No way this is fucking true

No way this is fucking true

Is natty lifting a scam?

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Yeah its true.

But I wouldn't say that being natty is a scam...just that 60-80 dollars for a vial of test E is a good deal.

Yes and no, there's nothing to support there's significant enough breakdown of muscle tissue, stretching, impact on the cns, involvement of slow/fast twitch muscle fibers, etc. to say just injecting testosterone will build more muscle and strength than a healthy male in his 20s/30s who lifts well, eats, well, and sleeps well on a good routine.

I will however say that you will build more muscle sitting at home with 1800ng/dL in your blood than someone with unnaturally low testosterone (250 or lower ng/dL) or women will through lifting.

It's absolutely true but no one wants to believe it because they want to think hard work will always trump drugs and cheating. Also roid users are always pushing the idea that even on drugs they still have to work harder.

>fuck around in the gym

the ultimate redpill

Maybe? There was like one study that showed this, and they used like 20 or so people. That's hardly enough evidence to prove it. Still, taking gear and not putting in like what, 5-10 hours a week at the gym would be pretty retarded though. Roids aren't as bad as a lot of people think, but getting all the potential sides without squeezing out every last drop of gains you can out of them would be retarded.

true. if I hadn't 10/10 thor hair and a fishy genetics for MPB I would be blasting for at least a couple of years. the moment I see a NW3 in my future I'm buying some bottles

I hate that so much, when roiders come up with "roids allow you to work harder". Just stfu and do your thing man, making a drama out of steroids is the most pathetic thing ever and that's why bodybuilding is the biggest meme.

This is the most intelligent post about roids you will ever see on Jow Forums

I think I just realized natty means natural...

oh my

That's just it.
Roids litterally allow you to work harder in training and in function during your sport or activity of choice and reap greater benefits from rest.
That's why they take them.

Well, yeah.
That's because with the amount of gear you're mainlining you can workout 8 hours a day 7 days a week and need less then 5 hours of rest.
Hell you can eat a handful of sugar and a boiled egg and make gains and recoup.

People who didn't start working out or making decent gains till they got on gear have no fucking business telling others how to train or talk about how superior they are.
Not fucking ever.

There's so many different PED's out there, but for the most part, they just alter your hormones to allocate more resources to building muscle than storing fat.

We're talking about basic steroids here.
And they litterally do all of that.

Natty lifting isn't a scam, it's more that enhanced lifting lying as natty lifting is the scam.

The types of people who go to Chipotle and eat semi-dirty then lie about being natural for Instagram followers.

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Natty means 'N-Acetyl-Testosterone', or 'natty' in slang terms, ie. using steroids.

Same brother

$35 per 10ml. Get a better source, bud.

That's the going rate for Bubba's kitchen grade vials. Pharmaceutical grade is usually double that.

at what point should somebody be allowed to do steroids according to you?

Not him, but you really shouldn't start until you're firmly in intermediate phase. I think it's too dangerous to have the huge muscle gains, and both the undeveloped CNS, tendons, ligaments, and also having wonky form. It's just asking for an injury. I won't gatekeep someone, but that's usually my recommendation. I don't get some of the other forums and shit where they go all "REEEEEEE, you need to lift for at least 2 years before even thinking about looking into gear"

No its not true
lean mass includes water
endogenous testosterone makes you retain water
that's how you get that study
if you take roids you will probably be sorely disappointed

Lean mass does include water, because you now need more blood supporting it, and more tissue also means more interstitium. LBM does not include extra retained water. The general rule of thumb is for every 5lbs of LBM, 1 pound of it isn't muscle.


>and they used like 20 or so people

It's true bro just blast tren and dnp and you can look like this without having to do anything

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Exercise and training have other physiological and psychological benefits. Exercise raises seratonin, training builds grit and discipline and provides a constant source of dopamine highs from the achievement of hitting new PRs.

I don’t want to be a lazy shit that just sits at home injecting shit into my body.

This is just a meme fabricated by the roid industry to convince you to shrink your balls for ultimate merchantry.

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That's still a incredibly small data set. And there still needs to be reproducible studies to help eliminate bias. This study isn't proof of anything, it's a starting point for more research.

I prefer keeping proper erections

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