A simple question

A simple question.

Why is a female from the 1800s bigger than most of Jow Forums?

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because most of Jow Forums doesnt even lift

If she is indeed from them and not some LARPing mentally ill gearfem, then the woman just had a hormonal disorder, PCOS or the like. Maybe even an intersex disease.

most of Jow Forums are larping fat neets

What's her height/weight?
A picture is irrelevant

Yes, picture was taken in 1893.

I love how people are already claiming muhhhh natural freak with high test hormonal disorders.

That body is achievable for a woman. You don't need huge amounts of test to get a body like that.

Clearly roids. Yes, they might not have existed at that time, but Natty or Not assured me that everyone who was bigger than me was on roids.


It is literally impossible for a women to get that big without a serious disorder or gear. Your fetish for gear women has obliterated your sense of reality. Feel free to go look up olympic female lifters.

Is this Lady Megan Squatson?


What you tards don't understand is that being gifted is different from having a disorder.

Not a muscle girl fag by the way. She just looks big. That's it. Not freakish huge.

Sure thing, buddy ;)

How is it? The woman in the OP isn't particularly large. I was about the same size as her when I was 13 years old. Calling it impossible for a woman to get that size is a bit ridiculous imo. If you saw my girlfriends legs you'd probably claim she was a gear head too because they're bigger than yours.

You know that Jow Forums is full of pathetic skinny / fat lifters who don't know what they're doing when they claim that this woman from the late 1800s is a gear head or has a high testosterone disorder. Hahaha.

Attached: Charmion_1897.jpg (220x289, 13K)

Look at her relaxed right arm. She's tiny. Bigger than most of Jow Forums but still tiny. To call her a roid head shows how pathetic you cunts are a literal woman has beat you.

Attached: iron-circus-strongwoman.jpg (378x540, 18K)

Having the test high enough to get that muscular is a disorder in a woman. It may be gifted if your goal is to be a lifter or athlete but is not biologically ideal, the OP female will be suffering from amenorrhea.

Legs are a bit different, the upper body has much more androgen receptors and as such its size is related to testosterone. The lower body less so.

You're just talking absolute shit. She likely has average test levels for a female.

The denial in this thread is ridiculous

Muhhhhh sHE mUsT HAvE hIgH tESt BEcAUsE sHES BigGer THan mE

Btw this woman had 4 children. Was she bollocks suffering from high test you gang of no test betas

>tfw no olde fit gf

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She didn't have any kids at all, which tells you something.

She's squeezing her arm on her torso to make her body push on the muscle making her appear much bigger.


Normal test ranges for women will absolutely preclude her size. As said feel free to look up female olympians who represent the testosterone peak of women not on gear, they're not in the normal range either of course but it shows about the peak.

Yes, she did have kids.

The jealously of Jow Forums always makes me fucking laugh. You no test faggots hate the fact that a woman is achieving more than you so you claim she's a high test freak because you can't claim she's roiding.

She didn't, I've now read through 4 bios on her and all say she died leaving no family or say nothing at all. Feel free to post otherwise. It's very clear she was infertile.

Female olympic weight lifters don't train for muscular size unlike OP fucking morons

This woman is bigger.

Attached: bella-bar-1_4.jpg (500x331, 172K)

>Grandma made oat cookies again

She was a trapeze artist. She didn't train for size any more than olympians do.

Look at this one's flexed bicep. She's about the same size if not bigger than OP

Face it you no test faggots

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i do believe some of them aren't even roiding. They just have the right leverages and train from child. But there are some like lydia Valentin who are probably on steroids.

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Don't listen to Jow Forums they don't know what they're talking about and will claim high test or roids on anyone out of jealousy.

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> that gear face

Virtually all pro athletes roid.

out of all femeles oly lifters lydia is the biggest red flag on what could be steroids, user. She is the biggest of them all.

Nowhere near the same size and she's currently under massive weight. Literally says it all.

Poetry. Someone says a specific lifter probably is on gear, some low test fetishist comes in immediately and uses her as an example of women 'naturally' being that big. God you are pathetic.

yea, i want to believe some don't, but the reality is most of them do or did at some point to peak their strength. On strength sports is just rampant.

This. Even with street level shit there's nothing stopping you cycling for months then stopping a fortnight ahead of any testing.

You're a gang of no test faggots.

The woman in the OP has 12 inch arms


Go jack off elsehwere, her arms are beyond 12 inches.

Literally this. The average arm size for like 5ft 6 women is 11 inches flexed or so, you literally see youtubers with 14 to 15 inch arms who are natty lol. Fit women hate is so cringey

actually they probably were, she was 5'3-5'5

> probably
Top kek at being blown out on your claim.

reading comprehension of a third grader, in before i was just pretending to be retarded

Here's a girl with 12 inch biceps. Get a fucking grip.


>posts a lanklet