Serious question

fit bros you gotta help me.

i have not cried in 15 years. after a horrible breakup from a cheating whore who i thought would be the mother of my children, i am now in self-actualization mode. there is a big knot in my chest but i cant let it disappear.

i really want to cry. i think this would help me. but i am so tensed inside since my childhood that i just cant. i never cry. never ever.

how can i make this. help me boyos. i want to accept myself with all my weaknesses

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Put a sad song on that you like and cry your eyes out man. Nothing wrong with it, hope you're okay brother.

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i do this. but even with horrible pain in my chest the tears just wont come. it is like i am blocked. how to eliminate this fucking block?

That's what happens when you let your happiness depend on others. Who is really to blame?

Come on man.. lol. The guy's broken as. Cut him some slack.

OP I say it's better to depend on someone than not too at all, you will come out of this a better person.

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it's not about the girl anymore. i know this. i want to be good to me and know that tears would help i just dont know how to produce them

When was the last time you cried?

And what was it over

Have you tried going to Reddit ? They are quite the place for crying men !

See if you can cry from other things first, faith in humanity videos always make me tear up and I feel great after


Sounds like something happened in your childhood and this emotion is stuck there. Maybe you need to face those demons, to come back to now. Stick finger into pooper the way daddy touched you.

Cut some onions and follow the feel

>inb4 wannabe sociopaths

Go to therapy, man. Get yourself a reputable psychologist that can help you, because it's evident that your issues affect your daily life. Men have emotions, and if you live your life without being in touch with your emotions, you're going to wind up like the rest of the people who hate their lives on here. Make a difference.

I like you man.

you want some advice on how to get over this? read this from start to finish, since i'm being bothered to write this out. you as a person need to accept what happened as a segment of your life. we are all hurling towards an inevitable death. all people go through an array of different events in their life, each important in their own right. these events are experiences that shape a human being. if you choose to accept and understand what happened, it will be easier on you in the long run. you wont look back and feel negative feelings. the girl who cheated on you is just a weak human being. we are all animals and she was weak and susceptible to temptation. no love story is actually unique and the feelings that we feel delude us into thinking that our relationships hold more significant value than any other individual. once youve accepted what has happened and no longer hold any feelings of resentment, you can move forward with your life. as you age throughout life, your "world view" should change -- an indicator of your own maturity. you should realize things that you didn't when you were younger. your world view can now be altered by this event and changed into a more positive way. you, as a human being, will suffer through what you deem as personal tragedy and by mustering through the feelings that leave you in a state of emotional decay you can grow as a human being. close this chapter on your life and realize that there is a very real possibility that you havent experienced the pinnacle of what a relationship could offer you. pause and realize that in this moment your life is now at a crossroad, a fork in the road, except this fork extends out in a large number of different directions. there are numerous people out there that you can pair with, each providing you with a unique experience that will alter and shape your life going forward. its all a giant roller coaster, just sit back and detach from what you think is your personal self, and enjoy it

Don't listen to these idiots OP. If you want to cry you need to stop seeking something to do. What you have to do is actually stop doing anything, and face your problem internally. Go on a walk outside, alone, not listening to music. Just walk as long as you can, don't stop until you have cried.

This is a guy who has read 'The power of now'

Solid advice too

Watch a documentary called 'The Work', dealing with severe emotional blocks in men in prison.

Then you'll understand you need someone to help you, and probably not a woman.

>guys im so tough
>guys pls aknowledge my toughness

Go fuck yourself. Your ex was probably right to leave you based on how clueless you sound.

Guys trying to give the guy some decent ideas to help him


>horrible pain in my chest
might be a muscle knot, go to an approved physio

we all like to help people cope. it helps us believe that our coping mechanisms work. also, im a narcissist

This. You really have to be willing to face yourself and not shrug it off, you've been shrugging it off and betraying yourself too long.

Heres what worked for me:
>Sit on the floor with a mirror
>Lock eyes with yourself
>Relax your brow and jaw
>Gently remind yourself of the pain you know you feel, think of the little boy inside you whos been following you around holding it in
>Sit with it and let what happens happen, shaking, screaming, whatever

This might take a few attempts.

Not even why I posted, just hoped to make the guy feel a bit better.

I feel for you man. What I suggest you to do is to retreat, and re-recuperate. Try to take a vacation day if you can. Hide and cry, clean out your living space, try on a new hobby.

And always remember that you can make it.
Also, if she was like that, this is probably better than letting her raise your children,.