/fast/ #183 - Life's a beach edition

>How do I fast?
Don't eat
>How long should I fast?
Keep going
>Won't I be hungry?
Not after a few days
>Why not just limit calories?
>Won't I go into starvation mode?
No. Only occurs at extremely low body fat
>Won't I lose muscle?
Not if you lift. Minimal even if you don't. Fasting boosts HGH
>How long will it take me to lose X lbs/kg?
*water weight not included
>Can I eat (something with calories)?
A: No
>Can I drink coffee or tea? Diet soda?
Coffee and tea are probably okay. Sweeteners are probably bad. This is debatable
>So only drink water?
For longer fasts, supplement electrolytes. When you feel bad, mix around 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp potassium chloride/citrate in water and sip it throughout the day. Adjust as needed. Headache=more salts. Watery shits=more water
>Where do I find potassium chloride/citrate?
Stores would have them where they keep the salt. Names include NoSalt, LoSalt, etc.
>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not unless you're going for a month+
>How long does it take to get into ketosis?
Everyone's different. Just stop eating

Autophagy: When your body eats useless cells (loose skin, scar tissue, etc). A benefit of fasting
Dry Fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, but it may speed up autophagy
Insulin: Hormone that regulates fat retention. Spiked by eating, especially carbs. Probably spiked by artificial sweeteners
Keto: Very low or zero carb diet that limits insulin and triggers ketosis.
Ketosis: When your body has used all of its carbs and starts using fat for fuel

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>day off from work (based banker hours)
>55 hours into my first of two weekly fasts
>this one started Sunday night and ends tonight (Thursday)
>spend the whole day getting high and forget to take my supps and potassium
>wake up this morning
>hot shower before work
>leap out of the shower with the grace of a quadriplegic platypus
>drink a liter of water, 1000mg of potassium, and my usual supps in five minutes
>feel nauseous almost immediately
>breathe deeply to calm myself down, then go get some coffee
>keep it together on drive to work but feel like throwing up again during morning meeting
>drink some coffee and thankfully feel better about an hour later

I could horrifyingly taste fish oil coming up when I burped. FOLKS, DO NOT MISS YOUR FUCKING POTASSIUM.

I actually take 1/4tsp of salt straight if I feel weak, just wash it down with some water. Fixes it in like 5 minutes.

>11 pounds in 4 days
How much of it is water weight?
How do I know when I'm into ketosis?
Also, pee was really dark this morning. Does that mean anything?

>How much of it is water weight?
Probably most if not all of it

>How do I know when I’m in keto?
Buy keto strips from a drugstore or just don’t eat carbs

>does dark pee mean anything?
It means you’re dehydrated retard drink more water

Every time I do a 72 hour fast about half the weight loss was water.

day 7
weight gain

im planning on doing a 3/1/3 fast. breaking my fast for 1 day and then going for another 3 and so on.

Will i need snake juice for such a plan?

You might need it, have some handy and see how you feel.

What's the longest any of you have gone?
In 2 weeks, when the semester is over, I plan on going for as long as I can.
What are some your guys' experiences?

Just started fasting here.

What is the most weight you have lost.

SW/ FW and Length of fast?

Water weight. Pretty normal and typical.

I'm on day 3. I don't feel like fucking up this time. Tomorrow will be the fourth day, and I never made it past that day.

I've had a constant problem with cravings and obsessing with food and I'm a week into it.

I constantly feel funny, it may not help that I am trying to do a 30 day fast on my first time and RIGHT after doing a few days of 500cal a day

so im breaking my fast today, my mother wants to go out to dinner tomorrow afternoon so i guess it fits in.
Then I'm fasting from tomorrow afternoon.
Im not giving up, just, this fuckin' feeling sucks and I'm hoping its because of my shit diet beforehand.

Breaking after 3 days? That just as it gets easy!?

>What the fuck are you thinking?

Stay strong, you can do this, user

The second time is easier.

Word of advice, ensure you eat keto... Makes getting over the 3 day hill so much easier and keeps your energy levels up.

>Make sure if you carbo load you don't waste electrons shit posting here about how shit you feel

Yeah I've done my best avoiding talking about how iffy I feel
But I'm pretty sure it's just that my body hasn't had to fast in over 8 years (did it when I was 17 for 20 days)

I'm not going to go for keto, I have a trick through the first few days, and it helps its summer now. Just ice water, so much ice water.
Yeah, it flushes the good shit out fast but getting over that 3 days is super big.
Thanks for the advice my man

So I'm planning to do Fasting because I have quite a bit loose skin left even after going to a very low percentage of BF for several times, bulking up muscle and giving the skin time to retract.

But everywhere where I do research I just come across broscientists claiming it helps with loose skin during weight loss, which is absolute fucking bullshit. I haven't even stumbled upon a case study or anything.

Does anyone have any reliable sources or case studies about loose skin retracting due to fasting AFTER weight loss.

I'd be grateful as fuark.

I have no idea if it's bro science or not. I know someone was on Joe Rogan a while ago claiming that fasting instead of calorie restriction would lead to far less or no lose skin. Also there was that viral video on YouTube of that guy who did a 39 day water fast, he seemed to have no lose skin afterwards. Since you've already lost the weight I'm not sure if any of th pis would apply. Good luck, let us know how it goes.

found this on snakeman fb

1,5 years difference. Little loose skin for such weight loss

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Very nice, normally there would be massive sheets of skin hanging off him

1 month transformation from April 1st to today.

232lbs to 195lbs at 6'1" and 150lbs lean. Keto OMAW. No changes to exercise.

30lbs left to lose over May, but having done the OMAW cycle four times now I feel confident that I can see this through. Removal of carbs and sugars is key.

We're all gonna make it /fast/brahs.

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good you brah.
Did you drink snake juice?

Every day, but I think Cole's measurements are way, way off.

I did 2L water with 1 tsp of pink salt and nosalt, which is a quarter of his recommendation, blended with lemon juice.

ACV cleanse mixed with warm water as a shot every morning to flush out the system (i.e. shit constantly)

Heck yeah, this is excellent!

>(i.e. shit constantly)
you were shitting 7 days in a week while fasting?wtf¨

how did you do your cleanse?

>five hours until I hit two day mark
>Feel like total shit

I've done three day fast and I haven't felt this miserable, just bored. What do I do?

Gonna break fast tomorrow cause I gotta go out to eat on saturday
What do you guys recommend?
I'm thinking some orange juice, boiled eggs and a banana
Is it enogh for me not to shit myself while eating on saturday?

Doesn't lemon juice break the fast?

Get some salt in ya. Put 1/4tsp in a small glass of water and chug it.

Cancerfag reporting in!

Starting my third and final fast for my third set of infusions.

Got back from my GP. The boy was sick so I took him in. Doc wanted to give my lungs a listen. He told me my lungs sound real good. The rub that warranted the first xray is gone and says I have good clearance. He also commented on my lymph node inflammation retreating significantly. minor inflammation in the trunk, and still some swelling in the ones under my left arm.

Technically according to the protocol that the board approved I've fallen below the the stop threshold for the fasting. I'm down on the scale. I'm sitting at about 10% bodyfat. I just couldn't bring myself back up this round. irrespective of that I think I'm going to continue.

Chemo place confirmed my appointment for Saturday. May 30th is my appointment to get the scans.

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Day 2(47h in) of my fast : I have a slight headache and feel eh, but it's not too bad. I am not hungry anymore, I just get passing thoughts of... food? Like I am going to binge on something randomly, but not like real cravings, it's really weird. I was going for 3 days, I might go for a little longer.

I want to go from 194 pounds(current) to 170ish pounds. Let's go.

Would you guys mind telling me what your individual goals a and intended benefits are?

I'd like to see how fasting could apply to me. I don't have much weight I'd need to lose and I work out 4 times a week (lifting, boxing, running).

For me(poster literally above) it's trying to fix my bad eating habit by changing my gut flora and finally be at my normal weight (have never been throughout my life) so I can have a positive image of myself. It's also a challenge.

I also genuinely enjoy OMAD.


Good luck!

>why are you not doing the tapeworm diet

it's like you don't want to succeed.

How much should you eat when you break a fast?


I attempted a water fast that went a duration of four days broke it on Thursday night. Friday morning woke up with burning and pain in my chest, hospital said all vitals are good. After a few more visits evoked from the burning and pain intensifying the doc deduced it was Acid Reflux or GERD. It just feels like really bad heart burn. I have to take pills to control it and have a specific diet of no acidic or spicy food. I was wondering if any had the same experience.

>acid reflux
>goes to hospital
Absolute state of murriclaps, why are you all such fucking pussies?

Dude you can already figure that one out when i couldn't even get through a week of just fasting, Ive been bested by African countries.

On day 5 atm, I planned to eat for two days then do another 5 days but I feel much better today so I might go for 6 days.

Also scale says I've lost 4kg-8.8 lbs. I've heard you lose 0.4 kg-0.882 lbs a day so it's fair to say half of the weight is water?

Can I lose fat if I do 16 or 24 hour fast?


It's called intermittent fasting, and yes.

I get acid reflux sometimes, but not from fasting. Perhaps it's what you ate when you broke the fast?


you have a 10 seconds to post a /fast/er who actually looks decent

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I wanna see it too.

here's a decent one, this guy fasted for 2 months

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>Source: Snakediet.com
Boy the Snake Diet Wizard Cole Robinson sure doesn't want to sell stuff to you

then go to Jow Forumsfasting faggot... the previous one i posted was good in the muscle mass the guy was able to keep, there's plenty of examples of fatties losing mad weight in short periods of time all over the web, albeit not as good looking

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>the creme of the /fast/ crop is a manlet who does pushups and doesnt eat


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what were you expecting? fasting isn't about becoming an aesthetic god, it's a healthy lifestyle that's convenient and easy to follow once you get in

you'll look decent, but you'll feel amazing once you've been doing it enough

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have fun being a hungry DYEL i guess

you'll probably never be a gym icon but one thing I can guarantee is that if you fast correctly you'll never be hungry

press your own grape juice.
40 days.
do it you ape nigger.

>my asshole cousins used to sing this song to me throughout my childhood

Enough is enough

Is eating a single breakfast, and the not eating anything else for the day as effective as eating a single dinner, or just IF in general?

I just want to have all my food in the morning, and eat nothing else all day, but I heard you get more benefits if you wait and eat lunch / dinner, or just dinner.

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OMAD, one meal a day, is a form of intermittent fasting, and breakfast is actually the best time to eat that meal because as the day progresses your insulin response to food grows ~30%. Don't have the graph saved on this computer but it's from one of Dr. Fung's articles.

I've gone two weeks at the most. I'm now doing a 30 day fast. Felt fine at the end of my two week, so I can't imagine it'll be tough to keep going.

Best luck cancer user

Depends. If you're fat, a tiny meal. No more than a single head of broccoli and a hot dog sized portion of meat. If you're fit, do what you need to do to maintain.

Stop using Satania to bully others. She would never do that. It's an SSS class sin.

I did fasting for weeks. I feel off and did a week or two of junk food. the addiciton is real. im thinking its gut bacteria guiding my every moves

Did you gain the weight back?

tomorrow will be day 3, the day i've failed each time so far. the dream is to go about a month and get from 175 to 150lb and shed all the pudge.

already dreaming about what i'll eat when i'm done.

I fasted for 18 hours yesterday and it was awful last night. Headache, dizzy, nausea.. fasting really fucked me up. Back to counting calories (forever)

yes. pissed off. but i feel i cant control

lmao what a bitch

I just finished a 4 day fast and ate a bunch of junk food today. Not a whole large amount, but still junk food nonetheless.

You can do it man. Maybe shorter increments would work better for you.

Read the guide and take potassium stupid nigger

Not for me, ive done a 8 day fast and felt horrible throughout, im gonna give this 313 a try

But...You're supposed to eat. Anemia is a disease, you'll fuck up your body. Do people actually do this? You're starving yourself. I understand fasting for a week, maybe even two weeks, but longer than a fucking month? What's wrong with you?

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post body

>111 hours without food
>21 hours until I eat

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Downing 2 tbsp of ACV mixed with a a glass of warm water to start the day. If you mix it with the snake juice you consign yourself to drinking 2 litres of piss a day. Best to get it out of the way. It doesn't break the fast.

Is the meme true 3 days of juice "fast" = 1 day water fast and likewise 3 days water fast = 1 day dry fast?

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Not if its a small amount mixed into a lot of water and sipped across the day.

If you shot it then yeah probably.

I went from 304.7 to 298.2. Even though that's mostly water weight, I am still continuing to cut back.

I'm not even on OMAD yet, I just stopped eating snacks and drinking soda. I'm transitioning from normal diet to TMAD and then OMAD to make it easier on me.

Stay away from OJ (sugar) and banana (sugar and carbs) if you're planning on fasting again afterwards.

Eggs are fine, but try adding some cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale or cabbage, and some meat.

So I went for an overnight hike during just a short 48h fast. Took only snake juice and pure water. The walk was pretty brutal, 5 hours there mostly up a very steep hill, 4 hours back the next day as was downhill. Energy levels were very good now that I am adapted to fasting. Was feeling clear-headed and energetic the whole way.
Then about half way into the hill climb on the way up I had a stick of sugar-free gum. Within 10 minutes I felt extremely lethargic, my heart was racing, I felt light-headed like I was going to faint, my feet were dragging along the ground and I felt like vomiting. My guess is that the artificial sugar spiked my insulin causing my BSL to go a bit too low and at the same time inhibited ketogenesis so my energy tanked. Never having that shit again!

Is intermittent fasting a meme?
I wanna try 16/8 since my natural eating habits are already very close to that schedule anyway.

I've felt much the same way after drinking diet soda

>16 hours without eating

Yea, it´s called skipping breakfast. Nothing to do with fasting though.

Sounds like a similar path to mine. Started out at basically 5-6MAD, then cut out the snacks and gradually worked myself to OMAD, now I eat once every 48-72 hours. Went from 275 lbs to 185.

So what improvements are you expecting from doing what you already do?

Best of luck to you brother

I said it's close. I can still optimize some things.
Like not drinking milk coffee during fasting hours or skipping my morning sip of OJ. Also i have not really strictly followed a 16 hour. Usually like 13 - 14.

Does fasting have any effect on hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)?

do people actually dislike snake juice? it tastes good

Third time fasting, at about 106 hours atm. Previous attempts, my record was 56 hours. I feel pretty terrible today, even though I felt good yesterday. Hoping I can keep pushing through. I have a lot more fat I want to lose.

Fasting really makes me realise how disgusting fat is (I'm not even that fat, just mildly overweight). Especially on my face, which basically removes like 2 points of attractiveness.

I'm about 82 hours in and I feel fucking fantastic. Are you taking your snake juice?

I feel like "six small meals a day" and "muh metabolism" are the kings of weight loss memes.

They're antithetical to fasting; keep your body expecting food so you never attack glycogen, keep your insulin high so you keep storing unused energy as fat.

I went from 242 to 230 over 5 months with diet (CICO broken down into six meals) and cardio. Everyone was crowing about my progress.

Started wet fasting in April and consistently lost a pound a day, but everyone thinks I'm crazy.

Only one or these methods really works but it seems the world has been programmed against it.

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