Biggest fitness memes

>direct ab work
>bodybuilding splits
>push pull legs
>jewtube fitness

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Only the first two. The rest are legit.

squats and deadlifts

You have to be 18 to post on Jow Forums

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You have to be 18 to post on Jow Forums

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I cancel your trips with quads

>direct ab work
complete nonsense, most intermediates who lift have pretty under developed abs in comparison to quads etc. men's physique guys do TONS of ab work, as do light bodybuilders, on top of their usual heavy compounds. high level powerlifters also realize the importance of core strength and will do ab wheel etc to improve it as a deadlift accessory. the only guys who don't are big, heavy bodybuilders because training their cores detracts from the already large size of their guts and spoils their silhouettes. not to mention the fact that most guys do some shit like 3x10 weighted crunches twice a week or some shit and expect to grow. the abs need lots of work, that's a horrible approach.
>bodybuilding splits
good for big, strong bodybuilders, not good for most intermediates.
>push pull legs
nothing wrong with it if it's 6 days per week training. 3 days per week variants are a complete joke though.
garbage routine to all but athletes in training for physically demanding sports or older dudes (40+)
>jewtube fitness
some good shit on there, but a lot of trash.

Dietary fads and fallacies in body comp/physique goals:
>intermittent fasting as a religion
>must be vegan
>must eat meat
>very low carbs
>very low fat
>very high protein
>liquid only
>extreme caloric surplusses (>0.5% bw per week) and deficits (>1% bw per week)
>naturalistic diets/paleo
>eating at night makes you fatter
>test boosters
>natural fat burners
>roids responsible for everything/roids solve all problems
>that hot new supplement
>anti processed food
>anti bread/dairy/eggs/meat
>twinkie diet
>radical clean eating
>intuitive eating
>"empty calories"/all foods must provide some benefit
>dirty bulking vs clean bulking
>super foods
>single food diets
>negative calorie foods
>intuitive eating
>"starvation mode"
>very low salt
>thirst mistaken for hunger
>hyper hydration as a religion
all verifiable nonsense.

Only ones I don't agree with
>Anti processed foods
When processed foods come to mind most people think sugary junk food, which is bad, just sugar meant to keep you addicted and buying a constant stream of the product, but processed foods like cottage cheese, a can of tuna or oats aren't inherently bad, it's just the definition of processed that isn't an accurate measure of what is healthy, as most if not all of the food products we buy, "healthy" or not have been processed and packaged in some way shape or form

>Empty calories/all foods must provide some benfit

I'd rather eat 200 calories worth of chicken on a cut versus 200 of cake/cookies. Certain foods are inherently better than others in terms of nutrition, raise two kids on equal calorie levels, but giving one entirely on foods like sodas, cookies, packaged foods, pizzas and the like, while the other is raised on whole foods like meats with plenty of fats, vegetables and fruits etc. People cut while eating better whole foods for a reason

>Hyper hydration as a religion
Most people don't drink enough water each day, I don't understand the motherfuckers that can get down more than one gallon a day but getting around 1 gallon is usually optimal for most people

we basically agree on the first and last. the second point you made is also good, but there's one issue - i made that fallacy with the assumption that there's sufficient macros and micros for optimal performance, body comp and (if its a priority) health. after a certain point, there's just no palpable benefit to bringing in even more and it will likely make no difference to either of those 3 things. if course if NO foods provide any benefit like you said, that is a problem, but a diet like that is retarded in its own right. if say 80% of your calories provides the necessary macros and micros for your goals, the other 20% COULD be more useful shit, or it could be chips or soda or something (so long as it fits into your diet appropriately) without any harm, and with the added benefit of possibly reducing cravings for junk food. see "radical clean eating".

for the record, i do this myself, because i am someone for whom satiation of cravings increases them and resisting cravings reduces them, so for that reason i do eat totally clean when i'm either bulking or cutting. when maintaining, i get about 10-20% of calories from impulse eating and shit because constant clean eating wears me down over long periods of time. just some thoughts.

Jow Forums

post legs

satanic trips of truth

>>bodybuilding splits
>>push pull legs
Indeed. The full-body workout is the true ironpill.

>the sticky
probably the most successful troll of all time


Personal trainers. Topmost kek.

keto isnt a meme tho

whats wrong with PPL? if you actually commit to the 6 days it's completely fine

i get it, you didn't read the book

this bitch is the worst. Always doing dumbass shit in public for instagram likes. Ugly little troll

Most pro body builders do direct abs though
This includes arnold and jeff seid

>thinking compounds are enough for core
>not doing direct ab work
The real meme

>I want X's body/Goal body

You'll never look like X because you aren't X. Your gains are genetically limited and highly dependent on skeletal structure. No amount of exercise will turn marathon runners into bodybuilders, not even roids.

>You need to train for x amount of years

Pic related, you can get near your maximal potential in a few MONTHS given you do everything right. Rest is just maintaining or trying to slap on a kilo more.

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weightlifters do too
i don't understand why so many people here are against it. it wont hurt you

Direct ab work every now and then is good.
The rest is truly meme tier, though. Especially the last point. Fuck every "fitness youtuber".
t. guy who has been lifting for 7 years

>You'll never look like X because you aren't X.
Insertions and natty limit may differ slightly, but not as much as you seem to believe.

>No amount of exercise will turn marathon runners into bodybuilders, not even roids.
Basically a rephrased
>muh somatotypes
Therefore bullshit.

>Pic related, you can get near your maximal potential in a few MONTHS given you do everything right. Rest is just maintaining or trying to slap on a kilo more.
Your pic is shit. Why the fuck should you get negative returns from lifting for too many years? (besides due to aging) It takes at least 3-4 years to hit natty limit and even more to hit the "roid limit".

tl;dr: You're talking out of your ass, probably don't even lift.

>bb splits
>full body

they cant all be memes

vegan is an moral position not a diet, just say plant based

How fucking new are you? *NOT* targeting abs directly is a meme

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the 'direct ab work is a meme' meme

>PPL is a meme
Why even lift?
You know the real fitness meme ?
>anything on Jow Forums

>keto/low carb
>mixed grip deadlifts
>SS without cleans swapped for rows

PPL literally is a meme

>you need a whole day to do squats, deads, and maybe calf raises


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The "natty limit" is a meme

The body needs to be continuously overloaded, but there is no actual wall that the human body hits.

Increasing intensity (% of max) and increasing volume will always give you gains in strength and size as long as you are eating and sleeping enough.

just started lifting,
3rd day in, doing 40minutes of arm curls,
shoulder stuff etc,
total skelly 6'2, 140lbs,
only up to 20lbs on each hand, but i do most stuff at 10lbs,

thnx for ur post desu cause i havent been at it for long but stuff like wut yer saying helps

t. fatmaxxer with no visible abs

keto isn't a meme. lost a lot of weight (25kg) and held my triglyceride count the lowest in my entire life (80mg/dl). i now lift more and eat on maintenance so i don't eat keto but the biggest meme are retards who believe keto is a diet where you don't give a shit about intake and just eat butter and cheese, both people who actually do that (le bulletproof coffee) and people like OP who are literally this dumb


No, it's not. RL sadly isn't akin to animes, where you just have to "train harder" to gain strength indefinitely. Unless you roid, regenerative capabilities are rather limited, so you can't just keep increasing volume&intensity if you stall.

Keep going my lanky brother. It takes time, but you'll get there.
As a beginner, you might want to follow a fixed program, though, until you know what you're doing.

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yeah i usually prefer dedicating each their own day

hanging Leg raise at the end of a workout at amazing

They decompress the spine and your lower back feels like new

>not to mention the fact that most guys do some shit like 3x10 weighted crunches twice a week or some shit and expect to grow. the abs need lots of work, that's a horrible approach.
I don't know man, I used to do low intensity high volume abs 6 days a week, they looked defined but didn't really pop with this approach, my trainer recommended hitting them with high intensity twice a week like you say and now they pop much better, and are more visible at higher bf percentages. I think that cycling both styles of ab training is a good approach.

Wanna read a meme Jow Forums?
>be me.
>5x5 the following:
>ohp 1,5pl8
>bench 2,5pl8
>dlift 4pl8
>squat barely 1pl8

Shouldn't have skipped it Jow Forums...

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing us he didn't deadlift

fuck off, satan

>people on the internet say PPL is a meme and promote other routines
>people who do PPL IRL look aesthetic as fuck
>people who do Jow Forums's recommended routines IRL look like shit


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I know the original 5/3/1 wasn't phenomenal but I've been doing really well with some of the new 5/3/1 variations, I don't get all the hate. Is it just because it's slow?

This, only gymcels care about either of those lifts.
Twig legs are not aesthetic, but a huge ass and quads are even more feminine.

>not understanding humans are the dominant species due to our genes adapting in real time to our environments

I'm not saying "training harder" ever got anyone anywhere, but continuing to progressively overload your system has.

It's a marathon, not a sprint, you have to reach step 9 before you can go on to step 10, but you can continue on to step infinity if you're willing to sacrifice for it.

Bro splits obviously need not apply, but programs with all the big lifts with increasingly high intensity and volume accompanied by an increase in diet and sleep will always result gains- always

There's a lot of research that shows intermittent fasting makes it easier to lose lower bf% tho, of course how much fat is burned depends on CICO

Based Satan

Really activates your almonds, huh?

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sustained low intensity CV stimulation is bad for you

>do very little cardio
>basically 10 mins of HIIT 2-3 times a week
>look okay, non of my muscles really pop, not so vascular.
>new schedule at university
>need to walk 12-18 km daily because of it
>everything else stays the same
>look shredded and bigger, also vascular as fuck.

Walking is literally god tier cardio. Top level BBs always acknowledge this. IMHO you should do both types of cardio.


Anyone that looks like they lift uses bodybuilding splits or at least bodybuilding principles.

OP you don't even fucking lift.
Inb4 some rare example of a genetically gifted elite lifter that took dbol in the 70's like candy and only did "the basics".

Search up "natural bodybuilders interviews" on google, look at the way they train.
Literally all bro splits lmao, because they work for muscle growth.

Walking is fine. Walking or HIIT are good, endurance running is not.

It literally is.
Ketogenic diets are tarded for body recomposition or strength training purposes and that is why no one in bodybuilding that's competitive uses it.
Low carb can work for sure though no doubt, but eating less than 50g of carbs a day is retarded.

>dirty bulking
Tell me again how eating 4 Big Macs a day is good for you

I guess I misunderstood, "sustained low intensity CV stimulation" sounded like it was referring to walking for long distances.

>>direct ab work
is for people with fucked up posture or asymmetric body build
has its uses
>>bodybuilding splits
work, because recovery time is basicly non-existant. You can train 2/day all week and still not overtrain
>>push pull legs
better than anything you're doing right now
minimum effort, low volume and HIIT cardio. Work if you're lazy
>>jewtube fitness
is an oxymoron

>natural bodybuilders

>doesn't believe in epigenetics and genetic differences between members of the same species
Gymcel cope


depends who you hire. vast majority don't know shit and need a trainer themselves. some can really help though especially if you compete

>i follow the sticky and look like shit so everyone who doesn't look as embarrassing as me is on gear
kek fag

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I agree with everything except keto

Personally, it helped me lose the last 20 lbs or so to my goal weight. It isn't a magic diet or anything, but it did help keep me fuller in less food, if that makes sense

They are the only exercises where people get hurt.

why dont you just write:

he Guys im new her and I dont have any idea about fitness.