What do I need to work on? Never been to a gym in my life but I'm willing to start

What do I need to work on? Never been to a gym in my life but I'm willing to start

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Read the sticky


Just workout.
Watching some yt videos for bodyweight exercises would be a start.

Bodyweight? Do I need to gain or lose weight? I don't really want to look like a meat head. More like Bruce Lee or river de niro in taxi driver

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Lose what?
Just lift things in a gym until you have the body you desire

Also eat


Then just eat a like bit more and do bodyweight workouts

Irelandfag here, lifting 5 months, should I bulk or cut?
>inb4 potato diet

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what gym lad



you should start a cut

definitely lose weight u are skinny fat

Read the fucking sticky.

oh hey there, who are you?

Tattoo removal for starters.

Removing your tattoo

start lift light and move slowly.
work on keeping good form and not progressing to quickly.
you'll get stronger lifting anything enough, but you cant lift if you destroy your joints by lifting to heavy to quickly with bad form.

I’m from Cork

