Tfw Endomorph

>tfw Endomorph

Should I just kill myself or is it all bullshit?

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what if you have mesomorph proportions but you're not actually that wide, it's just that your waist is like chick-sized

all bullshit are u guys underage or retards

why? you can pack muscle and bulk easier and you have the potential to be the god of bench press. Just don't be manlet, you look like a literal dwarf

as accurate as the myers briggs test

>your bone lengths are bullshit

keep it coming retards with ur broscience

>your waist to shoulder ratio is broscience

Get strong af

Mesomorph wrestler here and I hate going against endos

>he actually believes in psuedoscience

Somatotypes aren't fucking real. Just lift dude. Or keep making excuses to not try. If it's not this garbage it will be something else.

>tfw pisces
>tfw left handed
>tfw parents used cloth daipers instead of disposable
>tfw left ball hangs lower than the right
>tfw Greek toe
>tfw allergic to strawberries

>should I just give up and never try, never work hard, and never realize my potential.

Yes. That's obviously what you want to hear, so you have my permission, you have Jow Forums's permission, you have the world's permission, to give up and go play video games, and be one of those guys who comments on anyone else's fitness success with "well yeah I could look like that if it weren't for [excuse A, B, or C]"

body types are pseudoscientific nonsense

stop making excuses dumbass

>Body measurements aren't real bro just keep lifting
These are the people you have trying to tell you fitness advice OP, remember that always.

Sure they aren't real, but they do give a bodytype estimate. It doesnt prevent me from lifting, but it just makes me depressed that I will never be thicc because I have a kind of ectomorph body

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Everyone always says
All of a sudden FRAME is broscience

>right handed
>right lower then left and shaft slightly to the left
>roman toe masterrace
>no allergies

U jelly?

body measurements are real they just don't fall into neatly defined categories like somatotypes would have you believe. Also your "Somatotype" does not at all tell you what genetics you have

BODY MEASUREMENTS =/= SOMATOTYPE. the concept of the somatotype was invented by a discredited hack who theorized that body shapes and psychological profiles were entirely connected. it's not just "my shoulders r wide so i'm an ectomorph". if you're going to believe in quasi-scientific brainlet memes, go for the full thing and take up astrology and phrenology too.

True endomorph is god tier as is it the most structurally robust and best for survival.

He was also a perv that took photos of naked students without their consent.

Somatotypes are widely using in medicine, sports and exercise physiology and anthropology. It is a more or less entirely accurate system of classification. What you are talking about is CONSTITUTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY which is an entirely different manner (though IMO, should be reconsidered)

>tfw mesomorph but only 5'7

>body measurements

whatever it takes to excuse your failure, always. That's the Fit Guarantee©

It's quite simple,

If you are more on the endomorph scale do more cardio

If you are more on the ectomorph scale do more weights

It's really that simple.

be glad you're not an Endomorph-Ectomorph skinnyfat hybrid. worst of both worlds.
>gain fat like nothing, but couldn't gain muscle if my life depended on it
>moobs and huge hips/thighs/ass, but skeleton arms/upper chest/neck

>left ball hangs lower than the right
what the fuck nigga so do mine. if they hung at the same distance ur shit would squish and you wouldn’t think about killing your self you’d just do it.

Have you tried working out, sleeping well and eating enough and correctly? This would mean 5 hours minimum of decently intense workout per week.

>endomorph-ectomorph hybrid
That is just mesomorph retard

>or is it all bullshit?

It is all BS. Those charts are basically Guy who runs and eats little, Guy who eat normal and works out, Guy who just ears a lot.

mesomorphs are naturally lean and gain muscle easy, ie best of both worlds, not worst

Issues with somatotypes is it clumps up a large load of physical attributes into one "type", and then deems you one of 3 "types". But it's a mix of genetic attributes, and attributes that can be LARGELY influenced by lifestyle.

Genetic (almost entirely):
- Height
- Frame
- (to a minor extent) """ability to put on muscle and/or lose fat"""

What most people don't get is, this last point, will be 80% lifestyle, 20% genetics. Okay, you burn 10% more calories per day so you can't gain weight (that is, 10% more calories than any other person near your height, weight and bodyfat percentage)... That isn't a large amount. 10% of 2500 is 250 calories. That's how many extra you'd need. It's no excuse.
Inability to lose weight, same thing. If your metabolism (which by the way, is largely influenced by lean mass), is actually slow, you have to compensate for that by eating less, not cry that you have to eat 200 calories less than everyone else per day.

Not only this, but a ton of largely influencable attributes tend to be linked to the types as well:
- Ability to lose fat
- Fat percentage
- Muscle mass
- Ability to gain weight/lose weight
- Muscle gain/muscle loss

What people don't get, is that if they got the professional guidance actors get, with a meal planner and meal prepper, personal trainer and everything, they would ABSOLUTELY see muscle gains and bodyfat loss. If you aren't gaining muscle while working out, you aren't eating enough, or the things you're eating aren't actually healthy. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much. Trust me, it takes much, much longer for your metabolism to "shut down" than a week of fasting, and 99.99% of humans would lose weight after a week of fasting.

How much of it is genetic and how much of it is lifestyle?? Do you think if we switched the endomorph and ectomorphs diet from birth, they wouldn't end up with a fatter/thinner body when they grew up?
tldr fuck somatotypes

People like to say that, it's all genetic. Bull fucking horse shit. People with good physiques you see at the gym are not just "genetically gifted" or "gain muscles easily" or "have it easy compared to you". I assure you, solid gains can come to 99 in 100 humans. You are not a special case. The difference between someone ripped and someone skelly who "can't seem to gain weight" is that the person who's ripped has their calories under control, their macros are getting hit, they get enough sleep, and ALMOST importantly (besides eating ENOUGH), they work out consistently.

I assure you, and I know this for a fact, skellies think they eat more than they do, and fatties think they eat less than they do. This is why they consider it a genetic thing. To THEM, it feels like they eat LOTS of food, but can't gain a pound. But objectively speaking. They aren't,

Eat a kilo of pasta, and a jar of peanut butter in a day, and you will gain weight, guaranteed, no matter who you are
>inb4 but it will be all fat because i can't gain muscle
Then you are either: Not working out enough, not enough volume, terrible form or overall just not pushing yourself enough at the gym/spending enough hours
Not eating clean enough/replacing meals with trash that your body can't do anything useful with.

I assure you that you fall well within normal msucle gain and fat loss range, you're just shit at working out consistently and have no clue what you're doing diet wise.

Body types are bullshit, just eat and lift

very contrived way to say "skinny, normal and fat"

Dude, ectos can look fucking amazing, just get out and keep making progress. Even if you can't look like the biggest of strongmen, be the best you can be.

>balls hang symmetrically
>greek toe master-race
>no allergies

Stand in awe of me.
Neck yourself peasant.

no it's bullshit but if you really want to believe it, you can use it as motivation to work out extra hard.
>be somewhere in between meso and endo according to dumb tests
>fuck that shit, if I work hard enough I will lose enough weight and become a skinny bitch

daniel cormier baby

Also a tampon company, literally the worst star sign