No FPH thread?

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How the fuck do you even get that big, someone has to literally buy food and feed it to you at some point to get that heavy. Fucking enablers, fuck off.

Did we ever get part 3 of the fatizen comic?

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7300 bmr

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They are trying

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apparently the guy in the #1 spot had a legitimate disorder that caused his body to swell up and retain fluid. Wikipedia says over 1,000 lbs was basically water weight

Imagine being so close to the record only to have some dickhead monarch force you to lose weight lmao

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>Work at a clothing store
>Ham beast and her super skinny daughter come in
>They don't even look related
> Over hear them talking while stocking shirts
>Hambeast is scolding her kid normal parent stuff like "if you keep acting like that you're not getting anything"
>shrug it off
>Then the hambeast continues "Listen, it's not my fault your scrawny as SHIT and tall and nothing fits you"

This made me legitimately angry. What kind of mother would just make their child feel bad about their body like that? Must be upset she's not turning into a whale like her mother.

True story from yesterday. Not as cool as these other made up stories but felt pretty alpha from it. It would never have happened were I not doing nofap and losing weight which have both improved my confidence of late.
BTW I'm 25 and am on holiday visiting my family.

>At the park with family
>Younger brother is 8 years old and is the nicest kid you will ever meet. Loves to play and was swinging on the branch of this tree.
>I let him play on it for 30seconds, then I don't want him to snap it so I say "Alright that's enough." As soon as I say that he's like "Ok" and jumps on his bike to play somewhere else.
>Suddenly I see this fat 60 year old woman waddling over. She's trying to run but the weight is slowing her down to a shuffled walk as she drags her elephant legs over the ground.
>She goes right up to my brother and grabs his arm and starts yelling at him. I don't know WTF is going on, I though she must know him from school and is joking around or something.
>I listen to what she is saying and she's all worked up yelling at him that it's not ok to swing on the trees and he's going to break something etc.
>Still holding his arm and not letting go. Bro is looking scared now but he's stunned too.
>Family are standing around speechless.
>I calmly stand up and firmly say "Don't touch him."
>She stops wide-eyed and instantly lets him go.
>She goes "b-but he was swinging on the tree I don't know if he's your kid but he could have snapped that branch"
>I say, "We had already told him to stop and he did straight away"
>She turns and shuffles off in a huff and yells over her shoulder, "He's going to turn into a vandal."

Some people man, I just don't know.

Felt pretty good to stand up for my bro in that situation. I think usually I would just laugh it off awkwardly or something like everyone else was doing. Real life is different to thinking later what you would have done.

And probably the only actual real case of "I'm heavy because of my water weight." Especially in modern times because there's tons of meds for it

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Unless he was hanging onto a very small tree and could have taken the whole tree down I see no reason for her to get mad

fuck you, you made me google stories and world records of obese people for like 15 minutes while I was taking a shit

Fat people really don't understand the concept of height/weight ratio. My cousin who is basically a midget, like less than 5 feet, is really confused how she is so fat but weighs the same as her 6 foot tall co-worker.

And she even tried to copy the 6-foot co-worker's diet plan and complains how she gained even more weight. She graduated with a biology major/sociology minor but doesn't understand why, I just don't get it.

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No it was a massive tree. At one point there were like 6 kids swinging on the branch. Anyway they were a bunch of kids climbing a tree ffs. That crazy bitch.

Maybe she's just looking for any excuse she can get to feel like she's not responsible for her weight

Calories are such a mystery XD

It could be. I feel like she's really smart but when it comes to food, it almost feels like she drops half her IQ points. It's like food/hunger creates a void in her brain that can only be filled with food or something, it's really strange

>and everyone started clapping

>your monarch will never help you make it

Food addicts will try to do everything else before accepting they have to face their addiction. They don't want to feel guilty when eating all that delicious food

>Been watching supersize vs superskinny because I got interested from posts here
>80% of all the fatties on this show eat tons of kebabs
Is it just coincidence or are kebabs making UK residents obese?

Someone forgot that calories expended is a thing.

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this gal appeared on my instagram newsfeed a few hours ago, the comment sections was surprisingly woke, most of the comments pointed out how morbidly obese she is.


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webm related

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makeup is fucking useless if you are morbidly obese

why bother? it's literally not possible to look good like that. it's like painting a fat shitty old barn.

>I’m not trying to be mean but it’s a sin to be this fat
And checked

is that a female?

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How dare you assume hir gender

lmao fucking that pic

she looks like a fat twink

It's all part of the plan

Remove kebab

It's xer you fucking rancid cunt

Well a regular kebab contains around 1k calories so its easy fir fatties to overeat on

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It's a woman, what the fuck do you want? they "think" emotionally.

>be X but not too X

The way she uses this like it's an impossible standard just shows how little fatties can understand the concept of MODERATION.

fake and very homosexual

Just stitched this one together for you degenerates

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>being so much of a pussy to confrontate with a landwhale

what a wall of text, I'll read it later.

>Mills Darden
>1020 lbs
And they say lanklets cant get big

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hamlets, when will they learn

9/10 story, would read again.
I'm kinda sad with the ending though, andrew was just a child, he didn't deserve it.

I genuinely believe we need to ban ketotards (fat people) from Jow Forums. Every single day, they make the same threads and these people don't even lift.

just because I order a $300 bottle of wine and a 50 dollar steak doesnt mean you automatically get 40 buck tip. you get a fiver if youre good and nothing if my drink isnt refilled every 10mins. it takes the same amount of effort to bring me my steak as it does the free bread basket.

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I wish I could've cornered that market. Imagine the money made on a pressurized spring loaded ok sign you can sell at the same rate as scales that require actual metrology.

You're the cheap fuck who gets his table ignored all the time. I'm not even nor have I ever been a server, but if you're ordering $400+ worth of food, a 5 tip is a slap in the face.

I agree about tips being based on performance though.

''This ain't oliver twist buddy, move along''

WOW what a story!! You must be so cool and popular too! :^))

You realize that compensation of servers runs on tips right? I.e. proper compensation of servers lies in a medium level of tipping (15-20% or what have you).They could switch it to raising wages and no tips, or some kind of commission based on sales. Both of those situations would be about the same if not worse for you in terms of the cost of eating out. Why don't you just play the ball game here pal. You're not going to change predominant wages and costs yourself, so why are you fucking over another individual?
Protip: you're a jewbag

Also, if you think that serving/ bartending/ whatever tipped position takes as much work as the simple act of bringing your steak to you from the kitchen you're ignorant.

The fattard didn't ask for 37 dollars so this must be fake.

nice story, good happy end for foodbro.

checked and kekd

>.They could switch it to raising wages and no tips, or some kind of commission based on sales. Both of those situations would be about the same if not worse for you in terms of the cost of eating out.

This is assuming they pass the cost onto the consumer.

The real jewbag is the owner of the restuarant.

He doesn't pay his employees a living wage, and if he had to, he would just raise the price of the food, instead of maybe not going on his 5th vacation that year.

He's the fucking jew here.

I dont really care how much they make. You get 5 bucks if you do a good job, you get nothing if you dont. Its simple. Im not paying some fucking faggot 20 bucks for bringing me some waters and a steak. It DOES NOT take more work to bring me my steak than it does a burger so why the fuck am I going to tip you more? Maybe if I was ordering 5 different plates of food and you have to keep bringing them out, cleaning the table, etc, but Im not fucking doing that. Not to mention Im not the only fucking person at the table and not the only table they are waiting on. So they are supposed to get 5 bucks from 5 people at the same table. So they are already making 3x min wage just in tips for ONE table. Let alone the other 5 they have at the same time.

Im gonna stick to my bring me drinks you get 5 dollars rule.

It's doable to get up to, say, 500lbs completely on your own. At that point, might as well go for the gold. If society says it's not okay to eliminate these people, might as well just have someone force feed them until they break records.

I'm saying, at some point you get so immobile you can't even get food to feed yourself. Someone else has to literally bring the food to you and help you eat it.

That was a good read

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I agree with this dude, I worked in a restaurant before. Whiny cunts waitresses are, I literally never tip more than 5, that's even if I tip. You didn't cook it, you brought it to me, don't want shit money get a better job.

I tip purely on merit.

If you were attentive, got my order right, kept tabs on me and was generally just a decent waiter I'll toss you a few extra bones for the trouble.

My grandfather was up front as fuck about it.
"If I see the bottom of this cup you aren't getting a tip"
This was the first thing he'd say to every waiter, every time.

Hard mode-he orders water

And he did it without high fructose corn syrup. That man's a legend.

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This is what fat trannies think is a good meal for weight loss.

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>Miracle whip
I remember a friend bought a jar of it to a picnic, shit looked so fucking gross. Who eats this on purpose?

>all that effort to look like a halloween mask

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That's just a mayo jar with yogurt... right?

so this is the power of instagram

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haha, yeah...

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I live twenty minutes from the beach. Landwhales, both men and women, give zero fucks about their tiny bathing suits. Sometimes it's borderline indecent exposure.

In 10 years I've never thought about that

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what a cunt. as a former obeast (most was 300lbs at 6'2") you always take the window/aisle seat so you can give the middle person as much space as possible

And I'm gonna stick with, You're a cheap piece of shit.

>Start doing smart things to be healthier
>Sisters starts mocking me about how I'm boring
>Check out macros when eating out at restaurants
>"You're so boring to eat with"
>Eat a cheese and vegetable omelette almost every day, most meals being meat and vegetables
>"That food looks so boring"
>Go to the gym 3/4 times a week
>"How can you enjoy lifting weights? It's so boring"
Yeh, those 'healthy' organic pita chips and organic hummus you eat all day are boring as fuck.

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>t. waiter

your sister sounds like a horrible little gains goblin. you need to giver her an attitude check.

and that Homosexual gym goers name?
Albert Einstein

thank you for reading and please give me Jow Forumseddit gold

None of it affects my progress because I find none of it boring at all. It's just annoying how intolerant she is, I don't say shit about her habits

>not shooting her then claiming castle doctrine to get off scot free