So how much do you OHP, user?

If you cant OHP at least 135x5 you dont deserve me or any other girls

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Yeah sure I OHP 135 lbs bitch you wouldn't know the difference, bitch you can't even fucking count plates anyways, pay for your own meal thanks bye bitch

why do you have to go there

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Sorry Stacy I didnt listen, I was making a business deal on my phone that'll double my income to the high six-digit area. What were you saying?

*rack pulls the table and throws it at you*

i OHP 165x5 but you can go fuck yourself regardless, judgmental cunt. what have you done to deserve me? you're not even cute.


2 plates. How many men have you been with?

>there are people who think this is a big achievement

ok :'(
>keeps squatting

Gibs bagina

>ohp 1pl8x5
>can't do/never tried 2/3/4

user thats just one rep, he is obviously weak

I’m sorry, I can’t lift that much.
I’ll leave now, sex wiping ne fun if I can’t lift you up.

Haven't touched the actual barbell in a while for OHP. Last time I trained log I pressed 185x6 with the first three being strict. I'd like a 225 strict press by the end of the year.

>tfw 135x4

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most i've ever done is 185 lbs

push press is way better anyway

>not white
>nose ring


>OHP 205lbs 1RM

Come at me

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Not been back to the gym for long but already hitting that 75kg OHP.

Struggling to bench that same amount though.

>tfw maxed out at 1pl8 x 4

For some reason my OHP is really weak. It seems like the more I train it the worse it gets. Max is like 85 1rm

Still don't know what ohp is.

*Wonder why he's afraid to answer the question, must have bad oval hip percussion. What does that even mean though, is it? Oval hip percussion. Oval. Hip. Percussion. I mean, I, oval hip per...oh thrusting, his dick don't work that's why he's scared to answer.*


I-I just started though, give me some slack...

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Newfriend pls go

enough to drop you on my dick until i ding-dong diddely explode. Have another drink.

Overhead press, Google is your friend

33 year old roider here. 205 for 6.

>tfw rotator cuff injury lasting six months

Once it's finally healed I don't think I'll still be able to, they said I have no actual muscle/joint/ligament/whatever damage whatsoever, I just have calcium stones stuck between everything in there which apparently take 400 fucking years of 25 rep sets of OHP to wither down

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>that 33 year old guy on steroids at the gym doing OHP in the squat rack

>19 year old kid squating 135 in the squat rack.
Who looks more pathetic?

I'd like 1/5th of a blowjob please

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