Would Jow Forums spend a year in the hyperbolic time chamber?

Would Jow Forums spend a year in the hyperbolic time chamber?

Attached: Hyperbolic_Time_Chamber_DBS_Ep_32_001.png (1907x2004, 3.08M)

What does it do

Probably not, having people see you one day small and the next day giant would be jarring. Also, you miss out on the people you might meet and experiences you may encounter while training IRL. Time chamber should only be used if you absolutely needed to use it.
1 year in the chamber = 1 day in real time.

fuck yeas

Do i age 1 year? Like, if I stay there for 50 days, am I now 50 years older or 50 days older?

still would give one year to training physically and mentally

Fuck yeah I would!

Are we Black Mirror now?

yea i'd mostly play guitar though

>worried about jarring others
>worried about missing people/experiences in 1 day

get in the fuking chamber u pussy

please answer this

also, what is in the time chamber?

>spoonfeed me daddy

Go look it up, you complete cunt.

This is the most s o y response I have seen in a while. Should I congratulate or?

>look up some weird weeab hypothetical machine

hm... no

50 days

except DBZ ascended beyond "weeb" shit into normie-tier literally decades ago

you're too young to post here. leave

Enough food and water for a year and an infinite space of varying levels of gravity and heat and cold to train in.
There's also a certain seed that when eating will instantly heal any and all wounds and recover all of your stamina.
It does not replace sleep though.

Duh. You could legit learn everything and come out a god

one year without women (porn), internet (porn) and TV (porn?), yeah, I would re-learn how to read and write code. Serious, HTML, all that crap. I feel like I missed the train on my career choice, I could fix it


holy shit that's a throwback, is this 20010 /a/?

You guys act like you couldn't just train for a year in the real world

If you're too lazy to train regularly in the real world, why would the chamber be any different? you'd get bored and just mope around the chamber and come out looking the same or worse.

Attached: soy.jpg (960x960, 73K)

Lol fuck yeah I'd wear a penis extender 24/7 and come out with a giant fucking cock mogging every last one of you

as far as i can tell, and im an expert dragonballz fan, yes, you would. The longest they ever go in is a day real time and that involved the sleep/eat/training cycle of a year where they grow to be much more powerful, but over time, so it makes sense they physically age a year too.

Why not just move to russia?

to be fair, once it's closed, you'd train with Popo, or your best friend.

You can train by yourself.

>expert dragonballz fan

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damn u got me

If I could make radical saiyan gains then easily.
I wouldn't want to go in alone though, gotta have my gymbro with me

If it actually existed it would be the perfect gym. Increased gravity would mean that as your starting out there you would really only need to do body weight exercises/just moving in general. Plus one hour in the chamber is ~1/6 if a minute in the regular world. So you would never have to worry about not having the time to trains/rest

This thread has inspired me.
I'm going to find a place where I can be alone and complete cut off from everyone for 1 month.
No media, no city, no excess people, nothing.

Just a room a bit of land and one simple meal a day.
Will train meditate and rest for 30 days.