ITT: We give each other advice on how to "make it"
ITT: We give each other advice on how to "make it"
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Get off Jow Forums
learn how to talk to people before you even try to get sex
also don't hold out for a 10/10 perfect female specimen because it isn't going to happen.
Step 1. FUCK what everyone else thinks of you. All that matters is what YOU think of yourself.
>Limit Jow Forums and social media usage
>Lift and dont get fat
>Find hobbies or interests that aren't gayming
>force yourself to participate in social situations
>go to school or learn a trade so you dont end up a poorfag
Actually browsing Jow Forums keeps me more engaged in health that I am when I spend I spend time on Instagram or some other bs..
As for making it, make sure the gym is where you get your “high” from. Everyone is addicted to something, might at well be getting swole
ah yes, others’ perception of you has absolutely nothing to do with your success. This is exactly why I switched my wardrobe to sweatpants and wife beaters.
>Eat a lot of protein, no matter if cutting or bulking.
>Be REALLY patient
>Be consistent
>Take pics naked every 4 weeks or so
Leave this place foreverz
Ill start with the basics
>have a job, doesnt have to be a six figure one, just one that'll support yourself.
women IRL dont care how much you make unless youre a 25 y.o. burger flipper. As long you can support yourself, youre fine
>Know how to converse
saying hello, goodbye, small talk, etc
>Dont dress like a manchild
>have good hygiene
This is ok in some aspects but it's important to recognize that what some people think of you does in fact matter
If you are happy to wear sweat pants and wife beaters good for you. Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the house unless I am dressed nice.
Sell your PC and buy a laptop that you'll use simply for work or school. This is the first step I did towards making it two years ago. It was too much of a distraction and I spent most of my time there.
Next, get involved more with your friends. Don't have any? Join clubs and works towards talking to randoms. You'll be shit at the beginning but just like lifting, you see progress if you keep doing it.
Realize that friends and family are worth more than your stupid girlfriend fantasy.
Create priceless memories with friends and family, girls are simply an added benefit to living such a life. Don't think of it as the main goal.
Realize your shortcomings and just stop and think on how to improve them. Be real to yourself.
Practice good body posture, very important.
Tidy your bed, clean your teeth, buy clothes you love and that fit well, eat some fruit you like in the morning.
Drink a lot of water, also very important.
Keep doing this for a while and make it your lifestyle.
>Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the house unless I am dressed nice.
did you grow up poor? ive noticed people who grew up poor tend to want to dress up on any occasion
Get an education, even a fucking associates if you can pay for it
Lift, don't neglect cardio or diet
Interact with people and be willing to overlook differences (political, religious, whatever, you still don't have to agree with them but just laugh it off or let it sail by)
Write out your goals, make short term goals you can actually accomplish as well as long term one (get up today and clean my place then go for a run, or do an hour of homework for every 15 minutes I play games, shit like that)
Figure out a solid, simple approach to your wardrobe.
Live within your means
Don't be afraid to say no, or afraid to say yes (this requires applied wisdom and experience, use what judgement you have)
Just my 2 cents.
If you're going through hell, keep going.
Anyone who was taught to have pride in their appearance will want to look good when they go out
Do not take the advice of this post
>Anyone who was taught to have pride in their appearance will want to look good when they go out
ehh, most of the trust fund babies I know go out with basic Ts and jeans attire while driving new BMWs
but if i take that advice i ca
marry fuck kill
was looking for this
how do I stop wanting a 11/10?
I just fucked up a 11/10 cutie situation cause I spegred out after asking her out.
Play a team sport. Don’t just got to the gym as your only form of exercise.
At the end of the day, you're the only person you'll ever truly have to rely on. Live life doing exactly whatever you want (forget morals and other peoples feelings) because it is extremely short.
I lift 5 days a week, am learning to paint and play bass , try and read philosophy in my spare time, am I gonna make it brehs
Sounds like a really cliched Jow Forums hobby starter pack but if you enjoy it, go for it.
I found reading philosophy so boring and pointless. Why do so many people on Jow Forums seem to think it’s so important?
t. Brainlet
You should work out less and eat more nuce tadting food for yiur mental health. Please stay safe.
Pipe down, nerd.
but how will I vent my autism then?
Philosophers were just the Jow Forums incel shitposters of their time. They only wrote philosophy to cope with not being Chad.
If you're not MEWING than what are you doing?
its very hard for one to map out
i've found that surrendering is quite important. what i mean by this is to stop fighting and to listen instead. realizing your own vurnability and simultainously recognizing that you are able to pull through is quite important.
when it comes to women, i just admitted i sucked and that there was no way in hell i would be able to figure out or be someone she wants. since i was clueless, i just started to ask women what they wanted and found out its impossible to cater to EVERY woman and to figure out what women want. the trick is to find out what SHE wants. the best thing i ever did was honestly ask girls like a retard stuff like;
-hey, i saw u and i would've regretted if i didnt come over n say hi.
-so how should a guy like me behave on a date with u
-what gets u off in bed, can i practice that with u?
riches: just get a job man. its hard to know for sure what it is that you want to do with your life, but honestly, go to school. school is the shortcut to wealth. once u make money u will realize that money isnt what its made out to be. its nice to afford things but money is not the most important thing in life.
training: work out. you dont have to do it religiously. just work out. u dont have to track ur macros like a moron. just treat your body nicely and you will feel better. a person that loves themselves will make sure they feel good. reversly; a person that treats themselves nicely will also feel better.
ask for help. ALWAYS ask for help. information is out there and its kind of free.
>you dont
deal with it user
I started browsing Jow Forums after I started all these hobbies lol
I'm glad we got the retard out early in the thread
In my opinion reading philosophy is good advice - if you are the sort of person that would actually find it interesting and gain from it. Some people are engaged by books and a lot of people simply aren't.
Don't be a fucking chink lads
Not true, lots wrote about how to BECOME chad
1. Stop watching Chinese cartoons
You need to destroy a part of yourself to move on and improve. This differs for everyone.personally, I gave up my passion which is music,moved city ,got a higher paying joband started lifting. I have made some gains and definitely get more female attention but I have further to go. I'm not sure what I'll need to sacrifice in order to progress further, my next goal is buying a house and getting a remote job so I haven't installed to raise chickens and grow crops and cream pie my gf. I also need to find a side chick as I crave different pussy.
You shouldn’t even start watching them in the first place.
It's not so bad
>by six
When do you work? I could do that when I was unemployed.
>Realize that family is worth more than [anything]
As I've gotten older, I've been surprised by how much more I value the time I spend with my family. I've always been on good terms with them, albeit they were very ernest about me getting a good education and getting a good job, so much so that at times I resented their efforts. But now that I've moved out on my own, the dynamic has shifted, I don't depend on them and they don't have to worry over me, but we see each other less. I was on the phone with them the other week to wish my dad a happy birthday. Simple, casual conversation. Then on his end, my mom said something funny and they both started laughing together. I was struck by how happy it made me feel to simply listen to that sound.
If you're lucky enough to still have your parents and are on good terms with them, cultivate and appreciate that connection.
thanks mom
Kek. That still sounds a lot like Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
I enjoy being the sith of this world and scaring the fuck out of white bois and lesser Asians when they realise I’m not to be fucked with.
How do you feel from giving up your passion? Do you still feel bad over it as if you’re unfulfilled or on the wrong path? I’m in an industry that isn’t my passion (film/photography/acting/art) for financial reasons too , but I haven’t given up on it or taking it up again in the future. It’ll be interesting to hear from another creative user on how he made that choice.
You're delusional. No one is intimated by chinks and the other races understand that your nature is nothing but passive aggressive.
Seems like you’re upset by someone who hurt you bad from all these self projections.
I’m not even aggressive, just assertive and don’t take shit.
Don’t project your basedboy habits to me. Passive aggressiveness is for losers like you.
Here's some advice:
Be autistically unafraid to approach pretty women. I have a gorgeous cousin who rarely dates because guys think she's a stuck up roastie or are too intimidated to approach her. Her last two boyfriends were some of the ugliest motherfuckers this side of the Mississippi, but she dated them because they were the only ones clueless enough to ask her out
A bit too assertive regarding your reddit spacing.
This. I’d say it’s more about being alpha and not caring if you come off autistic. The autism gets fixed up over time but women will always take a brave man over a coward.
I must also say, unless you’re planning to just pump and dump, don’t be too hasty and pushy.
No counter arguments means I’m right and you’ve resorted to meme arguments because you’re a resentful faggot basedboy.
It's not 'self projection', you idiot. You could have said normal projecting but you're obviously just projecting what people think of you based on your own insecurity and trying to defend it when you're instead completely delusional. You're even projecting your own fucking projection.
I think you need to go back to that bitter HAPA subreddit or Asian masculinity or wherever you losers hang out. Keep trying to believe that anyone respects you because you "don't take shit", you insecure virgin chink.
You realize there's multiple people that think you're retarded, right?
Open up your own personal chan disconnected from the internet then document and roleplay an entire population of anons shitposting.
Nice blogpost faggot, double replying and trying to convince me multiple people are responding to me shows that you’re samefagging. Only losers like you care about being shamed. Keep losing.
>user's mom and dad are still happily living together
Must be nice
If you're white, practice on colored chicks, it's literally tutorial mode (except for manlets, when will they learn?). I practiced on asian, and latinas. Then moved up to brown eyed "whites", and now finally graduated to light eyed whites. Feels good.
>but it m-m-must be same fagging! Surely!
Haha, I love people who are too autistic to even understand just what people think of them, holding on to some delusional false hope like it's all they have and they must defend it to the death. No one here respects you, it's the same as real life.
Not only are you a pathetic virgin, there's a billion carbon copies of you. You're completely unoriginal and will always be known as that weird Asian faggot, if anyone even notices you at all.
>more self projection
Stop insulting yourself and your miserable existence. You are a typical weakling beta who judges life’s value by female attention along with resenting anyone that’s strong or makes him insecure lmao. Stop self projecting before I laugh harder little boy.
That's definitely why I included that. A lot of people don't realize how much value family has to them, even I didn't. People get used to family just being there. They don't realize how much family has done for them until they lose someone important.
Please anons, hear me out as a brother. Value your family more than anything, they've been with you through thick and thin. One day, they won't exist and you'll never get the chance to live those moments again.
>I've always been on good terms with them, albeit they were very ernest about me getting a good education and getting a good job, so much so that at times I resented their efforts.
Reading posts like this reminds me of just how much it fucked me over to be born into a dysfunctional welfare family. I get legit jealous when I meet people whose parents encouraged them, or even molded them against their will, to be successful rather than acting as an anchor around their neck at all times.
I just want a gf.
Why is that so fucking impossible?
What could possibly be so wrong about me?
It hit me really hard today when I saw a girl holding hands and laughing with some fucking fat ugly chad.
Nothing you said is true, which makes it funny to me when you don't even deny the claims I made against you. You're not even good at insulting people, it's grade school level and it makes you look terrible. I guess it's true, Asians don't have any ability to be creative.
The weakest, most cookie cutter race pretending to be original because they have no ability to land even their own women, acting like they study math and try to get into STEM because they enjoy it, not because it's their last failing hope of getting laid.
At least you can pretend to be a tough guy over the Internet when in real life life someone will send your metal framed glasses flying off your misshapen gook circle head.
tl;dr, you’re life is awfully pathetic for you to spend this much time crying over my superiority over you.
>Moved to the city
Nice try Jew
Nice projection white boi
Everything you said is the state of white bois
Your own women abandoning you for 70 iq jamal and your entire country overrun with Muhammads and pablos
Guess who has the highest income in the us? That’s right white boi. It’s the asians.
Kek I have done this and it works
Lmao at this buttmad whitey trying to cope with his 8 page tumblr posts
The only true love you will experience is with your mother
how the fuck do I get out of built fat. I've been like this for a year and a half.
So superior, maybe one day you'll make enough money you can land a fat plain Asian woman who will spend your money and fuck other men on the side. Maybe make sons that will also want to kill themselves, just like their father.
You're talking a lot of shit for a group of men that are more likely to fuck their body pillow then an actual women. Jamals don't even have to come into your country, you've cucked yourself.
WMAF is the most common racial pairing in America. It's far more likely to white men and Asian women to race mix than any other group, including fat white women no one wants sleeping with jamal.
As for income, Jews are probably higher, but you do send over a lot of rich money launderers to sit on housing that's going to collapse. Two nukes were not enough. We should at least go back to the Japanese genociding you.
Whitey is onto you soulless subhumans. You have to go back to your factory, inhaling chemicals for .30 cents an hour.
Nerds need to go back to their math homework and trying to see out of their slit eyes enough to to crash their car.
You have to keep lifting as heavy as possible while reducing calories by about 200 a day. Don't fall for the meme crash diets if you're natty. The mistake I always made when cutting was restricting calories too much and especially carbs. People on steroids can practically starve themselves without losing muscle but if you're natty, you don't have that luxury.
Butthurt samefagging after getting roasted by a few people. You’re a failure with no hope.
this guy knows whats up
>Asian women
Our fat women are considered thick by the standards of your dying breed
>roasted by a few people
No. I guess theirs strength in numbers, but you're going to need a least four of you to make a coherent point. Cute that you all defend each other though.
WE DID IT Jow ForumsAsianMasculinity/~!!!!
>assblasted whitey continues to be mad asians are BTFOing him on the internet
>still coping this hard after proving that you’re self projecting here
And here
Your anger stems from a failure to get a job and get laid. The only thing keeping you from killing yourself is your delusional racial superiority hahahahaha. Honestly though, your death will help the white race by removing weak genes from its gene pool.
That's more genetics than anything. Your race is as frail physical as you are mentally. I was more implying that you would have the worst section of Asian females and you couldn't even land a normal one.
Remember to apply that facial whitening cream you use tonight. You want to look like that race you despise so much out of your own insecurity.
I'm more surprised I've run into so many of you on a fitness board. I kicked a nest of micro dick virgins.
>B-B-But it-its y-you w-who can't get laid!
Next level cope, Gooklet
>blames fat white women on “white genetics”
>whites started the whole anorexic high fashion look
Now you’re telling me you’re a fat fuck virgin who is coping hard.
Are you trying to say white people base their beauty standards on more elegant Asian bodies and hurt themselves trying to imitate us ? Hahahahaha
How do I find dykey bitches who are into being pseudoraped then hatefucked by a large well built man with nearly ten inches of dick?
I used to go to personals on CL and hit the jackpot pretty know.
Having pride in your appearance doesn't mean putting on a suit and tie everyday
Learn to dance salsa.
Take a stand up comedy course.
Go to sales training programs.
Travel as often as possible.
Remember how it bothered you how people made lame excuses for working out and sticking to a diet? That´s you when you make any excuse to improving yourself in ANYTHING! not only fitness.
Where the fuck did you get that from, Wonton? I said that Asian are genetically frail. If they somehow manage to consume more food with literal sticks, it will only become fat. There's no illusion of the ability to put on any muscle, even if they work out, which probably carries over culturally because they understand that any added weight will make them look terrible where as men of other races will at least put on some lean mass by eating more, which is a benefit for things like fighting and some types of labor, which is why it's more culturally acceptable in some countries.
Americans just started eating more while decreasing the amount of work and exercise they did. They don't seem to give much of a fuck about being ham planets, but there's a lot of other white countries with low rates of obesity. White people don't look towards Asians for fashion or anything else. You mimic us in almost every regard, including fashion. You just haven't had enough time to mimic being fat like Americans, probably because most of you can't afford to eat on factory wages.
Amen brother.
I went years after I moved away after college from regularly speaking to my parents. Not sure why; they were awesome parents. As I grew older I just realized how much I missed them, so I reached out more.
Not saying causation is correlation, but my career took off, my dating life exploded and I just enjoyed life so much more by weekly chats/Skype with my folks and brothers.
As Hector Salamanca said in breaking bad "Family is all, family is all."
>white people never mimic Asians
He said on a website that a whitey copied from a Japanese anime discussion forum
That 100 iq is showing whiteboi