Age 30

>Age 30
>No friends/gf
>Don't even go to the gym anymore

How you 30+ lads holding up?

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turning 29 in july so close enough.

fat gf
140k student loan debt
just starting an entry level career job
dyel after 2 years lifting
considering roiding

where did it all go so wrong

debt free
working on a business with good potential but not making any money right now
stopped seeing the girl I was with.
down like 40 lbs but still skinnyfat
this year things are either going to go great or I won't make it much past 30...

I was successful, for a while. Then i had a mental break and am back home living with my mum.

I pay the bills however.

34 here. Getting married this fall. Got a big promotion (Now FP&A manager for my company’s finance department instead of having the word “analyst” attached to my title).

It’s the first time in 8 years that I feel like shit is actually moving the right way. I fet like I was treading water for ages both personally and professionally.

What kind of breakdown?

What industry you in?

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If you don't have friends or a girlfriend then you're not successful.

Rub it in wont you

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>Then i had a mental break and am back home living with my mum

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For some reason I started getting debilitating panic attacks, multiple times per day. I was a roadways construction manager(civil engineer). Currently unemployed.

>where did it go so wrong

The moment you decided to take 140k in loans for an entry level job. Lmao

Having friends just for the sake of it isn't worth it.
Unless you can get quality friends it's better just to not bother with the people you spend time with just so you can claim you have friends.

>own a house
>decent job, putting a few hundred GBP away each month into investment accounts
>gf owns her house and has a good job too
>going backwards on my lifts

Well. Can't all be good. Thinking of running some var or winnie to counter being old.

Had one of those back in '11. Cost me my memory and still recovering today.

What fucking happened? How are you now? How old are you?

34 guy here.

Had the same thoughts and went with doing two anavar cycles with test and full pct (I know it’s light shit but I’m paranoid). I chose anavar because I was new to the dark side and two because despite being relatively expensive I’ve never had a problem with putting on muscle. It’s just cutting down is getting harder and harder and harder while keeping size. It really helped me keep my size while cutting. My fiancée had never seen me that lean since she never knew me in my 20s.

A lot of guys say winstrol makes anavar seem like ginger beer, but I was just looking for an edge, not something to completely change my physique.

Seriously consider it, it really worked for me well.

Age 28
Used to be a powerlifter
One day moves across the country and was happy. Life was good and couldn't be better.

Than I started focusing on other people's lives and learning about how other people live. Found out other people had some friends, social circles and even attention from the opposite sex.

Than I started comparing my own life to those of others who had all these things and I developed pretty serious depression

Funny thing is when I was alone and successful I enjoyed my life. Had tons of hobbies and interests.

Now ever since I started comparing my life to others I'm still alone but miserable now

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Yeah, I've done my research and I'm pretty set on Var. Only problem is I compete in weightlifting, only at a local level but people would notice.

I don't have any real friends myself, just coworkers I get along with that I'll sometimes hit the bar with. I also don't have a girlfriend, nothing ever really seems to work for longer than a few weeks if I'm trying to make something long-term happen.

Stay off social media user, grass is always greener through an Instagram filter.

Get back to focusing on yourself. People accomplish things at different stages of their life, because they've lead different lives. Obviously if you desire friends, social circles, women, you should take steps to achieving that, but don't compromise with what you truly enjoy. People don't mature and grow at the same speed.

This too.

good news is that i'm going on REPAYE so the american taxpayer will foot most of the bill in 25 years.

>People don't mature and grow at the same speed.

That's the problem, once you realize this and you're in your 30s you're the fucking late bloomer in society. The guy who chased power, wealth and status rather than pussy

Also, forgot to mention. After realizing other people had friends and loved ones, i fell into depression and just ended up quitting the gym life style

pretty sure that may have contributed to my depression as well..

>will be 30 in a month
>decent job but still making less than $50k
>no gf for the past 4 years
>own a house that I'm fixing up with a homegym in the basement

I'm getting my shit together, but being foreveralone sucks. I daydream about having a wholesome relationship with a qt I work with, but I get the feeling that she's out getting blacked every weekend. I never go out anywhere to meet women because all my friends are in long term relationships or married and never want to go out anymore. And when they do they never invite me.

Sounds pretty good DESU

You have the money for a house or you bought a cheaper fixer upper?

> The guy who chased power, wealth and status
how does one chase that?
>tfw and no gf AND no power, status or whatever

>35, just got accepted to Aus Navy. Gf of 3 years broke up with me couple of months ago because she 'won't be able to handle me being away for so long'.

>Focusing on my lifts and fitness before starting basic in January. Had a few beers one night 3 weeks ago, hit up tinder and got a date with woman.
>She's 36, never married no kids because she wanted a career, now wants marriage and kids.
>Same church as me
>Second date she kisses me
>Feels awesome
I think she's the one guys... Life's good

Cheap fixer upper, but was only able to do that with financial help from my parents. They still pay for my cell phone too.

>>She's 36, never married no kids because she wanted a career, now wants marriage and kids.
>I think she's the one guys... Life's good

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How much?

Also you making payments on the house or paid off?

You wouldn't want to be that 30 y/o at the gym, would you?

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>She's 36, never married no kids because she wanted a career, now wants marriage and kids.
You're a fucking madman if you actually get with her.

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I actually want to go back to the gym desu

I have enough skills, life experience and knowledge that I'd love to get some friends between age 20-25 and just watch their life progress and even help them out

Nah. The dude sounds like a brainlet

Age 35+
Going into the Navy.
Probably doesn't have the money to get her pregnant anyway. Any chick over 35 will usually be lucky to ever have a kid naturally.

The amount of money that it costs for the pregnancy treatment for a woman in her mid/late 30s and early 40s is insane.

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I'm 37. Cutting back to my summer shape at the moment because I dgaf on my diet in winter.

Divorced 2x. Have had a long history with beautiful women, probably over 100 3somes in my life.

Currently have a 21 yr old live in gf. If you've seen Tessa on /B/ it's her

House was $100k with about $25k needed in repairs/remodeling. Its a small 2br/1ba but should be worth about $150k once I'm finished. Making payments (which are about the same or cheaper than renting in most places in this city)

>thinking that the government will honor that policy and not pull the rug out from under you, seize your assets, and throw you in debtor's prison

Did you get fucked in the divorce?

forgot pic

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>no friends
That doesn’t sound successful to me user

see if i give a shit.

Nope. Kept everything. Had a prenup. We're still on friendly terms too. Just didn't work out

>Any chick over 35 will usually be lucky to ever have a kid naturally.
>The amount of money that it costs for the pregnancy treatment for a woman in her mid/late 30s
Based on what?
t. mom had three kids from mid 30s and onwards

>30 in a few months
>catch up with couple I knew from highschool
>they are engaged but broke as fuck
>I worked hard, saved up, bought my own place
>they seem amazed I'm able to afford to live on my own
>ask if I'm getting married soon
>"Uhh no, a girl has to smile at me or something"

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>mid 30s
>$400k in brokerage and retirement accounts
>NEET, live with parents
>tfw no gf
>tfw friends are married or only available on weekends, if that
>spend my days at the gym, cooking, reading, taking walks, playing retro vidya, watching simpsons reruns with parents in the evenings
>can't tell if in heaven or hell

t.has fake friends

>about to turn 32
>did the army from 18-22
.did school, got a decent job
>slowly let myself go, got fit again at like 25-26, but only lasted 6 months until life got in the way/I was a quitter
>started doing SL for NYR and got some real nice gains at first (thanks muscle memory)
>started to get to real weight where sets were becoming real grinders
>did that for a few weeks until I stalled and started regressing
>did a deload week and still have a lot of the overtraining/underrecovery symptoms like insomnia, joint pain, depression (not normally depressed), high blood pressure, headaches, etc
>getting old sucks, maybe I need another week of deload, or just a flat out rest week.
>either way, first cycle of roids are on their way, but now I'm scared to take them and have my joints explode since they can't seem to keep up

Ah fuck I know this feel. Do you still get them? I don’t know if the general public understands the true terror of these bastards. I used to get them randomly and I considered relinquishing my license and admitting myself because I almost crashed a few times on the freeway.

>be entering Golden Gate Bridge
>feel the familiar terror creep up
>of fuck here comes one dot jay peg
>inner monologue kicks in
>”just focus on staying straight, we’ll pull over after we make it through the bridge”
>lean forward trying to keep conscious and awake, in full on panic
>black out for a couple seconds
>”just stay straight just stay straight just stay straight”
>come to in the right lane, get through the automatic toll and pull off into parking lot
>cry a little

Wouldn’t wish these bastards on anyone, good luck to you sir.

I’ll never understand the whole career over family fascination. Unless she is say a medical doctor/surgeon or some power hungry politician. But a lot of people just put aside their lives so they can focus on banal nonsense like being “master curators of marketing collateral.” How could you prefer that over furthering your seed?

If I have friends but never had gf at the ripe age of 26 does that only make me a half-loser?

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Living the dream user.

> I would rather be with a woman who has her shit together than a thot or vapid slut in her 20's

> how so?

> haha! I have been working in fitness the past 15 years so its time for a bigger career

I think we're dealing with Doctor Jow Forums here

you seem like a nice guy - I'd be your gymbro, user

I hope you make all the gains you hope to

Don't let the jokes get to you

Also, im a bit jelly. Would love to meet someone who also has their life on track

>just hope she isn't crazy..

thanks bro, she seems pretty solid to me. good family values and comes from a military family too

> 24 y/o
> 80k income and 100k net assets
> 110k structured income by 26 y/o
> 1/2/3/4 lifts, 18% bf look like shit
> living with parents until 30 because housing costs 6 0 0 k in Australia
> recently separated w/first gf of 3 years
> test levels are shit (350ng/dl) and going to hop on test-e in 5 years

Ups and downs my lads

> She's 36, never married no kids because she wanted a career

Just make sure you understand what type of person she is before progressing with her. Many women who have not made the natural progression of a family and kids by 36 may not be by choice but because they couldn't connect to anyone or preferred to spend their years sleeping around under the scapegoat of 'personal development' or their 'career'. At 36 she'll also be pushing for kids and a marriage within a year or two and you may not be able to get to know her until after the fact.

>Own house I can easily afford on a 15 year mortgages
>Already in a leadership position in government
>Lifts are ok, can still dead 4pl8 and 10s on each side at 168 lbs or do 10 deadhang pull ups with a pl8
>Visible abs

Only problem is I'm basically an alcohol all weekend most weekends and it's killing my lifting and sleep schedule.

>>No friends/gf
You can't have both mate.


Talk about being a fucking loser on Jow Forums
Quit drinking you dunce

Learn 2 Read II: user Doesnt Get It

He drinks on weekends
And if the only thing its fucking with is his sleeping and lifting (on I assume mostly weekends) then I call fair deal
Maybe switch partially to weed its better for gains than binge drinking imho

That kid is tarded. Women can have kids well into their 40's without help from medicine. It does become more difficult, but that user's blanket statement is falls.

nice knowing i wasn't alone. used to have terrible panic attacks that would come while driving like that (mostly enclosed areas, mountains, etc) Now i don't give a fuck as much about dying so it's gucci

I'm thinking of going to university again lads. Has anyone here done it in advanced age?