Would you swipe right on if this bio was the only thing you had to go on?

would you swipe right on if this bio was the only thing you had to go on?
Are weight belts a meme or do they really help in the prevention of injury with say deadlifts?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 2.39.59 PM.png (404x277, 30K)

plz respond

>speaks like a nigger

Attached: Attach0.gif (497x354, 781K)

any time i see vegan it's an automatic left swipe regardless of looks

hmmm you may have a point

Why the fuck not? Dumb ugly virgins on this board looking for their soul mate on tinder lmao

Post her pics

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 2.05.49 AM.png (377x449, 325K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 10.51.49 PM.png (473x394, 306K)


also why do i keep seeing so many girls say i dont use this often, then post all their social media? Is tinder being used by girls simply to up their follower/orbiter count?

That's a great profile. What are you looking for on there?

Are you guys fucking retarded? You're looking for a slut to bang, not a gf to cook for you. Why evaluate on anything other than looks and probability of getting your dick wet?

>i dont use this very often, tee hee~
*proceeds to use it all day for attention*

Wow, the only way to be better is if she has a penis

sadly im looking for a gf. Its hard round here. Im guessing she would only be good for a bang


>Are weight belts a meme or do they really help in the prevention of injury with say deadlifts?

this is a contentious question

i've heard they help if you have had back injuries in the past, but then stuart mcgill says belts are a no-no for injured backs because you get the most out of belts with a tiny bit of flexion in the spine

I'd swipe left because they write like a nigger.

>being a degenerate.

if theyre listing vegan at all, theyre (((that type))) of vegan bud.

Wut? I said if you want a gf who cooks your fave meals, don't look for her on an app for hooking up.

And yes you might find a nice girl on there, and you might find a nice girl at a 40 tournament or a gay bar too. You MIGHT. Not impossible. Doesn't mean it's the best place to go looking.

I don't use nor have I ever used that app. But if people do, they should be honest about what it's for, and it ain't to find your soulmate and raise a family.

Don't think like a 4channer. Ask her out on a date a you may find that she's pretty cool. Just based on my friends and family I know that talkling like a basic fuck online is not necessarily indicative of a shit personality.