>always used mire 6ft guy with insane strength and incredibly lean physique at gym >even has a super hot gf he works out with >start seeing him less in the gym >start seeing his numbers drop >stop seeing him completely for around 2 months >comes back and looks like total fucking shit, fat, no muscle, no vascularity >realize he was on steroids and went off cycle
g-guys do steroids really fuck your natty gains this bad? guy looks fucked, i feel kinda bad.
so youre saying you permanently keep a 10% increase in gains that you would never have had without gear?
Asher Cooper
Roids literally make you superior
Caleb Cruz
One of my best friends has been doing roids since he was 19. Started out as complete dyel skeleton, gained 20 kg muscle in a year then started tapering off the juice. Got some nasty side effects, felt depressed and got mild gyno. Messed up the PCT as he later admitted. Went back on test just to feel better for a while.
He's now 25 and has kept cruising ever since, not that into gym life anymore so just kinda keeps roiding to stay sane while lifting a couple of times per week. He always tells me he would never have started roiding if he had known what would have become. The effects on him doesnt seem that bad but he says there's some psychological shit to it that I'm not seeing.
Just ponder carefully if it's really worth it to you, personally. If you start, it might affect the rest of your life.
Jayden Flores
Yes, which is exactly what the inferior man does, takes the quick road to superiority because his thirst for not being a loser anymore overweighs the risks.
A well-balanced guy already happy and sucessful in life would not roid unless it was for a high-end goal in competition. The loser goes for the needle just to feel better, ignoring the long term consequence. Same as a junkie, alcoholic, fatass and other scum that wants the momentary quickfix.
Anthony Sullivan
Who cares? I'm having fun and fucking hotties while you masturbate to your moral superiority. You can take care of my illegitimate children once you have "made it".
Ian Mitchell
Have fun being reliant on drugs for the rest of your life man, I’m really jealous
Levi Young
Roids are like oxygen. It doesn't count as an addiction
Brody Scott
Although if you think about it, thats probably why instathots fuck juicing chads. Both have been rendered infertile anyways, so birth control is unnecessary.
Asher Ortiz
>taking roids when your body is still developing on every level >he dun fucking goofed
No one should use roids pre 25/26 mark
Adrian Hill
I guarantee I get 200% more pussy that any of you fags will ever even talk too. I fucking hate natty """lifters""" so much. They should all be fucking banned.
Wrong retard, I've been roiding since I was 17 and I guarantee I lift heavier and look better than you now at 22.
Ethan Cook
No. I did a cycle to help recover from time off after surgery, i put on about 7kg easily enough but then when i stopped i went back almost entirely to where i was post surgery and just had to climb back up slowly natty. Total waste of cash.
Cooper Lewis
Jesus that's sad. Gear at 17.
Brayden Perry
Well said.
Christian Ross
Post a picture of your body with a timestamp, champ.
Jonathan Hall
Yeah this is the real meme mate. There is no physiological reason that you will lose gains post-cycle other than:
1. Having surpassed the amount of mass that your natural hormonal levels are capable of sustaining; you can keep gains up to your natural limit essentially
2. You fuck up your post-cycle transition and fuck your hormones by not realigning your HPTA properly --- also if you decide to be a piece of shit after having worked for gains on cycle and do nothing physically/nutritionally to sustain that level of mass
3. You weren't working for your gains on cycle in the first place and your "gains" were just well placed uber-high glycogen stores and water weight
t. not even a steroid user
Nathan Nelson
> t. not a steroid user Therefore absolutely knowing fuck all. Ive done cycles with blood work throughout as i work at a hospital so its easy enough to make appointments, proper PCT and AI. Proper training program. Still lose most of the gear gains post cycle. The gains are extraordinarily transient compared to natty ones.
Colton Hernandez
I work in health care as well, or at least that's my research field - hormones specifically. I'm going to be honest, I don't believe that you did what was necessary to sustain them post cycle, and what was necessary well within the realm of possibility. That, or your gains were glycogen and water. Pick one.
Addendum to my last post - the vast majority of idiots who hop on gear ARE doing it wrong.
Lucas Collins
those pecs look like walnuts.
Benjamin Sanders
Did nothing wrong, im a doctor and i know hormones better than almost anyone as im currently on obs + gynae.
Isaac Perry
Part of the problem is just nutrition and training habits, right? On roids it's easy to set up a routine if you're got an elevated mood all the time, post-cycle you have a bit of a depressive phase getting used to lowered testosterone. As far as nutrition is concerned, roids have that nutrient shuttling effect, where protein synthesis in muscle is increased dramatically while pretty much any food is repurposed specifically for it. You don't have to monitor your diet fastidiously, moderately healthy foods = ez gains, whereas natty lifters need an extreme level of discipline to get the proper nutrition to support muscle growth and not blow too far past a caloric surplus.
I'd imagine those habits engrained in a roiding lifter would result in much more muscle being spared post-cycle, like you see in professional athletes off season, eg. klokov
Jacob Cruz
>obs + gynae
(Assuming you're telling the truth)
Alright if you know hormones better than anyone as a fucking OBGYN lol then walk me through, with your multiple failed cycles, what feedback chain led to your being unable to sustain genuine muscle mass. Hint: the only thing that was transient was the glycogen and water, doc.
Also just lol at the classic meme of fucking physicians assuming they know fucking everything about physiology outside of their fields
Anthony Powell
My cycles where Test E, exemestane and tamoxifene PCT. Different muscles have differing amounts of androgen receptors that trigger growth, when the heightened androgen levels are reduced the muscles that grew most will reduce quickly due to androgen sensitivity and the sudden drop.
Aiden Taylor
I will add as an interesting side that i do have some crossover with gear users as ive run breast clinic before and we get men with gyno.
Robert Gomez
Why did you reply to me you waste of space
Brandon Taylor
Absolutely howling at the roid rage ITT
Juan Jones
That's true to a small extent but to suggest that localized androgen sensitivity accounts entirely for mass reduction is impossible, you're suggesting a severe AR aberration if that was the case.
But who knows, maybe you have PAIS lmao
Dylan Taylor
Yes. Gear gains barely last at all. People say they want to get back on because "it felt so good to be on" but really it's because they want to get all the lost size back. I've done a cycle and it doesn't feel particularly wild, you just lift heavier and have a permanent pump. Not worth the cost considering it mostly melts away when you go back to natty.
Noah Jackson
>Androgen receptor feedback responsible for atrophy Glad I don't have a vag, I'll never have to meet you in a clinical setting. Not the guy you were arguing with, I just couldn't help myself.
John Gomez
Not incorrect, when receptors are highly stimulated they decrease in expression. When the stimulation is removed there is a consequent deficiency in effect.
Hunter Murphy
This is part of why I'm terrified of ever having to visit a specialist with anything non-routine, the majority are obsessed with their personal experience
Austin Campbell
I bet you don't lift more than me. You probably bench more.
And if you do, then I have friends who make you look pathetically weak.
Carson Carter
Saturation, downregulation and muscle development have a significant amount of crossover, but muscle isn't held together by androgen receptor feedback loops. Musculature primarily is a force dependant adaptation, taking away the androgen expression halts further adaptation and eventually results in atrophy without stimulation, but it takes a long while for atrophy to set in if you maintain a routine. There's probably a bunch of clinical examples of this in people with weird androgen receptor pathologies.
Austin Wood
>guy stops working out and loses gains >IT MUST HAVE BEEN STEROIDS ALL ALONG
Are you retarded, OP?
Caleb Mitchell
Yeah, you do sound really well balanced and happy.
Brayden Murphy
>that delusional guy who thinks he’ll only do 1 or 2 cycles and then keep the same look and gains for life.
Why does “this guy” keep appearing? Why do they try to convince themselves? Is it just a kid whose been meme’d? I don’t understand, so you actually think you’ll have a tren body forever by just doing it once for a few months? Lmao you’ll lose the tren look shortly after you come off and it’s out of your system, as will any other drug.
Matthew Garcia
>graduate high school, 3 years later word gets spread that one of the guys in my class is now xbox huge after training for 1 year >that glorious feel when you check up on him again 2ish years afterwards and he's bloated and lost all his mass
looks like moses walking through the middle of his chest wtf
Zachary Sanders
>Roiding at 17 HAHAHAHA, what a fucking retard. Did daddy not love you enough? Do you hope that he will be proud of his little boy if you fuck enough women? Stay pathetic, faggot
I've slept with 30 + women in my early 20's, I'm 195 lbs and 6'1 at around 12% BF. Surely not as swole as a roider but I don't NEED to be.
That was sort of the point in the post to which you responded. You need the quickfix of roiding to get laid because you are a loser who didnt have the patience and discipline to build muscle, and you are probably so socially inept and beta in nature that you both believe you need and actually need roids to have the confidence to make approaches in the dating scene.
You are justifying your use of roids as if it is the only way to move forward both for yourselves and others, while in reality you can just put in some actual fucking work. In short, you're a little faggot.
Adam Rivera
Joke's on you, 200% of 0 is still 0
Isaiah Bell
>I've spent thousands of dollars, fucked my hormones and made myself addicted for life to look better than members of this tibetian yak herding tradeforum