Most retarded easy way to lose weight


Yes you might think this calorie dense vegetable will make you fat but you're right and I'll tell you why.

Once I was so poor I could afford to eat nothing but potatoes, at the time I was a fat ass nearly weighing in at 240 pounds. I ate microwaved potatoes everyday sometimes with butter and onions but not always. By the time I could afford real food (about 2 months) I was down to 180 pounds.

Then I realized this was the most fool proof retarded way to lose weight. Potatoes are so fucking boring it's hard to eat more than 2 or 3 at a time without feeling full and disgusted.

Try it fatties.

Step one-
Get rid of all your shit food at home, either eat whatever you have left or throw it away.

Step two-
When you go to the supermarket ONLY buy fucking potatoes nothing else, buy maybe 2 10 pound bags should cost you less than 6-8 dollars for both.

Step 3-
Microwave your potatoes, don't deep fry them retard. The more you process the fucking potatoes the easier it'll be to digest. Not only that but fried potatoes taste fucking delicious and that's how you overeat.

Step 4-
I challenge you to eat as many potatoes as you can, you'll realize you can't even maintain your daily caloric needs because potatoes make you full and sick to your stomach.

I suggest you walk after every meal, I'm a neet so I walk on the treadmill. You don't have to, when I lost most of my weight I didn't exercise fuck all.

If you really can't stand potatoes anymore consider adding onions or some herb to make them edible. It's very important to keep it as boring as possible the moment shit tastes delicious you will overeat.

Might want to consider taking vitamin D supplements if you're a neet that never goes out.

Once you lose all your weight don't be a fucking retard and get on a proper work out and dietplan.

Do this at your own risk fatties don't blame me if you die or end up in the hospital.

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well I didn't proof read but fuck you all you get the point. take the advice if you want it.

So, literally CICO?

Sage goes all fields.

Actually some good advice here. I discovered the same thing a couple years ago when I first started losing weight.

I eat them all the time, but always microwave. Usually just with salt and pepper. You can eat 2 at a time and they keep you full and pretty good for you. Also cheap as hell.

I thought i was the only that recognized this

didn't know idaho was desperate enough to shill here

you're such a fucking mongoloid you can't even sage properly

you sound cute, OP.

don't do this, its another plot like the iphone in microwave thing. eating too many potatoes slowly builds up a toxic amount of cyanide in your bloodstream that will kill you within about ten days.

this thread is

be my boyfiend

potatoes and milk was my go-to thing in broke times, even got my gainz up eating it for weeks at the time.

Mick diet

Doesn´t work for me. I have insatiable lust for potatos, just plain potatos, I can easily overeat them to caloric surplus without any additives

Im going to try this,but I need some more
adive please

Has the potoes got to be the same has your photo?

Can you take a multivit tablet like centrum performance?

The problem is you were eating them wrong.

To eat potatoes you need to let them cool after they have been cooked. You can reheat them but you must allow them to cool. This process of cooling causes them to lose about 50 % of their carbs. Now everytime you reheat them and let them cool, they will continue to lose more carbs (although not as much as the first time). What you are left with is Resistant Starch/ Inulin, which is an incredibly healthy non-digestible fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in your Intestines.

There is a diet from the turn of the century called the Potatoe Diet. All you eat is potatoes and nothing else. You can't even put anything on them. You basically make a huge pot at the beginning of the week and all through the week you reheat them to eat. You will lose weight and it has been proven effective.

The same is true for Pasta. It should be cooked and then cooled. When it's time to eat it just blanch it to warm it up again. You can enjoy it without getting the spike in Insulin and all the carbs that can cause weight gain.

woah so eating high fiber, calorically dilute foods makes people lose weight?? that's fucking incredible dude

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>Reheating pasta and potatos make their carbs disappear!!! IT´s MAGIC!!

Bullshit, at best, the glycemic index might get a bit lower

It worked for you because you were too poor to afford better. Most people will after two days of eating potatoes will go binge because they can afford to binge. You were helped by your povery, not the Irish Apples.

Dude, I fucking LOVE potato.
Potatos are like meat or beer, something I could eat for every meal and be happy.

>just be miserable for months!

BRB changing my diet to potato only

Cyanide is metabolised in about 10 minutes if consumed in a small quantity.

i lost 20lbs on this diet no lie.

ITT: Malnutrition

Perfectly fine to take vitamins.I've only tried idaho potatoes since they are the cheapest. Other potatoes probably work just fine but remember that the whole point is to make it as boring as possible. I don't suggest sweet potatoes.

boiled potatoes are pretty fullfilling

I've been cutting at 1800kcals( no idea if my TDEE is 2300 or 2000 so I'm doing 1800kcals to be at least -200 deficit) and it isn't being hard

add one "fried" rare egg or two and you got yourself full as fuck, I promise you.

could live off one meal of that per day plus 250g fillet mignon and some sauteed spinach

No thanks some of us have protien requirements to hit and prefer to track calories/macros and get variety instead of just being a potato eating only potatoes

Ahh the Irish diet. Careful that you don’t lose too much weight and die of famine.

I've read potatoes and butter technically are all you need to survive
something about having all the essencial nutrients, but I bet it gotta be butter like ghee not the ones from the supermarket

This is the best way to prepare potatoes for flavor and texture too. You cut them at least once so the flesh is exposed, put in a pot of cold water with a couple bay leaves and slowly heat on the stove. The heating of the water pulls the starch out to the top, you'll see it floating on the water. Let the water come to a boil for 1-2 mins, then drain and cool immediately. Then after they cool you can roast them in the oven pretty quickly. Not only will they have fewer carbs and nearly 3x the resistant starch, the soft flesh on the outside will form a crust that will steam the potato flesh inside. And after they're blanched they'll keep for up to two weeks.

Jillette ate mostly just potatos when he dropped weight succesfully. Havent gained it back

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>potatoe diet
YOU DUMB ASS sure you 'lose weight' that way, you're losing LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE. This is how you become SKINNY-FAT, you mongoloid! Potatoes are ALL CARBOHYDRATE!