Jow Forums If you value your health and gains please watch this video.

Some brainlets still have this notion in their head that keto is a meme. PLEASE watch this video before commenting.

If this reaches even one person Im glad, I hope more people will watch this guy's videos. He's a chiropractor who treats diabetics and has tested ALOT of diets related to insuline problems.

Attached: ketoinsuline.jpg (1303x688, 90K)

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>this snake oil salesman fooled me and im going to try this starting tomorrow no wait actually maybe in a week okay fine im not going to do it but anyways here is my tumblr post can you give me (You)s

More video's that are heavily Jow Forums related

>testosterone increase
>improve low testosterone
>Intermittent fasting for weight loss
>Perfecting sleep and energy

Is this a video about keto?
Keto is garbage for gains. You will never grow a respectable muscle mass

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

An interesting study from 2014 investigating the effects of a ketogenic diet on skeletal muscle.5 Particularly important is the fact that the study used a very low-carbohydrate intake (

shit forgot source:

He shills his products (mostly supplements) like once in the video and doesn't talk about them at all. Watch the video first.

Keto increases testosterone

>Total testosterone increased significantly from Weeks 0-11 in the KD diet (118 ng/dl) as compared to the WD (-36 ng/dl) from pre to post while insulin did not change.

Lost a shit ton of fat and gained a good 15lbs of muscle following this advice (Keto/IF).

Pro Tip: Nothing will increase your natural levels of Testosterone more than a good nights sleep. You can basically double your T levels just by sleeping properly.

7-9 hours of good sleep is more critical to your overall health than any other single factor. Anything less than 6 hours will decrease strength and stamina by 30+ %.

Listen I've been lifting for 10 years and tried keto for 2 months. All my lifts went down and I looked deflated as fuck.
I don't care what study you link, in my personal experience it's a shit diet for gains.

Prove me wrong; post your picture with height/weight

Same here.

Pic related my arms after 4 months of lifting on keto. My next post will show my fat loss

Attached: 4months.jpg (1898x658, 99K)


I am 5'10, never lifted before 4 months ago, was about 92kg in that arm pic.

Attached: progress.png (934x675, 900K)

You forgot height/weight

>1 minute into the video and he's already shilling his magic powder

Yeah progresspost has it my bad, I still have some fat to lose but I'm definitely not losing any muscle.

Literally ONCE and then explains you the entire process behind keto & fasting without mentioning it again.

So you've been lifting for 4 months and trying to school me, a 10-years veteran that has tried every diet possible for shit and giggles?
Your picture is irrelevant; anyone that starts lifting will make gains, no matter their diet

Lmao why do they think a comparison to the standard western diet is impressive? The average Western adult eats pop tarts, fast food and frozen dinners on a daily basis. Literally any diet with a bit of effort would look good in comparison

I found something that works insanely well and want to help others. I've been eating ~2500 -3500 calories on keto and still losing a fuck ton of weight, 15 days ago I was 91kg now I'm down to 85.

if you got something that works for you, great, Im trying to help people who are unsure on what to do.

It was a controlled group so they likely didnt get sweets but regular carbs like rice/potatoes/bread.

So you don't even know the standards for the study you're shilling, you just invented a convenient story in your head that supports your belief system.

You dont even know if they ate poptarts/sweets so I guess we're both unsure here. It seems way more likely that they got normal carbs. seeing as;

>Twenty-five college aged men were divided into a KD or traditional WD from weeks 1-10, with a reintroduction of carbohydrates from weeks 10-11, while participating in a resistance-training program.

keto works really well for fat loss, I agree with you on that. All I'm saying is it's shit for fat loss.
What will happen in your case if you continue keto for let's say 6 months; you will lose more fat and end up looking ottermode/slim. And you will not make muscle gains anymore

Can confirm. Doing keto most of the time and always losing/keeping my weight, while making a ton of gains and also getting stronger and stronger. You also feel healthier and better overall imo. But never forget refueling on carbs

>it's shit for fat loss
Meant to say shit for muscle-building

How can I end up ottermode/slim If I'm already decently buff and I'm not losing muscle mass at all, Im gaining muscle.

Post the physique and lifts you achieved doing keto. DYELs that throw studies around should be send to the fucking camps

Btw, keto works best for an endomorphs. I'd say meso too, but never do keto when you're ecto, rip otherwise

my arms my weight loss4 months lifting
90kg (200lbs?) bench.
155kg (340lbs?) deadlift
dont squat, homegym sorry.

You're and you call yourself "decently buffed" ?

Looks way better in person desu. Never had a thing for pictures. Also that was 15 days ago and I'm getting increasingly more muscular. And there's still a layer of fat hiding my pecs, my arm placement in that picture makes my delts look smaller, arms

What are you lads eating schedules?

I have

Lunch 2pm

Dinner 5:45pm

Second Dinner 6:30pm

Evening snack (Kale) 7pm

rinse and repeat

First meal at 5PM, probably like 6 eggs with 100g of cheese grated on top and a 50ml shot of olive oil.

DInner at ~7PM Probably 500-600g of random meat + 500g spinach or broccoli, if the meat is non-fatty I take another 50ml shot of olive oil

7 - 8:30PM I eat random snacks like nuts (macademia/paranuts/braziliannuts), cheese, pieces of meat, If my daily fat isnt 65-70% I take ANOTHER shot of olive oil or coconut oil.

8:30 PM till 5PM next day I eat nothing.

Also take a multivitamin & multimineral 3 times a day that includes zinc, sellenium, magnesium & all the vitamins.

Chiropractors calling themsleves Doctors or using 'Dr.' is a joke.

20 hours nice

I eat in the afternoon and I eat supper.
I sometimes have a cup of coffee in the morning.

I'm never hungry anymore it's fucking insane, I feel great the entire day.

>overly complex, ridiculous diagram
>He's a chiropractor
just give him all of your money already and end it, OP

>>>>>>>>>overly complex

are you a literal brainlet, watch the fucking video he adresses every single thing he wrote on there.

People doing keto look like complete shit

Exhibit a
It seems like keto even makes you a delusional brainlet as we can see on exhibit a

>Definitely losing no muscle

You cant lose what you dont have

>Dr. Berg does everything right
>still a massive faggot with a weak voice
>his mannerisms scream that he suck niggerdick and support late-term abortion
Why listen to this guy?

>uric acid
Love that he fell for that vegan acid/alkaline meme

Attached: sv3rige.jpg (480x360, 48K)

> a chriropractor is going to treat my diabetes

L m a o

keep trying to justify your lardo meme diet, tubby

Attached: artificial_intelligence.jpg (449x448, 87K)

Hey my mom knows a lot about botany maybe she can help me with this toothache? Oh I know let’s just fucking pray to Jesus about it.

Yeah, no.