Do you guys still eat pizza?
Do you guys still eat pizza?
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crust first
I ate pizza hut the other day. I don't remember it tasting like shit.
Yah.. you can eat anything that you want in moderation if you're doing cardio.i burn about 1,200 calories during cardio session, 3 times per week. That's enough to fit an entire large pizza every week into my maintenance TDEE.
The horny cross eyed anime meme face has to fucking go. I'm so god damn sick of seeing it. I'm sick of everything you fucking incels masturbate to. You're disgusting faggots.
Not for quite a while now. I'm not Jow Forums though I'm a /fat fuck/ on a deficit trying to get my shit together.
Of course. The main things I cut from my diet when I started getting fit were sweets and liquid calories. I don’t see anything wrong with having pizza once a week.
wow, psychotic
Yeah but it would be like my only meal the whole day because it just fills you up. Also only like good pizza because greasy as fuck pizza fucks me up.
After a week or so of controlling my diet I noticed that food tastes better in my head than it does irl. Like I had a really bad craving for a cookie, so I ate one, then I realized it didn't taste as good as I expected it too and it just made me feel lethargic. I very rarely consume sugar or greasy shit anymore, fruits replaced sugar snacks for me.
every sunday night
I thought I was the only one...
>its a trap
>>theres another thread up with the real dude
The thought of eating greasy food makes me feel gross now so I tend to avoid it. Haven't had regular pizza in probably nearly 6 months now. I had some fancy healthier pizza a while back and it was alright but not something I'm itching to eat again.
its ok to have a cheat day. Pizza is good. Pizza is fun. Pizza will not make your tummy swell.
I still order pizza sometimes
Here you go, dude, make a Tim Noakes pizza..
damn dude what kind of cardio are you doing? I ran 7 miles at a 7:45 pace today and only burned 750 calories according to my fitbit.
>day 12 of NoFap
>see that whale tail
>tfw I came yesterday after 12 days of edging hours a day
I didn't even want to cum and wasn't particularly close. Just randomly after like three hours of edging, I just started to pulse. I clamped down on my dick, but I felt the cum literally go halfway through my shaft, so I was fucked.
How much do I have to lift to get this?
>no freckles
>no fucked up teeth
WTF is that really shartman?
>12 days of edging
kill yourself you fucking idiot
W-what's wrong with that?
12 days of edging is worse than fapping to degenerate tranny porn. You´re gonna fuck up your dopamine for good with 3-4 hour porn edge sessions, that shit stimulates more dopamine than fucking amphetamines or coke.
you're getting all the negatives of wanking to porn and none of the benefits of nofap/noporn
Fuck off ahegao is the best thing that ever happened to this world
Reminder that fucking Twinks is not, and has never been gay
Imagine how honored a trap would feel to be drawn by Chadman. I legit feel happy for her.
@45750284 (You)
It's the most retarded shit I've ever seen and if you think it's attractive you need to slice your dick off.
Got forever turned off from pizza. Thank fuck
What's the long lasting effects of that?
Goddammit science stop messing around with traps
>Fanart of a female character in a pc game
>Call it a trap
What the fuck are you smoking?
>chasing photoshop traps
Also post pics so we know how far you need to go
I only eat it when my gym serves it.
the rat from catdog was a fucking asshole
yeah but since I'm still fat not very often, like once every 2-3 months or so
I ate nearly a whole large pizza yesterday so yes
Are we talking "Cheese Pizza"? Wink wink
or Actual Pizza, because yes I like to eat real pizza and no, NO Cheese Pizza
Go back to your planet you heathen