Any tips for picking up women at summer parties, at the beach, etc?

Any tips for picking up women at summer parties, at the beach, etc?

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Pick them up the same way you pick them up when you're not at a party/beach

Just be yourself

I have nightmares about this webm

If you can't get a girl with your shirt off you aren't Jow Forums

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Starting strength and GOMAD. Then the pussy will flow.

go in shoulder first like wrap her just below the waist, and push through and up, slinging her over your shoulder

How does it feel to know that this guy probably gets laid way more than you simply because he's not a total fucking pussy?

Attached: justbeeyourself.jpg (650x500, 82K)

How the fuck do you do that? Not everyone is chad

Quality advice just perfect

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Idk why talking to girls is a labyrinth to you guys. Just go up and say hi.

I'm not envious of any of the people in that WEBM

For me it's because I have no real interest in people or their lives. Trying to hold a conversation with someone you have no interest in beyond banging is hell.

I'm 21 and I've never been to a party

Become Chad.

this is so painful to watch

Yeah looks degenerate as hell

Does that girl think she can do better than that guy? lol.

I remember a post detailing how the guy in the bottom right corner is an actual chad because you can see him seal the deal

yeah desu the webm is supposed to be like "lol look @ this beta loser he's so creepy" meanwhile he is literally hitting on the most degenerate scarcely-human individual i've ever seen like that chick is so fucking ugly and so out of shape it's mind boggling

Ok you faggots I’ll give you a guaranteed way to start a conversation on a beach. Note this does require you to have a friend so if you are foreveralone this probably won’t work.
>acquire frisbee
>scan beach for a group of good looking girls
>play frisbee with your friend by girls for 5 mins.
>throw frisbee near girls(if you like to increase difficulty than hit them)
>go pick it up and make a self-depriaciating joke
>If given response or smiled back ask if they’d like to play.

It sounds corny but it’s been my in to banging a bunch of beach sluts even before I was hitting the gym.

Just grab a boob

That's sounds like something from a animu.

All conversation is forced, you just have to get good at transitioning conversation into sex (aka being "smooth"). That entire beach party is people that want to have sex abiding by rules of society making them have small talk so the women don't feel like sluts.

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Use strict form

Hey, faggots. Chad here. Here's my 2 step tutorial how to get laid

Step 1. Talk to a girl
Step 2. Feign interest in whatever the fuck she's talking about

Enjoy getting your D wet for once

Looks like friends talking.

>Written by women
into the trash it goes

can confirm

t. chad

>How the fuck do you do that? Not everyone is chad

Do this:

Remember, don't expect your life to change if you don't change anything about yourself and what you do with your free time

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Good post, me too.

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yup this

Nail -> Head
There really isn't that much to it. Introduce yourself, ask questions, pretend to be interested.
If she isn't interested move on.

Women are not as complicated as you guys seem to think.
I feel like a lot of guys get into their own head and psych themselves out.
Generally you're overthinking it.
Literally b urself.

what if I am Batman?

>J-Just be yourself!


I tried that. Years ago. Never got a date, never got a girl to like me. Never even got a smile. That simply does not work unless you happen to be a multimillionaire Chad.

I'm not poor either (I have millions in my personal account) and I'm quite tall and Jow Forums but women still don't talk to me. Be yourself...? Ha. Fucking pathetic advice from people who can't even begin to understand my plight.

Too bad I don’t have friends


Bro, you have no fucking idea how much I needed to see that video right now, thanks bud.

I always follow dating advices, be myself, make girls laugh, touch and kiss me. And yet I can’t make them my gf or have sex with them


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I used to have similar problems.

I fixed it by making lewd flirty comments earlier in the dating process. Like “I like your outfit, ur ass looks great, can I bite it?”

If she is offended by that. Walk away right then and there.