
Attached: partials.jpg (888x575, 143K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does his hair look fake in this vid? The centre I mean.

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seems more like he is echoing erics point

I got that impression too, they both saod partials are bad of you only do them amd good when done with full range of motion lifts. I dont get why people are saying Eric is backstabbing Alex


because he is, just now after alex released a video talking about how disapppointed he is about netherbeast being exposed eric made a video talking how stupid it is to get attached to youtubers. he wont do it directly but he's being passive aggressive towards alex

The real Alpha takes the crown once again. They can all turn against him but this will only further fuel his manlet strength

kek did this cuck get a hair transplant ?

what the fuck happened to this board? i dont come here often anymore but its the third thread i open and youre talking about dude's hairstyles, skin complexion, and clothes. has Jow Forums been raided by tumblr or something?

henlo alex

the hairy lowtest lanklets are here

It's r/incel and lookism betas

He's thinning fast as fuck

some r9k reddit page got shut down, theyre "redpilled" on looks and women and dwell here now

>Eric says something
>Betadestiny makes a video agreeing with him straight away

No he isn't. Eric is shit-talking Nether. Only thing Eric shit-talked about Alex is about the challenge that Blaha gave to him but he never did.

Hello manlet destiny

You literally come here every time you upload a new video to your channel, you lying sack of shit.

t. cool glass of lemonade

Eric is the fucking man, he doesn't give a shit about manletDestiny or that weirdo Blaha. Eric's a personality fitness YouTuber, he's much more charismatic than either of those two beta boys.

These middle school drama threads should be sages and reported

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>takes a bath o minoxidil daily for months
>we are the faggots

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excess estrogen from Jow Forums and excess dihydrotestosterone from Jow Forums

Anybody else notice that Alex was on the verge of tears in this vid?

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On what video did this comment thread come from?

The one where bugez trashes alex again

Glad to have you back Alex. Logical and factual.

I hope you realize you're a hero to this industry. One of the only people I would trust on the internet. All because of your creativity and logic I have been able to succeed.

Man, you're speaking the truth as always, and kudos on the black and white filter to illustrate your point, very clever, keep it real man

You forgot the comment he made right above it man. Nice cherrypicking to make everything seem more dramatic.

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Very informative coach

Sup Alex

I swear sometimes i feel sorry for all these youtubers, trying to avoid drama, prefacing and ending their videos saying they have no beef or anything against anyone. Just disagreeing respectfully with eachother.. yet Jow Forums takes this and goes all blaha-middle school-mode on everything
I guess if you spend the entire day in your basement with nothing else to do youll resort to this kind of stuff.

And the funniest thing, is if someone calls you people out for this bullshit, you think its the youtubers coming here pretending to be just an user, as if your threads are THAT important. As if your little highschool drama is being noticed amd everything revolves around your little autistic world here
Amyway ill be looking forward to the (you)'s saying 'hi alex' or calling me a nuthugger or whatever funny new meme word you came up with.
Point is, you people are pathetic

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>calls out Alex in making a direct response video
>says Alex is bastardizing rack pulls
>shits all over AD subscribers
Alex just wants to be friends

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eric responded

what are you dumb fucks even talking about? they are agreeing with each other

Nah bro us neets gotta stir up drama and ruin everything so we can gawk at the collapse

Don't google Hand and Thigh Lift btw

>those lips are made for my BWC
What did I mean by this?

I used to watch all the blaha hate videos for giggles, but now it's just kind of sad seeing these guys spend their lives stirring up shit on youtube. There's basically a 100% overlap between those guys and the guys in Alex's and Eric's comments section trying to pit them against each other.
Gotten so tiresome that I just unsubbed from almost every fitness channel I follow because I've learned enough at this point.

Piss off Alex.
