>watching health documentary on netflix called "What the health" >EVERY MEAT IS BAD AND GIVES YOU CANCER AND COWS GET CANCER FROM EATING PLANTS BECAUSE THEY'RE EXPOSED TO THE ATMOSPHERE ON EARTH >organic animals are still exposed to the same level of toxins >GMO foods are still fed to animals >everything causes diabetes and cancer
Wow thanks, very educational, I'll just eat nothing at all I'm sure that will be healthy. What a fucking waste of an hour and a half.
The best part: >milk is bad for you because most people are lactose intolerant >encouraging milk production and consumption is racist because it has a mostly negative effect on minorities
>"why would anyone drink milk why would the body make that enzyme to process that it doesn't make any sense!" t- Yuppie trustfund baby interviewed doctor
What are some GOOD documentaries to watch that Jow Forums recommends on netflix? Might watch pumping iron again, every health documentary seems to be like this it seems, retarded overblown bullshit >DUDE, what if I ate mcdonalds for six meals a day forever omg I'm dying whyyy see you should never eat a burger ever again!
Just don't watch netflix. It's all progressive, why do you think they have tags like "Female Protagonist" but lack a male one?
Leo Wilson
Yeah, vegans are stupid and the public has an average IQ of around the same. You're only just figuring this out? >Might watch pumping iron again LEL.
Camden Torres
>netflix >quality health advice shig
Hudson Turner
Bacon and whiskey are also bad for you if you eat a lot of them, but I'm not going to stop consuming them, either
Jeremiah Stewart
food is poisonous air is polluted water is full of shit
what do?
Asher Adams
>longest living population in the entire planet >american pescatarian adventists
This destroys the vegan.
Grayson Sanders
Don't forget Okinawans who eat fish
just LOL
Austin Howard
Yeah what a shit documentary that was. Stopped watching when the hippie typed the names of the health organisations and then added SPONSORS to the end of the search.
Apparently go vegan, even though in their same documentary they state that all plants are covered in extreme amounts of toxins and pesticides which get into the milk and meat of the animals you eat. hmmm, really makes you think.
Adrian Reyes
Basically the longest living people on the planet are people who eat plenty of fish(loaded with creatine, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D) and get physical exercise regularly and are not obese.
I used to follow the memes about vegan diets being healthier but literally every single blue zone in the world eats plenty of fish. I also find it weird how vegans attack sea food and fish consumption with all these mentions of pcb's, plastics, heavy metals and whatever, when it has literally NEVER been a problem in populations who thrived on eating plenty of cod/hake/sardine/herring/salmon.
I believe a pescatarian diet that is absolutely loaded with healthy fish like sardines and hake is the healthiest for pretty much every single human.
Austin Cox
Depends on genetics if you can handle that much fish. Do you have the mark of the fisheater? Mandibular torri = built for consuming large amounts of fish. They show up in every heavy fish consuming coastal population.
Jackson Moore
I mean that stuff can still cause birth defects and mental issues which don't necessarily kill you, but also not all fish have the same levels of it and method of preparation makes a difference in how much of the pollution in the fish you end up actually eating.
The healthiest seafood is generally going to be stuff lower on the food chain, so shellfish smaller fish, especially those that eat plankton.
Luke Watson
As far as I know the only peoples suffering from sea animal consumption are eating sea mammals in the artic regions, which have enormous concentrations of pcb's and such, many times more than any type of commercially available fish.
But populations in sardinia and the islands of greece have been eating plenty of sea food forever and don't have more fish contamination related issues than neighboring populations.
But yeah the smallest fish are almost always way healthier, sardines are a good example. Mussels are also good. Salmon is surprisingly healthy too if caught wild for its size.
Christian Sanders
>Mandibular torri Holy shit, I wasn't aware of this and yeah I have it, never really heard of such a thing but thanks for bringing it up this is pretty interesting.
Christopher Gutierrez
The degenerate kikes promote veganism because they hate nature. don't trust what they produce
Most common in Japanese and Eskimo people, followed by coastal Europeans (Portuguese, British, Norwegians) Read a study a while ago that 90% of the male student population in the university of Porto had it. Also really common in Norwegian and Welsh archaeological finds
Adam Miller
The best part is how they implant plants are actually good for nutrition and for anything but adding useless mass.
AGEs in cooked foods are a problem though, therefore cooked food consumption should be cut to a minimum. McDonalds is plant based.
Kevin Sanchez
How can Netflix be progressive when they have both "Master & Commander" and "Das Boot"? Women hate those.
Noah Mitchell
So you’re claiming to have more knowledge then some of the absolute best cardiologists and nutritionists on this planet? Okay bro
Brayden Flores
The once longest living population were the okiwanans who eat 97% plant based. How is max one meal with fish in it a week “a lot of fish”
Brody Morales
doctors don't know shit they are interventionists and prescribers they don't understand true health
Jace Ramirez
McDonald literally had zero plant based options for the longest time (including the goddamn fries)
Dominic Roberts
It's not 0 fish either r tard
Jaxon Butler
Niga, oxygen causes cancer too. Welcome to being a multi-celled organism.
Camden Ward
>yea I know more about health then the people that studied health for the past 40 years haha
Theese are the people who claim what the health has no valid points
So you honeStly think that 1-2% of calories from fish was what made them the longest living population?
Jordan Cook
Do you think plant based means 70% plants? No it means 97% or more from plants. Unless asking for a burger without the ham and cheese counts as a option then I don’t know if any
Ayden Gray
they have'nt studied anything for 40 yrs they go to school for 7-8 years and then assume they know everything about human physiology
>good goy
Gabriel Johnson
If you look at doctors that are actual experts on nutritional biochemistry, lipidology, endocrinology, nephrology etc. and concerned with longevity and making the highest quality living organisms possible, they are ALL shilling keto. Might have to do with how literally all animals are on a ketogenic diet?
Evan Baker
The documentary has already been debunked by Time and Vice as being Vegan propaganda, down to every single health claim. Having a piece of paper that authorizes you to be your local drug dealer with your webmd pocket brain doesn't make you an authority on things that are already pretty obvious and discussed by thousands of doctors before them.
Some of the health claims may be true to a technicality but are ultimately disingenuous as cancer is inevitable.
Isaac Thompson
It's most likely from calorie restriction. And either way, the healthiest populations are actually hunter-gatherers or pastoralists like the Inuit or Masai (note: if fed on traditional diet).
Japs on the other hand have quite literally THE highest rates of bowel cancer.
Evan Sanchez
>grug only see old men with glasses >grug want see naked man >grug watch naked arnold now *grug unzips dick*
Luis Harris
Yes, the supplementation provided them with many nutrients vegshits are deficient in, otherwise vegan and vegetarian poos would be the longest living people on earth.
Cooper Walker
I’m just gonna give the lazy answer to instantly disprove what you just said. The absolute only diet that has ever been able to reverse heart disease is a whole food plant based diet. How can you possibly explain that?
Ryder Mitchell
sources faggots
Matthew Edwards
They studied for those 6-12 years and then worked with and researched cardiology and nutrition those other 30 years. Also how the fuck can you possible claim that the Jews want you to be vegan when the Jews earn disgustingly much money on the onions for the cows, animal agriculture and most importantly giving diabetes and heart disease with shitty diets
Jaxon Sanchez
Literally no valid dubunktion has done o my broscienfe and links to terribly made studies.
Luke Turner
The Okinawans also did assloads of karate every day.
Physical exercise brehs.
Sebastian Edwards
Actually there are PLENTY of studies showing that a ketogenic (note: this means high fat, many of you vegans seem to think it means high protein) reverses arterial plaque and progression of heart disease, as well as all kinds of metabolic disorders. The upside of this is that it doesn't even have to eat away at your lean tissue and bone mass like a vegan "diet" (should really be called starvation diet) would. This stuff is so easy to find, look up Peter Attia for one of the few westerners doing research into nutrition and longevity though.
Alexander Watson
>literally every importing/exporting or cultivation site in the west is owned or operated by Jewish people >cancer at all time high even eating a vegan diet Just because you eat vegan doesn't negate the fact that cancer is rising in pure vegans/vegetarians/pseudo vegs/omnivores/and meat eaters. It's rising in everyone. So go ahead and keep believing veganism is healthy, you'll still get cancer or any number of other diseases.
an actual plant based diet is 100 % plant. get your mythical facts straigth you raging homo.
Brody Fisher
Still lower risk of cancer and generally better health outcomes regardless. Why not do it?
Easton Ortiz
Shit, I remember instantly closing that shit when the black guy said the health organizations were racist for recommending drinking milk.
Hunter Bell
Lol cancer is hard to avoid but you can avoid certain types of cancers very well by eating healthy. However im talking about diabetes and heart disease which is very rare in vegans compared to meat eaters even when comparing lifestyle differences such as activity and weight
Julian Lewis
Having less then 3% of your calories from bad sources seems not to do any major harm. It’s plant “based” not herbivore or ONLY plant diet. Not saying you shouldn’t eat 100% plant based but really you’re just playing word games here
Hudson Howard
>documentary on netflix
lmao at your life, stay bluepilled
Evan Reyes
Link one paper showing keto diet being able to reverse CAD
Pro tip, you can’t
Ian Davis
It does in diabetic patients and even reverses kidney disease diabetes 2 and a few other diseases.
Diet is a tool not a religion.
Ian Baker
I have it too but not very develop, mediterranean spaniard here. it makes sense because the mediterranean classic diet have a lot of fish too
If anything, I believe the problems certain people encounter stem from a) cooking and b) continued consumption of "good" carbs, i.e. vegetables and fruit.
Nathan Sanchez
are you pretending to be retarded?
Isaac Carter
I'm from porto, so it makes sense. But why does this occur in fish eating communities? What advantage does it bring?
Jackson Sanders
Even a small ammount of fish has an absolute fuckton of vitamin B12, omega 3 EPA/DHA, and vitamin D(for the most part). It's probably what sustained them, yeah.
Gabriel Mitchell
What the FUCK
Julian Ortiz
Why do you all give so many fucks? If you end of dying from ass cancer caused by too much steak and beer with your m8s then you’ve had a pretty damn good life.
Milk is bad for you because milk is not ment for humans, its ment for baby cows
soooo by that logic, i cant eat a fucking deer or a wild plant. because they are not created for our consumption.
Food is not ment for us, our digestion is made for the food. Lactose tolerance is a major win for those who have it. We can get fat and protein out of grass.
well cows dont eat grass because the grass is not ment to be eaten by cows.
James Reyes
Fish is probably some of the most nutritious and highest quality proteins you can get. Eating moderate quantities of low food chain fish will avoid heavy metal accumulation, with reduced risk if you eat wild stuff. Shellfish is also badass too.
The downside of wild fish is that there is a very high risk of parasites: anisakis and certain tapeworms are usually the ones that infect humans. The former passes naturally and won't lay eggs in you (results in serious GI distress and possibly allergic reactions) but the latter can be rather dangerous and you'll need praxiquantel to treat it. Cooked is usually alright since eggs and larvae die above 145F for 30s but raw you can never really tell. You can remove live worms during preparation but larvae and eggs are super hard to see in deep flesh.
Nicholas Cruz
what's their beef with master and commander?
Ethan Baker
Fruits are not good for you, they were made for plants to reproduce with!
Luke Bennett
>eating plant cum lol fag
Jaxon Torres
More like ovaries brainlet
Cameron Murphy
Women hate all movies that are about boats, have no women in them and that are about masculine ideals and friendships.
Luis Powell
They would eat goat too
Levi Morales
I fucking hate women on boats too. >Submarines used to be a manly space where bros would be bros and underway was the most testosterone intensive combination of machismo and autistic near male exclusive geek hobbies >Women are now allowed on subs >Upper base filled with thots that are all fat since prt scores for women are a fucking joke >they're going to be dumb as fuck and useless >100% chance of no female ever having to rig the bridge when in a heavy sea state or be there for stores loading in a compromising position in the hatch, or taking part in any of the claustrophobic clean up in the deep bilge or any other classic scenario
I'm angry. ANGRY No one ever respects male only spaces
Dylan Long
>>"why would anyone drink milk why would the body make that enzyme to process that it doesn't make any sense!" Your body produces lactose in infancy because as a mammal your first food is mother's (human) milk. Normally your body would stop producing lactase as you mature. The gene mutation for lactose persistence meant you could continue drinking milk, in our case usually the milk of a cow, even into maturity. The health consequences of this are controversial.
Jace Bennett
>Mandibular torri = built for consuming large amounts of fish Where'd you get that from?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus_mandibularis >It is believed that mandibular tori are caused by several factors.[1] They are more common in early adult life and are associated with bruxism. The size of the tori may fluctuate throughout life, and in some cases the tori can be large enough to touch each other in the midline of mouth. Consequently, it is believed that mandibular tori are the result of local stresses and not due solely to genetic influences. Causation by Calcium dysregulation as associated with both vitamin D malabsorption and vitamin K insufficiency may lead to the simple solution of dietary supplementation for resolution of symptoms and resorption.
Colton Johnson
Great work on not attacking a single point the documentary made.
Dominic Thomas
no wonder that guy murked the bitch when she wouldn't fuck him even though he totally brought her onto his sweet sub
Christopher Taylor
Well whiskey gets you high. Bacon just gives you ass cancer you can eat plenty of smokey flavored crunchy foods that don't.
Camden Sanders
Meat eaters are too retarded to figure out how to make lentils and quinua taste giod.
Liam Young
daily reminder that McDonald's is not even bad for you youtu.be/U6umfRzbVDY >health improves after his 30 days of only eating McDonald's
Cooper Jenkins
Literally not an argument you shit eating retard
Brandon Cooper
>Wow thanks, very educational, I'll just eat nothing at all I'm sure that will be healthy. >What a fucking waste of an hour and a half.
You're one of those people that watch the documental to crybaby? in the movie recomends a whole plant-based diet. And don't scream "MUH PROPAGANDA" how eating vegetables need propaganda? the brocoli industry? lmao meatcucks logics
Elijah Peterson
It literally is propaganda because it's promoting an ideology.
Holy shit, sub 90 IQ idiot
Parker Martinez
cow made that muscle and cheese from a plant dog. think about it
Anthony Cook
Ideologies lacks of logic, this does not, your doing mental gymnastics to not eat like that because of hedonism .
Joseph Turner
Yeah they always mock the dudes as being latant homosexuals. Platoniv love can't exist between guys. They have to be fags that kiss and cuddle
Jose Peterson
> a professional that knows about micro and macro calories knows how to eat proper proportions Hrmm
Justin Anderson
onions and corn industry... retard
Levi Powell
Corn is feed to cattle, and onions are used in most meat recipes.
Gavin Collins
>recovering alcholic starts exercising >conclusion: mcdonalds is healthy
Ian Hall
Don't have it, love fish and can handle loads of fish. Seems like broscience again.
Dylan Sullivan
>The once longest living population were the okiwanans who eat 97% plant based. American education.