Jow Forums, today we lost one of our own. one of the funniest blokes around took his own life last night. He was finally starting to make it too.. anyone feeling down- come and vent, anyone feeling good come in and help those who arent doing so great. we all have to make it.....
I'll miss you cunt. tonight's workout is in your honor friend
Is that the same Chris that made the news believe creatine was behind Elliot Rodgers?
Lincoln Walker
how tall was he?
Jonathan Peterson
He was on some good juice! At least he died thick and juicy instead of his before pic! I'd kill myself if I died the way I am now.
Nathan Evans
>insecure, depressed, lonely >start lifting and roiding to make you less insecure and depressed >get swole as fuck >realize that nothing changed >still insecure, depressed and lonely
Thats why you should always focus on other aspects in life just as much. And dont put all your hope in the fact that lifting will make everything better, because it wont.
Sebastian Bell
I'm asking my girl gymbro out on Sunday. Wish me luck, bros.
Charles Bennett
Citation needed
Aiden Baker
You got this man
Jaxson Clark
Pretty much. You should never count on one thing ever completely taking care of your problems. Whether it's a GF, a good body, etc.
Maybe money will help, but even that comes and goes.
Lincoln Wood
Have no idea who this guy is but F nontheless
Evan Perry
Pretty solid transformation Don’t kill yourself
Jack Brown
I’ve been feeling like fucking shit for a while now. I have a long term gf and I’m doing allright in uni (buisness management), but anxiety and depression have worn me down. I’m constantly broke and my diets turned to shit, I still lift on occasion but I’ve put on a ton of weight and don’t look so good anymore. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression in the past but vidya and lifting allways helped. It’s not working so much anymore. That and I’m pretty sure I’ve got gyno. Not gonna do anything silly, just wanted to vent. Also RIP lifter
RIP fellow miscer. We were better than this cesspit.
Owen Parker
today I failed at the 3rd rep of my 1st set of benchint at 80 kgs. Had to drop the plates off. I weight 85kgs. I can't benchy own weight, therefore I'm a bitch.
On tye bright side, on Tuesday I OHPed 50 kg for 5x3 easily. My OHP is progressing better than my bench.
Told this girl how i feel and she said she feels the same way but was scared to start before summer. I said fuck that see you on friday and she said ok. Did i make it?
I’ve been taking 1200mg ashgawandha every day and life seems to be easier than before, just a little bit. Might just be placebo because the sunlight is finally coming out too where I live.
t. depressed anxious user
James Long
This has been eating me up inside since last year. >meet qt3.14 in middle >3/10 pizza face but I was 2/10 fatass so whatevs >nobody really cares about me >she actually liked my autistic ass >fast forward a couple of years and get something going on >we both become better looking through lifting/ working out >go to Germoney for college >stay in touch and play tf2,lfd2 or portal on the weekends >play/talk for 6-7 hours straight every weekend >go back home for summer >"hey, I'll be home for summer wanna hang out?" >2 secs later >"Yes!
>caring about people that off themselves >Caring about people that off themselves that aren't Robin Williams Kill yourself
Andrew Scott
This is the most poorly written green text I've ever seen, you give literally no indication who is doing what or going where and so I won't be finishing it user. And never put any of this 'thisismakingitbrahs.png' 'epicwin.pdf' it shows you're just an idiot.
Jack Richardson
Yes user, yes you did.
Adrian Turner
fuck, i fucked my ex of 1 month ago. I'm back at square one fuck I can't do this
Camden Hill
What the actual fuck did you just write.
No wonder that thoth left you.
Nolan Foster
I was suicidal for 2 years, literally crying my eyes out because 10 of the 12 hours I was awake went to thinking and planning my death.
Having experienced it I can say that this guy is weak as fuck. Suicide does not end the pain, it multiplies and transfers it to others. So what? We all now need to feel sorry because this fucker brought alot of hurt and grief onto his relatives, friends and acqaintances?
Nathaniel Morales
No idea what just happened here. Whoever left you might have done the right thing..
Coming out of cocoon mode for this first time in a year. Outside of two friends, family, and work I haven’t interacted with anyone in a remotely social way. Go to my old uni’s music festival this weekend and then a John Maus concert next weekend. The music festival should be easy enough, still have friends there so I’ve got somewhere to start.
As far as the concert goes tho, I’ve got no fucking idea. I’m thrilled I get to see Maus live, but I’ve never been to one of his shows, nor have I ever been to a concert by myself. Once I’m talking to people I’m set but breaking into conversation is always so awkward. Little problems, but I guess I’m more happy than anything else that I’m finally doing stuff.
I've been a depressed mess for several years. I used to fantasize alot about being erased from everybody's memory so that I could end it. How did you manage to beat the demons?
Easton Edwards
I have quite the amazing physique for how long ive been going to the gym for, getting a lot of complements from gym rats at the gym but... I can never feel comfortable without a tshirt on bcs i have puffy nipples (natural)
You should probably see a therapist? Or at least talk to a friend openly about your situation. Also try running or some other type of cardio, it can be beneficial to mental health. Hell, you could start doing meditation or yoga if you don't find them to be "gay". Anyway, good luck dude! You're gonna make it
Parker Ward
This is literal fucking cringe dude like what the fuck are you talking about man you legit crammed as much needless memery as you could in to a stupid fucking greentext about you and your slutty oneitis if you're not underage you must be literally mentally handicapped in some way shape or form and nice twink legs
Nathaniel Martin
literally no one gives a shit
Lucas Myers
asked a girl out a few weeks ago and I can tell you I felt like a god afterwards
I used to wish my whole family would die so I could end it without hurting anyone. The pain of wanting to go and knowing you have to stay was unbearable.
Physical training helps. Accepting that life IS suffering helps too.