ITT: post your worst enemy
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ITT: post your worst enemy
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I gave up fizzy drinks, alcohol, ice cream, chips and crisps easily, but chocolate. Fucking kill me now.
shit still causes an insulin spike in your body but UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i fucking love them
Not gonna post a pic of myself
are you a woman?
This with a 2L of ice cold Mountain Dew. Lord help me the longer I go without it the more I want it.
Come on user, drinking water is not so bad
Pizza for me too... However if I do eat it I go for some Earth fare pizza. Super thin and probably better for you than other pizza.
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>Thinks we can't smell your female hormones through the cybernet
I'm your worst enemy?
Same i get that pizza like once a month can't go any longer without it cause i crave it that much
I see you train your brain as much as you train your body
>That after workout beer
It doesn't look like much but this is a cheeseburger sub. Its ground beef with mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion, provolone cheese, oil, hot pepper sauce, oregano and parmesan cheese. Its like eating an orgasm.
H-Heh, it’s a joke r-right?
White /sips/ can’t spike insulin... r-right user?
Not getting enough sleep and wasting a workout because of it
>cost tons of money
>not intellectually stimulating
>most don't value their bodies or diet
>distract you from the gym and mental gains
>vast majority are certifiably insane, and will ruin you
I can't fucking quit em
kill yourself buddy
Guys don't normally get transfixed on chocolate, our demons are normally more fatty, oily food.
>help I have a 120 word essay due in 3 hours
This shit right here.
>i can't fucking quit em
>i cant quit fucking em
although already implied, fix'd
>ITT: post your worst enemy
Fuck does this really water workouts? Have my been sleeping at a consistent schedule for a good part of half a year now.
everyone knows women go fucking nuts for chocolate
You need to cut that shit out now
>1.8k kcal
>tfw bought fries yesterday and it didn't satisfy me nor tasted that good so now I'm liberated from this evil
This, CC.
They still use the old "Dragon" book to teach compilers? That was old when I went to school.
College kid or nigger?
>College kid or nigger?
Hilarious use of "or" there.
What the fuck where is this from
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speak for yourself, desu
w-wait. if I crave chocolate more than I crave fatty or salty foods... does that mean I'm low test?
I guess I need to get Chad-y for this one
They cant. They have no sugar in them
Chicken shish taouk
pizza is absolutely my worst enemy.
I eat a full pizza every friday night as my cheat meal. im so excited!!
never fails to make me laugh
O schijt mijn neger, wat bent gij aan het doen
>Books in the background
Nofap superpowers
Used to be weed. Now it’s porn. If I jerk off before I go to the gym then, I don’t go to the gym. Really messes with your drive to get big. Nofap is hard mang but I’m gonna keep trying. I don’t really have a problem with food desu.
That's not even half a page.
You must be in elementary school or mentally impaired (or murrican).
Try switching to dark chocolate.
Healthier, and you can eat it slower, enjoy it more.
I drink at least 1 can a day, usually 2.
Sometimes a 4 pack.
Dislike any other energy drink, it's just redbull that I'm addicted to.
i have schizophrenia, it makes me lazy as all hell
God tier bulking food. Horrendous during your cut
>God tier
But thats fucking wrong, idiot.
The meat is processed, full of fat and usually contains the leftover meat from the animal. If you also add the sauce, you're already having more sodium than you're supposed to eat in a week and I'm not even mentioning the fries.
It's god tier for dirty bulking, but if you dirty bulk you might as well just kill yourself.
Its perfect moment to remove all mirrors from your apartment. So when you get to start looking decent you still gonna have that image of your past-self.
and icecream
honorable mentions
>i have schizophrenia, it makes me lazy as all hell
Schizo dosen't make you lazy you fat fuck, you make yourself lazy by being a weak virgin fag.
a man of taste I see
>cause every now amd then, i kick the living shit out of me
>pineapple on pizza
oh babby!
artificial sugar still spikes insulin levels, search for yourself
Schizo and Schizophrenia are not the same thing
>eating chicken everyday
>worst enemy is fried chicken
cmon bruhs
Based. IDGAF what these other niggers think, it's a good topping.
how does this image go from porn to cp, what the fuck kind of projection is this?
get hard just thinking about it.
cookies 2bh
any kind, I love them all
thats called addiction bud.
do you drink coffee too?
Help me brothers, I'm craving it
I crave triple up everything stuffed crust pepperoni pizza and have cucked people before. You are low T confirm.
Based arab bro
Med>everything else
Niggers chinks gooks etc eternally btfo
ouch that hurt my brain
Where do i find this?
I have one morbidly obese guy who brings in chocolate every day. He refills the bowl he puts out in the middle of the office next to the water cooler. He buys us all gifts of dove chocolate bars for every insignificant holiday that comes around. He brings in donuts weekly.
But he's just one. There's a swath of middle aged women who bring in baked goods constantly. They bait you into trying them all. Some get really moody if you refuse to try their concoction. I've had them leave it on my desk while I'm away.
Sometimes we have pot-lucks and I know I have to bring salad. If I don't, nobody else will. It will be a sea of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, soda, and potato chips as all the way down the break room table. Only the few fit people will touch the salad.
this guy gets me everytime
Oswego Sub Shop Babyyyyyyyy