mind fapping when i want to but, sometimes i just feel like jacking off while not being horny at all and that leads to watching porn
I have started tucking my shirt into my pants, and always keep my hands out of them/the pockets/my thighs so I don't just subconciously start touching myself.
Also, occupy yourself however.
Here's a tip most conversation with normies feels forced because it is
Here's another tip: start small just say hi and then build up from there
Day 70 reporting.
Set goals, it helps a lot.
Women you encounter in real life can be ogled user, they are a motivation of what you are missing out, to go out more and try to engage them. Women on the internet provide a shallow desire and a perverted need.
Day 7 here
Anyone feels like they want to sleep more while on nofap over day 5, I'm sleepy as shit the entire day despite not getting that much tired aside from school and gym.
Had a wet dream on day 6, but since that cant be controlled i dont think my streak is broken so i'm continuing anyways.
I want to sleep more because every waking moment that I'm not at the gym or school is just me sitting around with unchecked libido and nothing to fucking distract myself