How would you like to get approached at the gym?

How would you like to get approached at the gym?
I would like to know.
Yes, I am a guy and I want to approach guys, no I don't stare or make anyone uncomfortable and I respect their space but I'm wondering on how to make guys who smile at me.

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Come on bros

Consider suicide, faggot

That is not a nice thing to say

Just do it

Be friendly and spark up a chat, my close gay friend is super flamboyant and over the top and it works for him.

this desu

Read the picture I posted with the thread

At the gym though? And in what way is he flamboyant?

I dont know, maybe ask him if hes a top or bottom

Just look good, it works and I'm not very friendly.
Most people tend to be nice to me though, I never really know if a fellow fag is hitting on me or if an actual straight is just being chatty and tactile for some reason.

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be twinky enough that i can pretend you're a girl otherwise fuck off faggot

Do your best to cleanse your mind of that perversion. Whatever you do don't date or fuck a guy.

i am not im trying to get bigger since i like big guys and i think they look the best

maybe youre very handsome. can you give examples of someone hitting on you?

My dude friend attracts a lot of gay homos because of his joocy gains. Start liftin

post pic


Not conventionally handsome.
Still having that pretty boy vibe in my late 20ies and being short don't make me very threatening so guys approach me easily.
Having a past ottermode body in a commercial gym full of dyels makes the rest.

Most of the time it's from regular dyels but there's also the occasional big guy being very friendly and complimenting my gains or that engaged but curious fit guy making obvious sex jokes all the time.

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FUCK OFF last thing I want in the gym is to be approached by a 3/10 raging homo.

nohomo but if you're pulling fags that's a good sign you're making it and are able to pull good women

count your blessings

hm i wonder what you look like, i only have underages flirting with me

the amount of runways i walked is higher than the amount of girls you ever kissed so i wouldnt be that loud (your mom doesnt count)

This. Don't get me wrong, faggots will fuck anything male. But if you have guys cold approaching you then you know you're attractive.

Cillian Murphy syndrom, nice lower face and weird eye area making it very hit-or-miss.

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I hate fags who try to approach a dude when they know he's clearly straight.

how doed that relate to my post?

thats why i said only if they smile at me etc and how am i supposed to know without asking you stupidassbitch its not like i beat you up by being interested in someone and i accept a no

>hm i wonder what you look like


a total of 0 chair riding faggot.

if that makes you feel better about yourself, sure. i'm wondering why you keep refreshing a gay thread mr.hetero? :)

im a closet ranging homo looking for male near me so i can fuck while they scream more dady and i cum without a condom inside them.

well good luck with that my love
