/drugs/ gen

How does weed effect your life? I smoke about an ounce a day of medical stuff and it helped my gains.

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>I smoke about an ounce a day
LARP harder faggot

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Weed le gives u estrogens

How much do you spend on weed a year?

an ounce a day?
jesus dude you got a one way ticket to retard city

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i find it hard to believe unless all you ever do is workout

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as someone whos goes through ozs in 3days by myself, how lol

dont you get headaches after smoking all day? I find if I smoke more than 5g a day, I cough my lungs right out and get a pressure headache but I still do it anyway rofl, my lungs are good too, I often do half-marathons for shits n giggles and run everyday but daamn, an oz a day?

I smoked almost daily for 10 years
I wasn't a stereotypical stoner but I was completely convinced it wasn't bad for me and not holding me back
Quit four months ago and my head is so much clearer and life has never felt more enjoyable
If you can keep it casual or only on special occasions all the power to you but if you're smoking daily you're not truly living life you're just numbing yourself while you could be accomplishing goals

Also here's what I was smoking

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Hot damn you weren't dickin around

Lol that good good
Potato phone camera at the time was giving it that shiny effect

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Wow. Well I'm glad you got free of it. I'll prob keep smoking until I vanquish coffee. Even then, better a weed relapse than a coffee one. I am so addicted to that cortisolmaxxing bullshit.

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Only ever do drugs if someone offers me some at a party or something and never hard stuff

Does most of fit do hard drugs though? Unless you are a Mormon

just take some coke and hopefully you overdose you retarded cunt.

>an ounce a day
sounds like a real waste

[Citation Needed]

I smoke once in a while on my free days.
Works well after a workout.

Weed helped me lose a bunch of weight on accident. I'd smoke too much (straight from mids to fucking mutant THC BOMB shit) drink a ton of water to compensate and then sleep without eating too much. I did this for too long and it made me dumb temporarily.

I don't smoke any more but if it was legal I'd buy brownies to eat every once and a while.

By definition if you drink alcohol you do "hard" drugs.

Hard is the ability to lead to physical addiction.

Drugs you cannot classify this way are things like caffeine, MDMA, MDA, ketamine.(I'd put steroids here)

Soft drugs are mushrooms, LSD, pot(but it too can be problematic taken habitually)

more creativity, amplifies my thoughts feelings sensations aka set/setting

decision making isn't affected unless i'm hit with some sort of inspiration/epiphany etc


What makes you believe it could have possibly ever helped your gains?

nice larping fag. nobody smokes 28 grams (equivalent of 28 joints) of weed unless you're a loser burnout. def not of medical grade either. So i'm guess you a DYEL either

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But what if I smoke every day and I’ve been accomplishing more goal now than ever? Have you considered that certain people genuinely medically benefit from cannabis?

What is your illness

I have borderline personality disorder genetically (from mother).

does weed lower test? sometimes when i smoke my balls hurt a little and are hypersensitive which makes me a little paranoid

You talk like a fucking garbage person.

whoever prescribed you weed for a mental illness should be shot

hit my dab pen before squats todah

It won't convince the smokers here, but smoking pot is 100% bad for almost all aspects of life. I used to smoke every. single. day. morning noo and night. for 10 yrs. now free of it and doing much better

Blz it

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So I should take regular psych meds for my psych med resistance mental illness and stop taking the one thing that actually has worked out of everything I’ve tried? Sure thing mr. Master of psychology

fuck that, lower body work is way too exhausting to do high

You're unstable, and the ups and downs of getting high won't bring any sense of long term stability
If you weren't a faggot with mommy issues you'd realize you don't have to have a PhD to use common sense

Bpd isn't really an illness.

You're just a cunt.

There’s no downs of getting high. I don’t feel worse after coming down, just normal (plus having smoked once that day I find my mood is boosted for the whole day, even when I’m not high).
Says the antisocial virgin on Jow Forums

Also lmao @
>mommy issues
If anything I have daddy issues because my biological father died when I was very young, and I had to not only witness his death but watch him get carried out of my house in a body bag. After that my ~6 years later my step-father adopted me and then proceeded to abuse the shit out of me and then disown me. I learned a lot about being a man and supporting myself from him though, so I appreciate that and still love him as a father regardless.

I might be antisocial, but I've had sex with literally hundreds of prostitutes and more than a handful of real women too. Even done men and trannies. Idk why you'd use virgin as an insult tbqh. Probably just projection or something I suppose.

Enjoy your women's emotional problems you insecure little faggot.

>an ounce a day

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The downs are feeling groggy and unmotivated, and irritable when you can't find/afford it, the former come on slow enough you don't even realize but if you sobered up you see how much sharper you are
Best of luck to you though hope you don't ever trick anyone else into dealing with your pathetic emotions

Wait is coffee bad for you? They told me it was good, its what working people drink.

Not that user but I can't drink caffeine because of gastro issues
I worked circles around the guys in a factory that drank monsters and coffee all day, seems like when you first start you get energy but then once you build a tolerance you are stuck drinking it so you don't crash

>an ounce a day

lol yeah fuckin right

You just replied to yourself and the fact that you have to pay for sex just shows me what an insecure man child you are. I may have BPD but at least I’m not an autistic basedboi like you
I’ve never felt groggy after coming down. There are strains like Durban Poison that are specifically chosen for properties like this. The only time you feel groggy is after smoking an indica, and I only do that before bed. I go sober pretty regularly, and I never feel irritable aside from my usual issues with BPD (but I’m 22 now so the symptoms have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY better from when I was a teenager). It’s called a T break, I just don’t smoke on purpose for a week to two weeks so I can smoke less and get a greater effect when I start smoking again. I’ve also been in a stable and healthy relationship for over a year now, so try again.

haha yeah bro blaze the big bongs 420 toke up let me hit that good shit stay #lit all day senpai

The more I use it the more I realize why I quit several years ago

I've smoked at least 100 strains from dispensaries and I know more about the science behind it all than you do
When was your last t break, and don't you lie to me
Pic is sfv og for proof, you can look at the other two pictures earlier in the thread with concentrates that are mine too

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daily reminder that stoners are cucks
no different than alcoholics or any other substance abuser

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It's certainly possible to combust an ounce a day

How much of it makes it into your lungs is a very different matter

I'm sure it could be done.

When I got into growing I smoked a half one day and had a load of edibles too. Fairly easy really. Absolute waste though because you can only get so high.

Last t break was about a month ago, I usually pick up about 1-2oz and make it last over the course of 4 weeks. While that’s running out I save a certain amount each week for both my savings and bud. Also calm down there with the “I know more than you do”. I’ve spent days accumulated researching how THC effects the brain and test/est levels (we are on Jow Forums after all) all sorts of shit. Also nice. I’ve never had SFV OG, but I have had SFV x TK(Triangle Kush) by JungleBoys and I liked it a lot. Currently smoking on Supreme OG Kush (pic related).

What were your gastro issues? My stomach makes wierd grumbles, might be cos of that.

>(pic related)

LARP confirmed.

Whoops forgot the pic lmao

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Here you go brainlet that can't use google.

>Estrogenic effects of marijuana smoke condensate and cannabinoid compounds.

>an ounce a day
what the fuck is wrong with you, this has to be bait

>1 person represents all people
imagine being this stupid

>tfw a small bowl or two is just enough for me
>tfw take T-breaks on the regular
>tfw only smoke at night to help me sleep easier

Feels good man. Although I do feel slightly groggy in the mornings, it's not too bad.

Post the results of your increased creativity. Every degenerate stoner says this but they don't do shit artistically and as years pass they just don't do anything substantial with their lives.

I don't smoke in the day, I only smoke at night after I've taken care of all my shit. I take a small hit every 3hr just to get a buzz. 1/4 lasts me 3 months

This is the biggest problem I see on this site concerning weed especially. I use it regularly, but it has no hold over me. I use it because I enjoy it and because I can afford it as a luxury. Jow Forums went to shit after like 2014 bruh

>it helped my gains

Seriously, that's the sort of retard mental gymnasitics stoners are known for. I used to smoke all the time a few years ago when I was at uni and used to believe all the rubbish about weed not affecting your life. Once you stop smoking for more than a month your mental clarity, your ambition and your drive will increase. Your lifts will improve as well. I understand it's a hard habit to kick but I'm not lying about the benefits of quitting. I 'll still smoke maybe once every 2 or 3 months or so but will never go back to smoking regularly. Life is a lot better without it. Anyway, you do you user, but just don't bullshit to yourself that you are the best version of yourself when you smoke weed on a regular basis.

Used to smoke all the time. Now smoke only when my guy has some good sativa, which is once every week or two.

Completely gave up on MDMA and ecstasy cuz the trip feels so artificial it disgusts me. Also I overdosed on MDMA and smoked 2g of weed in 15 minutes with my friend, which led to the craziest experience in my life.

Looking forward to do acid again.

>don't bullshit to yourself that you are the best version of yourself when you smoke weed on a regular basis.

been a chronic smoker for 10 years

I can go weeks without, I just choose not to

I definitely had to work at incorporating it into my life in a healthy way, but now that I have it's probably 75% beneficial and 25% a drag on my life.

It's certainly not for everyone.

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>I definitely had to work at incorporating it into my life in a healthy way
This is the definition of cope

it's cute that you just learned the Jow Forums lingo, good job using it in a sentence.

so you just don't have any vices at all then, princess?

When I was smoking weed I finished two degrees with straight A's. I had multiple accolades in my scholastic career. I worked two jobs 60 hrs a week and full time classes for 6 years (bachelors and masters - both math intensive STEM field). And o excelled. I met and got engaged to my fiance. I got and kept fit. Life was amazing.

I left it all behind and I'm two years completely sober. I only quit because as I started getting promotions and other opportunities, drug tests started happening.

I'm lazy af sober. And every area of my life is suffering for it. I dont crave it, but nothing made me more motivated, goal oriented, and successful than weed. When I was high, I found it really easy to make myself get pumped up or calm down. Being high put me in control. I do miss it . I'm not as on control sober. I was before weed, but I'm not as good now as when I blazed every day. Trying to get it together enough to move to a legal state and enjoy at least occasionally.

So yeah it's a ymmv thing.

I enjoy weed but I'm a big lightweight I guess, and regarding my mental issues I can't smoke it a lot. I got some really good shit that made me feel actually normal and not depressed, smoked it 3 days in a row, first 2 went great, had fun, went on journeys, 3rd I got intensely paranoid, I wasn't having an anxiety attack like a couple of other times I smoked too much sativa, I was just at this really weird scared-but-I'll-be-okay kind of level; practically dissociative. I was mainly just scaring myself into thinking that I have schizophrenia and that I was gonna see shit; but I think that's just me being a hypochondriac, since I worry about that shit all the time. Room kind of turned into this weird modern-artish prison that I was unfamiliar with. Day after I went to ride my bike and it felt like a dream, but I was a lot more confident and even though I was scared I went through some places that were really cool and I survived.

All in all still recovering; just gonna be smarter about when I smoke and where. I would usually do it at night which would make me more anxious and I'd be alone, making me even more anxious. Next week I'm hanging out with my friend and we're gonna smoke and go to a restaurant. It'll be fun.

Just some advice: Improve your life before expecting weed to improve it for you. I find a lot of my less fun times high were spent when I was extremely depressed, lighting up in hopes that "maybe it'll feel good this time," while the best times I've had on weed were times I was actually in a good state of mind and life.

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Sent to ER 3 times on Spice addiction, had a seizure twice. Started vaping 5F-PB-22, 5F-AKB48, 5F-MDMB-2201, and ST-221 just last November and due to metabolite toxicity I've been on dialysis for a month and the withdrawal symptoms are insane. Serious risk of kidney removal and my life is probably completely over because of it. At first I just smoked weed but I got a job (Dow Chemical R&D) for the summer and stopped and tried flushing out THC-COOH but I kept chasing the high and now I'm paying the price.

Ounce a day
People that smoke weed tend to have an obsession with weed. They feel like they need to tell people how much they smoke and act like its a contest, that the more you smoke the better you are for some reason. Hence the ounce a day bs. The more things you have your life dedicated to the harder it will be to find the time to workout, especially if youre stoney balogney, good luck getting motivation.

Personally, i smoke everyday, and ive found out that smoking before the workout makes me out of breath quicker, i end up being socially anxious and focused more on who in the gym can tell that im high. I think caffeine is my drug of choice, since it raises your energy, where weed takes it away.

maybe you should just stop being such an emotional faggot. Maybe take some asin lmao.

Thats not what hard drugs means.
I. Weed alcohol caffeine
II. Shrooms lean vicadin molly
III. Heroin ketamine lsd
Anything in teir 3 is definately hard, but depending on your opinion teir 2 could be included. Teir 1 is defanately 'light' drugs

switch molly and LSD please

No. I didnt put those there by accident

whats with all the negative energy bro? am i threatening your drug free way of life or something?

I smoke about once or twice a week in uni and it has allowed me to connect with my friends really well. I've been doing it for a while and have had only great times but I'll never get high alone. That's when I feel like it could become a problem.

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Im a dreamer and see the big picture ez. i often dont concern myself with small details, and often im more concerned with why and how of things, rather than the doing of things.

I find weed centres me more, i notice the smaller details in things, i appreciate them more, and its the small things that make up life, so i feel like i just appreciate life more.

further it gives me new motivation to go to the gym, to keep on top of day to day activities to keep on top of the small things everyday. as we know, its not the knowledge or the theory behind lifting, its the consistent work. Weed makes me reevaluate my consistency.

BUT i honestly hate the fact that i need weed to help me in this way. Maybe one day ill be able to centre myself without shortcuts.

the fucking shit?

Not him but vices to the degree of having to incorporate marijuana into the your life are pretty fucking severe. The negative consequences of weed are far understated because of the whole pro movement happening right now.
So, no. Your weed everyday habit is not comparable to caffeine pills or an unhealthy snack every day.

Every time I smoke weed I end up passing out about an hour later and sleeping for 8 hours. It doesn't matter what time of day I smoke this always happens.

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Lellll I'm not talking about caffeine pills or snacks, I'm talking about VICES. Do you like to drink? smoke? do blow? Do things that are really fun but may not be good for you?

Not everyone wants to live super saintly and pure my dude

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That makes two of us mate. I absolutely tried to enjoy smoking because my friends did it so much but every single time, no matter what "strain" or time of day i smoked, I'd just shut down and be incapable of doing anything for hours on end.

>an ounce
Yeah since you people only puff on weed. What a waste

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Same dude. I have no problem taking a month off if I feel like saving money or just for whatever reason. I prefer vaping to combustion though

Well that’s your bad for smoking synthetics you mantis shrimp

Same here.
Vape is clearly the superior way to inhale it.
Also take a month of now and then, I do it for determination practice and to keep my tolerance in check.

Did u even read this article? It seems pretty obvious to me that injecting condensed marijuana smoke directly into the uterus is going to affect your estrogen levels. None of this experiment sounds like it wasn't designed to produce this result by any means necessary.

That's a lot m8, 1/8 last me for almost a month and I smoke maybe two nights a week or something like that.

u dont smoke an oz a day

Those girly hands are all the proof I need to quit smoking this shit

Weed makes me an antisocial retard. It's great for playing video games by yourself but other than that it's a shitty drug. Speed and coke are much better.

Same for me

I seriously doubt this OP

I smoke erryday like mah boy Snoop, but even the biggest stoners i know cant smoke an ounce. Sounds like you're peacocking, but badly.

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yeaaaaaaaa niqqa u know wat the fuq is up lmfao!!!

t. bootlicker

t. wageslave who spends 9 hours a day in a cubicle then goes home and watches the news