Some pathetic sissy trap fuck keeps trying to put the moves on me at my workplace...

Some pathetic sissy trap fuck keeps trying to put the moves on me at my workplace. I didn't mind so much when I thought it was a girl, but as soon as it revealed it was a boy, all I felt was rage. I was about ready to beat the shit out of it, but I have to keep my job.

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didn't read lol

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put him in for sexual harassment in the work place
then go home and neck yourself for being the guy who attracts the shemales

If it can pass, fuck it in the ass!

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Astolfo is cute, is Fate worth watching?


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Just fuck it, you dumb cunt. It’s not gay as long as you’re the one fucking it in the ass and that it looks like a girl

is that what your dad told you when you were ten?

Yeah, 10 inches deep in your mum

brother! why no present this xmas?

Not gay unless you suck his dick

What if he rubs his dick against mine?

Fuck your job, the gays do not deserve life.

That’d make him your dad retard.

What field are you in that you end up working with a tranny?
I thought they were all drug addicts that live on government gibs and prostitution.

He’s a pimp obviously. A tranny hooker pimp that exclusively caters to the large customer base of gayhorny kiwis lusting for australian man ass.

fuck it lol

Fuck off faggot, you’re the reason why everyone thinks Canada is fucking gay. You probably voted Trudeau in bc he said he’d legalize your faggot aids weed parties with your retarded stoner friends, do us all a favour and get bow n arrowed by some indian war band.

We are partial to some of that good old fashioned "tie me kangaroo down, sport."

My kiwi to English translator is broken, can you retype that post amigo

fucc him in the boipussy
