What physique would be needed for a girl on the left? Right now im benching 125 lb and dead lifting 285 lb...

what physique would be needed for a girl on the left? Right now im benching 125 lb and dead lifting 285 lb. How close am I

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Um, sweetie, no

There's something kinda hot about a lazy eye

yup and she has two of these

the new face of America, everybody!

Who said she was white?

Who cares about your max what matters is your height, weight, body fat percentage and smile butches love a good smile

>what physique would be needed for a girl on the left?
Anything with a chocolate dick that ejaculates money

Girls in OP pic don’t go for white guys
>cope more

user... i...

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>Celsius degrees
Europoor education everyone

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they go for people with low IQ and lots of money
see: rich niggers

How can you deadlift 285 but can’t even bench 1pl8?
Fucking chestlet

I've actually dated a girl with a similar face and body (so far as we can tell in this pic) who was also an Ivy League student.

You're way off. All her boyfriends including me were tall, white varsity athletes in sports where 1/2/3/4 with low to moderate bodyfat was the norm.

If you think lifting alone will get you girls, you've already lost.

My bench is stronger than my deadlift

Anyone notice that girls who try to look like Kim Kardashian(same hair,make up,clothing style) always go for black dudes?

No it’s not dude

>Right now im benching 125 lb and dead lifting 285 lb
You will never achieve anything in strength-related activities unless you're 16.

Bench: at least 225. For reps

Deadlift: girls dont care about legs, theres even a scientific report supporting it. Just look it up

I'm not op, i bench 2.5 plates and barely deadlift 2

Work on that deadlift senpai if you can bench that much you should be able to dl 3pl8 at least in no time

I fucking hate doing legs bro, how do you guys do it

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I don’t know. I just learned to enjoy it somehow once I started doing compounds. Accessory leg lifts are miserable though

asian women belong to da BBC

Black men are better at sex

only when they're alt-right

I dated an Asian girl that idolized those women and she hated blacks