Why does he wear the mask

Why does he wear the mask

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because he's a gullible fucking retard that thinks his stupid mask makes a difference in his workout.

If I take that off will you die?

I live at 5 thousand feet above sea level, want to know what lifting and biking does up here for you? Fuck all. If I go down to sea level I can do cardio for a little bit longer before getting winded, that's it. Those masks are for literal retards.

his just probably sick

Looks like subzeros brother subhuman that never quite made it.

He's a big guy

>I can do cardio for a little bit longer
>fuck all
Pick one

Those masks function a different way than actual high altitude does anyway. High altitude has less oxygen per unit of volume, causing your blood to get less oxygenated, meaning your muscles are going to have to adequately fuel their aerobic metabolic pathways with less oxygen.

These masks just restrict airflow. Meaning you'll suck in harder and get just as much fucking oxygen, but MAYBE your diaphragm gets stronger and no one gives a shit

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He puts braps there so he can sniff em throughout whole training.

Shot in the dark here.
Some neck muscles assist in inhaling, maybe this could be a useful tool for people who use to smoke or have asthma? Any other fit person wouldn't have trouble drawing in air though.

>Why does he wear the mask
Because no one cared who he was until he put on the mask

It is extremely painful if he doesnt wear it.

I think they look cool

that's quite the darkness you're shooting in, but those masks are pointless for the reasonstated. the only thing you're doing is tiring out your diaphragm, which is pointless

that shit is from walmart

not even $100 in total nigga

presumably he's training his hamon

Attached: BreathingMask.png (986x706, 1.01M)

That mask lets less air go into your nose/mouth to recreate being in a mountain area

That's the joke you dumb nigger

t. mad little brainlet

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he's a shitskin probably wants to not smell the odor of his fellow shitskins