Went with my pajeet friend to his Sikh gym

Went with my pajeet friend to his Sikh gym...

It was fucking amazing, the atmosphere was so joyful and chill, no one was rageloading or being staunchcunts.
They were all laughing and talking shop and hyping the shit out of eachother and welcomed me like a brother.

Literally had 3 hench towelbros spotting me on a PB front squat and encouraging me...this is the gym culture I've been looking for...
I get if you like the lonewolf serious vibe but I'd like to have fun while I'm lifting.

And this kind of shit was blasting the whole time

Get your sad ass to a Sikh gym
Once you go east, you won't leave til you're a beast.

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oh canada

>mfw my brother told me he wants to do Sikh bodybuilding because it's natural

do sikhs roid or is it against their religion?

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Sikhs are chilled out decent people.

Found the sikh

never met a bad sikh in my life

Please sir I'm not Sikh sir plz believe.

Sikhs are bro tier.

Canadians are bro-tier.

Sikhs are based.

Sikhs are bro tier.

sikhs are fucking bro tier, they are genuinely pretty cool people

I met a sikh immigrant here in portugal, cool guy, funny how there is no sikhophobia

there is no sikhophobia because people have no reason to be afraid of sikhs you brainlet

Imagine different religions having their own gyms

>Muslim gym
I'm on a Jihad for gains
>Buddhist gym
the desire for muscles is suffering, just do calisthenics
>Shinto gym
the barbell spirit will help me lift
>Branch Davidian gym
I'll let David Koresh fuck my wife and lift at his compound in Waco

>he doesn't know what phobia means

what does this gym do

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>Branch Davidian gym
Try to hit PR's for Jesus while the government firebombs the building

>lift to prepare for the battle at the end of the world

they roid, india has the cheapest roids in the world

>Orthodox gym
Pray a patron saint to help you.

this thread reeks

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whatever you say about the smell of this thread, you say about all Skihs, so what is your problem anyway, racist? Sikhs are bro-tier

He's saying indians smeel like shit and curry retard.

The pro-Sikh propoganda on Jow Forums is so bizarre. It's been going on for years - what is your end game?

Lol stop this meme most say punjabis are cunts like muslims

I'm in Vancouver and the Sikhs are literally having a turf war on my doorstep,
just a few weeks ago some panjeet got his hand shot by some thugs.

I'd still rather have Sikhs then niggers, but come on they're still shitskins

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Nobody is gonna buy that you're white Kim Il Sung.

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He looks like a roided MC ride


tfw no sikh cunt lifting bro to help you be huge

thank u gains genie

>mfw no sikh bro to work out with and keep me motivated talking in Hindi during workouts

Why even live brahs?

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I've got no agenda and am a white guy but have to say every Sikh I've met has been extremely chill.

Because it really isn't propaganda, Sikhs are bro tier and should be welcome anywhere.

god I can’t even imagine the smell

It wasnt a real indian gym if they werent staring at you the entire time

I don't know but pic related would be the average member of that gym

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they speak punjabi reet

Sikhs know the evils of Islam all too well, their religion was influenced by their struggles against hoards of muslims trying to forcefully convert people to their religion.

you have experienced culture for the first time user

The one at my gym is really nice, people are always nice though so he's normal I guess.

Sikh here
Thanks Jow Forums :)

is Sikhs being bro-tier a meme? bc I've only met a few (Ausfag), but they all seem chill. and they carry those knives for shanking unjust oppressors.

Post more sikh tracks famalam

Sikhs are the ONLY based peoples to come from pajeetland.
Don't believe the low caste's lies

I'm openly racist and Sikhs are time and again the only minority I've never found cause to hate.

I live in a big and pretty expensive city so I'm sure most of the ones I encounter or interact with on a daily basis are more educated and professional than your average fare, but the fact remains that I have yet to encounter one that wasn't pretty based.

They integrate into western society well.

It's not propaganda, just the truth. Shikh's are bro tier.
They are a monotheistic religion in the land of thousands of gods. And unlike Islam, doesn't propose killing all non-believers.
They have their own based language and cultural customs opposite from the Muslims and Hindus.
They are a martial people, fighting Pashtuns and Afghans on one end of their frontier, and Hindus and Pakistani's on the other. Hence the reason the British used them in India to subjugate the Hindus.
They have cool religious practices that exemplify manliness, and literally don't give a fuck what others think.
They are good, loyal, and well educated citizens who adapt well, and strive to make their host cultures a better place.
They make excellent Freemasons. Seriously.

Shikh's man are fucking pro tier, bro tier.

>go to the local sikh gym
>this guy comes up to you
>"infidel! pay the jizya tax, or off with your head!"
What do?

My weirdest gym experience was in fucking Mansehra, Pakistan. It's just north of the place Osama was killed.

yfw he probably lifted there once in a while

Wouldn't be surprised considering some of the characters in there.

>sikh gym
only in cuckistanbonglang
Get used to that feel of being the only white person in the room thats the future of britain

what is rageloading?

Never met a sikh on my life, but I've read so many stories of them being great

I guess, like every collective it has its share of cunts, but they *seem* mostly alright. I'd love to meet some to have a clearer idea.

This has also made me realise how little I know about certain parts of the world. India has a shit ton of different cultures and languages I know nothing about.

I wish... we humans would unite and learn about each other in peace. True diversity respecting one another. Not the current "diversity" some spout. True brotherhood and respect among humans. I long for that.

Sikhs are bro-tier

More music like this. I'm trying to learn Arabic.

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How retarded are you?

To not be multilingual? Incredibly retarded. Sorry I mistook Arabic for Hindi... I'm sure it NEVER fucking happens. You fucking loser..

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It literally doesn't, no.

I bet you are very White, why dont u post picture of your skin please? :)

Doesn't this make you angry that (((someone))) is trying to rob you of this by mass importing the third world? You will never again be in a public space with your people and only your people. You will never again be able to instinctively connect with and trust members of your community.

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Lmao sounds fun but I've never heard of a sikh gym here

Western Canada fag here.
Lot of my friends are Sikh. Dudes drink, party, fuck girls, and Punjabi food is god tier. Most I know are very successful, although desu not many are Jow Forums even though they have the genetics for it (6ft+)

Peeps tend to forget that the Rajaputs (sikh) were the elite tier military units of both the Mughal empire and the British Indian Expedititiary force.

Inb4 blog post

White racist dude here who has lived in 6+countries around the world.

If i had to rank non white minorities offhand in terms of who I want as neighbors :

Japanese > Sikh > Korean > Indian > Chinese > Argentinian > Chilean > Latino > Mexican > West African > Arab > Pakistani > The bad guys in the Dead Space Games series > Somalis.

Good god Somalis are the worst. To a man, they are the worst. Japanese are the best, even their worst criminals have class and honor.

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Cheer up Adolf

the owner is said to have sacrificed an eye and tied himself to a squat rack in order to obtain the secret of gains and share it with gym goers


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Rajaputs and Sikhs are different dumbass. Rajputs are subhuman hindu wewuz kang-tier people. Sikhs were never never a part of the Mughal army but literally rebelled against them. Please learn something before posting.

You sound like an idiot, mate.

You've separated Sikhs, individuals who follow a religion yet are predominantly from India, from Indians. Similarly you've separated Argentinians, Chileans and Mexicans from Latinos.

How does your horseshit ranking system work? Country? Ethnicity? Religion?

You also say this is how you rank non-whites, and praise even the Japanese criminals as having honor and class, yet this seems to be lacking from white criminals. Does that mean that they're better than whites?

I think all your post has done is prove that retards come from all races.

I dunno, it seems pretty chill compared to the virulent Jow Forums cancer that spills into every fucking board.

Also every Sikh I've met has also been totally chill. As are really most people who have a reasonable level of comfort with who they are. It's always the insecure neurotic douches who are like "I-i'm not a worthless sack of shit! At least I'm not (insert race here)"

> White person is an asshole to you
"Man, what an asshole"

> Minority person is an asshole to you
"I now have just cause to hate every person of this race"

Good one, dumbass

if you actually met a sikh you should consider moving from your garbage neo indian city


that's islam retard

As a Scot who lives in a fairly homogenous country, I have to say the Sikhs here are actually decent people who make an effort to integrate into western society

It's because they worship whites. Probably second only to gooks. In reality, they're some real shifty ass kike tier people. The incessant propaganda they do of pretending to be white is quite tiresome when you actually have to live next to them. Puke inducing vermin. Look at this shameless curry ball wearing faggot pretending to be white. -

Sikhs are so much cooler than Hindus it's not even funny.

Sikhs are legit pretty chill

coolest people ever swear


We don't worship whites kek. Punjabis marry in their own race like 99% of the time. But you sound like a neck beard racist that was bullied in highschool in Surrey or Brampton lol.

Found the Jatt whos afraid to admit Rajaputs are to Jatts what Jatts are to Chamars

breh im not a racist but sikhs (in canada) aren't le bro tier meme. i live in between mississauga and brampton punjabis do a lot of gang stuff like beating up people in mobs or drug dealing. not to say a lot of them aren't studious/hard working.

It's not propaganda, they're just genuinely fucking based
It's in their actual religion that they have to be good people and help people whenever they can like good samaritan to the extreme

>Occasional white person is an asshole
"Man, what an asshole"

> Minority person is an asshole to you
"Fucking hell, I'm noticing an extremely high proportion of this minority do the same thing, hmmm"

Move out of the city... People in cities are shitty as fuck whether its the GTA OR GVA. Sihks are so successful in Canada because the where rural farms in Punjab and not afraid of hard work. This is why unlike alot of immigrants they spread out all over Canada. A lot of small towns in Canada initially had Sikhs working at the mills and on the railroads.

You have to go back. There's already enough shit skins in Canada.

>Sikhs are bro-tier

Like pottery

More like
>lift for the uncreated light

Starting strength

Don't be stupid, Sikh's are the exception that proves the rule when it comes to immigrants - they're actually respectful of their host nations and don't cause problems. They'll help us drive the Muslims out in a heartbeat.

>Le sikhs are bro-tier maymay

>T. Sikh

How about you respect the fact that we don't want you fucking up our preexisting culture?

>preexhisting culture.
Oh please user, what culture?

Various European cultures, combined into one which include American culture, although I knew you were trolling the moment you said that.

Literally every country in the world mimics 'white culture', which is why retards believe it doesn't exist.