>be me
>”do you play sports user?”
>*guesses multiple sports*
>”what do you eat that makes you so big user?”
>proceed to be looked at like some turbo autist for having working out as a hobby
>anyone else know this feel?
That one feel
Just tell them you do zumba and wii fit
>be me
>never played sport, socially awkward, introverted gym junky
>go camping at the beach with a group of girls and guys cause I'm trying to be a normy
>guys wanna play football
>shirts off, I clearly have the most gains
>girls are all mirin' at my rig
>"why aren't you playing user?"
>try to fit in and play football but immediately miss an easy catch, trip over and make a complete fool of myself
>completely suck for the rest of the game and hate every second of it.
My gains actually worked against me, the girls saw my athletic body and assume I'm good at sport so it only set me up to disappoint them...
tell them you do karate
How can you guys not enjoy a sport of any kind? Going to the gym is great and all but getting outside and playing a pickup game of whatever with some buddies feels so much better.
Wtf what kinds of friends do you guys have. No hate but maybe its because Americans are so fat that it makes them insecure? 23yo canada fag here and everyone i know from DYEL to bloatmaxx brag about 'hittin da gym bro'
>imagine being made fun of for increasing muscle mass in the most effective way instead of playing sports
Maplefag here as well. Everyone I know who hits the gym also plays a sport or is at least decent at one. I don't know anyone who has never played a sport before.
>>”do you play sports user?”
no just some yoga and Pilates.
jesus christ its not that hard
Get away, Normo
get the fuck off my board you faggot
include me in the screencap
get the fuck off my board.
I always get asked if I'm a marine or just have people thank me for my service.
>go to little cesars to bloat it out
>wear a shirt from a fucking airshow I went to several years ago
>go to pay
>its on us, sir, thank you for your service
>go inside Starbucks on road trip because I want coffee but also to leak the ol piss hose
>cute grill at the counter
>uhh..are you a marine teehee
uhh no, why
>well you uh look just like my brother who is a m..marine :o))))))
oh thanks I guess
>open carrying in the grocery store (lol)
>go to check out
>old lady at the register
>oh I shouldn't be doing this but here I have a special discount for you
>voids all my greek yogurt
>thank you so much for your service
>go to bed bath and beyond to buy coffee with a coupon I have
>old man at the register
>son, are you a marine
uhh no..why?
>well uhh you look just like my son who's a marine
>you look strong
>looking like a boy who wants to spend months on a boat with other horny men.
you have made it.
Simply epic, good sir!
Just say something about whatever sport your country plays and then sperg a bit on it, they'll usually shut up. 99.9% of women know nothing about sports.
I fucking hate you people. At my heaviest I was 300lbs, but I still managed to have fun with sports when playing with some buds.
I think I need Starting Buddies.
Why didn't you just lie and say you do martial arts you turbo autist.
I do wii fit and zumba
I totally don't work out 12 hours a week haha
i definitely don't inject 1cc twice a week haha
You're a funny guy user.
Sounds like you physically made it
Literally happened last night when i met some old whore off a dating website.
>Wow your so buff do you play rugby, football? Do you row? You climb?
>Nah i just lift
>Lift what?"
>"Oh thats cool."
Im Dyel af but it was a mire so im happy
>"cool can you show me some techniques? btw i'm really attracted to guys who can fight and protect me"
Nice sister brother marine incest mire.
Post more mires this is now a mire thread
>bent over on a table with my pants down so a nurse can stick a needle in my ass
>"Do you play sports?"
Is it more pathetic to not play a sport at all or to pick one up late in life and be that 25 years old at the rugby pitch?