What does Jow Forums's leg day currently look like?

What does Jow Forums's leg day currently look like?

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Current program has me squatting 3x a week. Probably gonna make Sat or Sun a leg accessory day.

4 sets of squats 3 times a week

4 sets of 10-12-15-20 reps

leg extension
hamstring curl
front or back squat
leg press closed or open legs
calf raise

enjoy not being able to walk

Light and hazey with a chance of skipped m8.

Rack pulls
Overhead squats

It's the 8th day of the week

hamstring curl and leg extension will fuck your shit up

>I will never have reasonably sized calves

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It mostly curls and triceps extensions.

lmfao at people who still unironically go to the gym

I just do 5x5 squats 3 times a week because I fucking hate working legs

squats 2-3 warmup sets then 5x5
romanian deadlift 3x10
hip thrust 4x10
leg extensions 4x12
hamstring curls 4x12
calf raise 5x15

Dick riding x F

Skateboard squats 5x5

Hip Thrust 4x10
RDL 3x8
Cable kickback 3x12-15

N-no homo

Squat 3x5
Leg press 3x12
Calf raise 3x20
Hamstring curl 3x10

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Actually it doesnt. Have Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Going to rest for 2 weeks and try introducing box squats and deadlifts 1-2 times a week.

>leg day

3x10+(8 half rep) leg extensions
3x10+(8 half rep) hamstring curls
3x12 leg adductions
3x12 leg abductions
2x10 ATG slow squats
2x5 ATG fast squats


reminder if you dont use your legs everyday you are an incel

Just started a maintenance phase today.

High bar squat 5x5 @ 75%
High bar good morning 2x8-10

High bar squat new 5RM + 2x6-8 @ 85% of that weight

Deadlift new 5RM + 2x6-8 @ 85% of that weight

Barbell Squats: 4x5-6
Leg Press: 3x8-10
Leg Extensions: 3x10-12
Hamstring Curls: 3x10-12
Standing Calf Raises: 5x10-12
Captain's Chair Leg Raises 3x10-12
Crunches 3x10-12

4x6 Front Squat
4x5 Back Squat
4x5 Deadlift
4x6 Hip Thrust
4x10 Calves raises

I'm on a cut

Also i do this 2 times a week

3x4 Back Squat
Pyramid Squat set
3x8 Hex Bar Deadlifts
5x2 Sled Pushes
8x2 Box Jumps
3x12 Hamstring Curls
3x20 Calf Raises

Leg day best day

Snatch and squats on same day
Pistol squats with kicking.

my legs are too big so i squat once a week 4-5 sets, and a few leg accessories

some curl variations
pull ups
chest flies n shit

pic related

Week one of cube method
explosive squat 8x3x285
front squat 2x5x310
pause squat 2x8x265
leg extensions 4x20

>leg day

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I think its mostly genetic. Ive always had massive calves even when I didn't lift..